descriptionanother really _minimal_ and naive smtp server
last changeSat, 4 Jun 2022 12:56:11 +0000 (4 12:56 +0000)
content tags
This is another _really_ minimal and naive ISO C90-ish smtp server for linux:
 - single-threaded (1 connection = 1 set of mail transactions)
 - source configured (look for the configuration section in the code)
 - epoll-ed
 - signalfd-ed (i.e. synchronous)
 - direct syscalls (no libc)
 - maildir format mailboxes (no lock)

Will chroot in the configured path once started, usually /var/mail where
maildir format mailboxes should have been created by you.

Don't forget you need to give root priviledges to the server in order to listen
on port 25.

Look in ulinux/patterns/network_server if you want to ramp up this server with
cloning, etc. Carefull, SIGCHLD is not sufficient to account properly for dead or
exited children, even with signalfd, because only the latest killed/exited
child is reported.
2022-06-04 Sylvain BERTRANDport reuse for same time IPv4 and IPv6 usagemaster
2019-09-06 Sylvain BERTRANDulinux update
2016-09-01 Sylvain BERTRANDipv6
2016-06-10 Sylvain BERTRANDshort writes fixed (thx to Markus Wichmann)
2016-06-09 Sylvain BERTRANDfix compile options
2016-06-09 Sylvain BERTRANDinitial commit
2016-06-09 Sylvain BERTRANDInitial commit
2 years ago master