2 Repository of ECHibiki's Greasyfork userscripts.<br/>
3 All of these scripts expand upon 4chanX's quick reply feature.
5 ## 4chan-Ignoring-Enhancements
6 Gives the ability to hide images with ctrl+shift+click. Stores in browser memory for new sessions.<br/>
7 Also includes the ability to do word replacements with a regex replacement system.<br>
9 ## Danbooru Image Adder
10 Adds an image to your post taken from the danbooru's image collection.<br/>
11 Supply it with tags via an autocomplete, set the rating(s/q/e) and it will give an image for you to post with.
14 Converts the colors of special symbols from plain black into other pretier colors(yen == purple, kita == dark grey).<br/>
15 https://github.com/ECHibiki/4chan-UserScripts/raw/master/Kita-Yen_4chan.user.js<br/><br/>
16 <strong>Press ctrl+\ for ¥</strong>
17 Highlights the whole line in purple much like how greentext works<br/>
18 <strong>Press ctrl+k for キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!!</strong>
19 Highlights just the word in dark gray<br/>
22 Rebuild a thread from 4chan's archive.<br/>
23 Simple system that could use some additions(posts links pointing to the same thread and not the archive thread)
26 Shows your 4chan post/delete password