Merge pull request #2220 from DOCGroup/revert-2217-jwi-inetwraning
[ACE_TAO.git] / ACE / bin /
1 #!/bin/sh
3 # ACE's "make install" for an MPC-generated workspace will build all targets that aren't yet built
4 # This script looks for projects that have been built and installs just those projects
5 this_dir=$(realpath $(dirname $0))
6 for makefile in $(find . -type f -name 'GNUmakefile.*'); do
7 if grep -q 'GNU Makefile' $makefile; then
8 echo Checking $makefile
9 cd $(dirname $makefile)
10 make -f $this_dir/ PROJECT_MAKEFILE=$(basename $makefile) checked-install "$@"
11 cd - >/dev/null
13 done