Revert "Use a variable on the stack to not have a temporary in the call"
[ACE_TAO.git] / TAO / TAO_IDL / fe / keywords.dat
1 struct TAO_IDL_CPP_Keyword_Entry { const char *keyword_ ; const char *mapping_; };
2 %%
3 and, "_cxx_and"
4 and_eq, "_cxx_and_eq"
5 asm, "_cxx_asm"
6 auto, "_cxx_auto"
7 bitand, "_cxx_bitand"
8 bitor, "_cxx_bitor"
9 bool, "_cxx_bool"
10 break, "_cxx_break"
11 case, "_cxx_case"
12 catch, "_cxx_catch"
13 char, "_cxx_char"
14 class, "_cxx_class"
15 compl, "_cxx_compl"
16 const, "_cxx_const"
17 const_cast, "_cxx_const_cast"
18 continue, "_cxx_continue"
19 default, "_cxx_default"
20 delete, "_cxx_delete"
21 do, "_cxx_do"
22 double, "_cxx_double"
23 dynamic_cast, "_cxx_dynamic_cast"
24 else, "_cxx_else"
25 enum, "_cxx_enum"
26 explicit, "_cxx_explicit"
27 export, "_cxx_export"
28 extern, "_cxx_extern"
29 false, "_cxx_false"
30 float, "_cxx_float"
31 for, "_cxx_for"
32 friend, "_cxx_friend"
33 goto, "_cxx_goto"
34 if, "_cxx_if"
35 inline, "_cxx_inline"
36 int, "_cxx_int"
37 long, "_cxx_long"
38 mutable, "_cxx_mutable"
39 namespace, "_cxx_namespace"
40 new, "_cxx_new"
41 not, "_cxx_not"
42 not_eq, "_cxx_not_eq"
43 operator, "_cxx_operator"
44 or, "_cxx_or"
45 or_eq, "_cxx_or_eq"
46 private, "_cxx_private"
47 protected, "_cxx_protected"
48 public, "_cxx_public"
49 register, "_cxx_register"
50 reinterpret_cast, "_cxx_reinterpret_cast"
51 return, "_cxx_return"
52 short, "_cxx_short"
53 signed, "_cxx_signed"
54 sizeof, "_cxx_sizeof"
55 static, "_cxx_static"
56 static_cast, "_cxx_static_cast"
57 struct, "_cxx_struct"
58 switch, "_cxx_switch"
59 template, "_cxx_template"
60 this, "_cxx_this"
61 throw, "_cxx_throw"
62 true, "_cxx_true"
63 try, "_cxx_try"
64 typedef, "_cxx_typedef"
65 typeid, "_cxx_typeid"
66 typename, "_cxx_typename"
67 union, "_cxx_union"
68 unsigned, "_cxx_unsigned"
69 using, "_cxx_using"
70 virtual, "_cxx_virtual"
71 void, "_cxx_void"
72 volatile, "_cxx_volatile"
73 wchar_t, "_cxx_wchar_t"
74 while, "_cxx_while"
75 xor, "_cxx_xor"
76 xor_eq, "_cxx_xor_eq"