5 File: DevGuideExamples/NamingService/Naming_Client/README
8 The example in this directory is a modification of the code given
9 in the NamingService/Messenger example. It illustrates how to use the
10 TAO_Naming_Client class for accessing the Naming Service. This class
11 simplifies the interface for accessing and using the Naming Service.
12 The TAO_Naming_Client class is used by both the Client and
13 Server to access the Naming Service.
15 The Client code is stored in:
17 DevGuideExamples/NamingService/Naming_Client/MessengerClient.cpp
19 The Server code is stored in:
21 DevGuideExamples/NamingService/Naming_Client/MessengerServer.cpp
27 To start the Naming_Service:
28 ----------------------------
29 $TAO_ROOT/orbsvcs/Naming_Service/Naming_Service -o ns.ior
33 ./MessengerServer -ORBInitRef NameService=file://ns.ior
37 ./MessengerClient -ORBInitRef NameService=file://ns.ior
40 Exeuction via Perl Script
41 -------------------------
43 A Perl script has been created to automate the three steps shown
44 above. This script can be run via the following command: