Merge pull request #2216 from jwillemsen/jwi-cxxversionchecks
[ACE_TAO.git] / ACE / apps / JAWS / clients / WebSTONE / src / bench.h
1 /**************************************************************************
2 * *
3 * Copyright (C) 1995 Silicon Graphics, Inc. *
4 * *
5 * These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs were *
6 * developed by SGI for public use. If any changes are made to this code*
7 * please try to get the changes back to the author. Feel free to make *
8 * modifications and changes to the code and release it. *
9 * *
10 **************************************************************************/
11 #ifndef __BENCH_H__
12 #define __BENCH_H__
13 #include <stdio.h>
14 #include <stdarg.h>
15 #ifndef WIN32
16 #include <sys/time.h>
17 #endif /* WIN32 */
19 #define USECINSEC 1000000
20 #define MSECINSEC 1000
21 #define MAX_ACCEPT_SECS 180 /* maximum time master will wait for listen() */
23 #define NCCARGS 4096
24 #define MAXCLIENTS 1024
25 #define MAXUSERNAME 25
26 #define MAXPASSWD 20
27 #define BUFSIZE 4096
29 #define MAXTOTALPROCS MAXCLIENTS /* overall max # of procs */
30 #define MAXPROCSPERNODE MAXCLIENTS /* max # of procs/node */
34 #define OKSTR "OK"
35 #define OKSTRLEN ((int)strlen(OKSTR))
36 #define GOSTR "GO"
37 #define GOSTRLEN ((int)strlen(GOSTR))
38 #define READYSTR "READY"
39 #define READYSTRLEN ((int)strlen(READYSTR))
40 #define ABORTSTR "ABORT"
41 #define ABORTSTRLEN ((int)strlen(ABORTSTR))
44 #define MAXNUMOFFILES 1 /* max # of files per page */
45 #define URL_SIZE 1024
46 #define MAXNUMOFPAGES 100
50 (12 * SIZEOF_DOUBLETEXT) + 1)
59 #define D_PRINTF debug && d_printf
61 #ifdef USE_TIMEZONE
62 typedef struct rqst_timer {
63 struct timeval entertime;
64 struct timezone entertimezone;
65 struct timeval beforeconnect;
66 struct timezone beforeconnectzone;
67 struct timeval afterconnect;
68 struct timezone afterconnectzone;
69 struct timeval beforeheader;
70 struct timezone beforeheaderzone;
71 struct timeval afterheader;
72 struct timezone afterheaderzone;
73 struct timeval afterbody;
74 struct timezone afterbodyzone;
75 struct timeval exittime;
76 struct timezone exittimezone;
77 long unsigned int totalbytes;
78 long unsigned int bodybytes;
79 int valid;
80 long unsigned int page_number;
81 } rqst_timer_t;
82 #else
83 typedef struct rqst_timer {
84 struct timeval entertime;
85 struct timeval beforeconnect;
86 struct timeval afterconnect;
87 struct timeval beforeheader;
88 struct timeval afterheader;
89 struct timeval afterbody;
90 struct timeval exittime;
91 long unsigned int totalbytes;
92 long unsigned int bodybytes;
93 int valid;
94 long unsigned int page_number;
95 } rqst_timer_t;
96 #endif /* USE_TIMEZONE */
98 extern void rqtimer_init(rqst_timer_t *);
100 #ifdef USE_TIMEZONE
101 typedef struct rqst_stats {
102 struct timeval totalresponsetime;
103 struct timezone totalresponsetimezone;
104 double totalresponsetimesq;
105 struct timeval minresponsetime;
106 struct timezone minresponsetimezone;
107 struct timeval maxresponsetime;
108 struct timezone maxresponsetimezone;
109 struct timeval totalconnecttime;
110 struct timezone totalconnecttimezone;
111 double totalconnecttimesq;
112 struct timeval minconnecttime;
113 struct timezone minconnecttimezone;
114 struct timeval maxconnecttime;
115 struct timezone maxconnecttimezone;
116 long unsigned int totalconnects;
117 long unsigned int totalerrs;
118 struct timeval totalerrortime;
119 struct timezone totalerrortimezone;
120 double totalbytes;
121 double totalbytessq;
122 double minbytes;
123 double maxbytes;
124 double totalbody;
125 double totalbodysq;
126 double minbody;
127 double maxbody;
128 } rqst_stats_t;
129 #else
130 typedef struct rqst_stats {
131 struct timeval totalresponsetime;
132 double totalresponsetimesq;
133 struct timeval minresponsetime;
134 struct timeval maxresponsetime;
135 struct timeval totalconnecttime;
136 double totalconnecttimesq;
137 struct timeval minconnecttime;
138 struct timeval maxconnecttime;
139 long unsigned int totalconnects;
140 long unsigned int totalerrs;
141 struct timeval totalerrortime;
142 double totalbytes;
143 double totalbytessq;
144 double minbytes;
145 double maxbytes;
146 double totalbody;
147 double totalbodysq;
148 double minbody;
149 double maxbody;
150 } rqst_stats_t;
151 #endif /* USE_TIMEZONE */
153 extern void rqstat_init(rqst_stats_t *);
154 extern void rqstat_sum(rqst_stats_t *, rqst_stats_t *);
155 extern void rqstat_print(rqst_stats_t *);
156 extern void rqstat_fprint(FILE *, rqst_stats_t *);
157 extern void rqstat_times(rqst_stats_t *, rqst_timer_t *);
159 #ifdef USE_TIMEZONE
160 typedef struct stats {
161 /* char hostname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN]; */
162 rqst_stats_t rs;
163 struct timeval starttime;
164 struct timezone starttimezone;
165 struct timeval endtime;
166 struct timezone endtimezone;
167 struct timeval datatime;
168 struct timezone datatimezone;
169 long unsigned int totalpages;
170 unsigned int total_num_of_files;
171 unsigned int page_numbers[MAXNUMOFPAGES];
172 } stats_t;
173 #else
174 typedef struct stats {
175 /* char hostname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN]; */
176 rqst_stats_t rs;
177 struct timeval starttime;
178 struct timeval endtime;
179 struct timeval datatime;
180 long unsigned int totalpages;
181 unsigned int total_num_of_files;
182 unsigned int page_numbers[MAXNUMOFPAGES];
183 } stats_t;
184 #endif /* USE_TIMEZONE */
186 extern void stats_init(stats_t *);
187 extern stats_t * text_to_stats(char *);
188 extern char * stats_to_text(const stats_t *);
190 typedef struct page_stats {
191 rqst_stats_t rs;
192 long unsigned int totalpages;
193 unsigned int page_size;
194 int page_valid;
195 } page_stats_t;
197 extern void page_stats_init(page_stats_t *);
198 extern page_stats_t * text_to_page_stats(char *);
199 extern char * page_stats_to_text(const page_stats_t *);
202 typedef struct page_list {
203 int load_num;
204 int num_of_files;
205 char *(filename[MAXNUMOFFILES]);
206 char *(servername[MAXNUMOFFILES]);
207 int port_number[MAXNUMOFFILES];
208 }page_list_t;
211 /* shared variables */
212 extern THREAD FILE *debugfile;
213 extern int debug;
215 extern int savefile;
216 extern int timeexpired;
217 extern long int number_of_pages;
219 /* routines in bench.c */
221 extern void *mymalloc(size_t size);
222 extern int recvdata(SOCKET sock, char *ptr, int nbytes);
223 extern int senddata(SOCKET sock, char *ptr, int nbytes);
224 extern void rqstat_times(rqst_stats_t *rs, rqst_timer_t *rt);
225 /* note several others listed above */
227 /* routines in errexit.c */
229 void errexit(const char *, ...);
230 extern int returnerr(const char *, ...);
231 extern int d_printf(const char *, ...);
232 extern char *neterrstr();
234 /* routines in get.c */
236 extern int get(char *loc, NETPORT port, char *url, rqst_timer_t *timer);
238 /* routines in parse_file_list.c */
240 extern int count_file_list(const char *url_list_file);
241 extern void parse_file_list (const char *url_list_file, page_list_t *page_list,
242 long int *num_of_pages, long int *num_of_files);
243 extern long int load_percent(page_list_t *page_list, long int number_of_pages);
245 /* routines in statistics.c (formerly statistics.h) */
247 extern double mean(const double, const int);
248 extern double variance(const double, const double, const int);
249 extern double stddev(const double, const double, const int);
251 /* routines in timefunc.c (formerly timefunc.h) */
253 extern double timevaldouble(struct timeval *);
254 extern void doubletimeval(const double, struct timeval *);
256 extern void addtime(struct timeval *, struct timeval *);
257 extern void compdifftime(struct timeval *, struct timeval *, struct timeval *);
258 extern void mintime(struct timeval *, struct timeval *);
259 extern void maxtime(struct timeval *, struct timeval *);
260 extern void avgtime(struct timeval *, int, struct timeval *);
261 extern void variancetime(struct timeval *, double, int, struct timeval *);
262 extern void stddevtime(struct timeval *, double, int, struct timeval *);
264 extern void sqtime(struct timeval *, struct timeval *);
266 extern double thruputpersec(const double, struct timeval *);
268 /* routines in webclient.c */
270 extern SOCKET connectsock(char *host, NETPORT portnum, char *protocol);
272 #endif /* !__BENCH_H__ */