3 This application tests the implementation of the CosNaming::NamingContextExt
6 To run the test automatically -
7 execute Perl script run_test.pl
9 To run tests manually -
10 start the Naming Service (see
11 TAO/orbsvcs/Naming_Service/README for valid options),
12 then run ./client with one of the options below.
14 NOTE: if running tests manually, Naming Service has to be restarted
15 before each test (this is due to the test not 'cleaning up' bindings
18 The following options exist:
19 ----------------------------
21 -o Run the client so that output is printed.
23 If no option is specified, the test is run and no output is printed.
26 ===============================
28 Performs the to_string, to_name (), to_url () and resolve_str () methods on
29 the given Name or stringified name.
33 If the -o option is specified, prints out the outputs of the
34 to_string (), to_name () and to_url () functions. If no option is specified,
35 completes with no output.