3 This directory contains an example of the real-time event service
4 and the IIOP Gateway. There are four executables, the consumer, supplier,
5 the channel and the gateway.
7 The idea is that we have a supplier that pushes to event channel
8 channel1, this channel1 pushes the events to the gateway, the gateway to
9 channel2 and then channel2 to the real consumer.
11 Run using the run_test.pl script.
13 In the script consumerec_crash script channel2 and the consumer
14 are killed and restarted after a few seconds. When the gateway uses the
15 reconnect policy you will see that after the timeout in the gateway has
16 expired the consumer receives events again.
18 More advanced tests are available in
19 $TAO_ROOT/orbsvcs/tests/Event and $TAO_ROOT/orbsvcs/EC_*