Changes to attempt to silence bcc64x
[ACE_TAO.git] / TAO / orbsvcs / examples / RtEC / Kokyu / Service.cpp
1 #include "orbsvcs/Sched/Reconfig_Scheduler.h"
2 #include "orbsvcs/Runtime_Scheduler.h"
3 //#include "orbsvcs/Event/Module_Factory.h"
4 //#include "orbsvcs/Event/Event_Channel.h"
5 #include "orbsvcs/Event_Service_Constants.h"
6 #include "orbsvcs/Event_Utilities.h"
7 #include "orbsvcs/Scheduler_Factory.h"
8 #include "orbsvcs/Event/EC_Event_Channel.h"
9 #include "orbsvcs/Event/EC_Default_Factory.h"
10 #include "orbsvcs/Event/EC_Kokyu_Factory.h"
11 #include "Consumer.h"
12 #include "Supplier.h"
15 #include "ace/Get_Opt.h"
16 #include "ace/Sched_Params.h"
17 #include <memory>
18 #include "ace/SString.h"
19 #include "ace/OS_NS_strings.h"
20 #include "ace/Thread.h"
23 namespace
25 int config_run = 0;
26 ACE_CString sched_type ="rms";
29 inline RtecScheduler::Period_t time_val_to_period (const ACE_Time_Value &tv)
31 //100s of nanoseconds
32 return static_cast<RtecScheduler::Period_t> (tv.sec () * 1000000 + tv.usec ())*10;
35 int parse_args (int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[]);
37 typedef TAO_Reconfig_Scheduler<TAO_RMS_FAIR_Reconfig_Sched_Strategy, TAO_SYNCH_MUTEX> RECONFIG_RMS_SCHED_TYPE;
39 typedef TAO_Reconfig_Scheduler<TAO_MUF_FAIR_Reconfig_Sched_Strategy, TAO_SYNCH_MUTEX> RECONFIG_MUF_SCHED_TYPE;
41 int
42 ACE_TMAIN(int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[])
44 ACE_UNUSED_ARG (config_run);
46 //TAO_EC_Default_Factory::init_svcs ();
48 TAO_EC_Kokyu_Factory::init_svcs ();
51 try
53 // ORB initialization boiler plate...
54 CORBA::ORB_var orb =
55 CORBA::ORB_init (argc, argv);
57 if (parse_args (argc, argv) == -1)
60 "Usage: Service [-o IOR_file_name]\n"));
61 return 1;
64 CORBA::Object_var object =
65 orb->resolve_initial_references ("RootPOA");
66 PortableServer::POA_var poa =
67 PortableServer::POA::_narrow ( ());
68 PortableServer::POAManager_var poa_manager =
69 poa->the_POAManager ();
70 poa_manager->activate ();
72 // ****************************************************************
74 // Create an scheduling service
75 POA_RtecScheduler::Scheduler* sched_impl = 0;
77 if (ACE_OS::strcasecmp(sched_type.c_str(), "rms") == 0)
79 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Creating RMS scheduler\n"));
80 ACE_NEW_RETURN (sched_impl,
82 1);
84 else if (ACE_OS::strcasecmp(sched_type.c_str(), "muf") == 0)
86 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Creating MUF scheduler\n"));
87 ACE_NEW_RETURN (sched_impl,
89 1);
92 RtecScheduler::Scheduler_var scheduler =
93 sched_impl->_this ();
95 // ****************************************************************
96 TAO_EC_Event_Channel_Attributes attributes ( (),
97 ());
98 attributes.scheduler = (); // no need to dup
100 TAO_EC_Event_Channel ec_impl (attributes);
101 RtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel_var event_channel =
102 ec_impl._this ();
103 // ****************************************************************
105 // Create a consumer, intialize its RT_Info structures, and
106 // connnect to the event channel....
108 Consumer consumer_impl1, consumer_impl2;
110 RtecScheduler::handle_t consumer1_rt_info =
111 scheduler->create ("consumer1");
113 RtecScheduler::handle_t consumer2_rt_info =
114 scheduler->create ("consumer2");
116 //consumer's rate will get propagated from the supplier.
117 //so no need to specify a period here. Specifying
118 //criticality is crucial since it propagates from
119 //consumer to supplier.
120 ACE_Time_Value tv (0,0);
121 TimeBase::TimeT tmp;
122 ORBSVCS_Time::Time_Value_to_TimeT (tmp, tv);
123 scheduler->set (consumer1_rt_info,
124 RtecScheduler::VERY_LOW_CRITICALITY,
125 tmp, tmp, tmp,
126 time_val_to_period (tv),
127 RtecScheduler::VERY_LOW_IMPORTANCE,
128 tmp,
130 RtecScheduler::OPERATION);
132 scheduler->set (consumer2_rt_info,
134 tmp, tmp, tmp,
135 time_val_to_period (tv),
136 RtecScheduler::VERY_HIGH_IMPORTANCE,
137 tmp,
139 RtecScheduler::OPERATION);
141 ACE_ConsumerQOS_Factory consumer_qos1, consumer_qos2;
142 //consumer_qos.start_disjunction_group ();
143 // The types int the range [0,ACE_ES_EVENT_UNDEFINED) are
144 // reserved for the EC...
145 consumer_qos1.insert_type (ACE_ES_EVENT_UNDEFINED,
146 consumer1_rt_info);
148 RtecEventChannelAdmin::ConsumerQOS qos =
149 consumer_qos1.get_ConsumerQOS ();
151 for (int i=0;i<qos.dependencies.length (); ++i)
154 "consumer_qos1[%d] event.header.type = %d, "
155 "consumer_qos1[%d] rt_info = %d, "
156 "consumer_qos1[%d] event.header.source = %d\n",
157 i,qos.dependencies[i].event.header.type,
158 i,qos.dependencies[i].rt_info,
159 i,qos.dependencies[i].event.header.source));
163 consumer_qos2.insert_type (ACE_ES_EVENT_UNDEFINED + 1,
164 consumer2_rt_info);
166 // The canonical protocol to connect to the EC
167 RtecEventChannelAdmin::ConsumerAdmin_var consumer_admin =
168 event_channel->for_consumers ();
170 RtecEventChannelAdmin::ProxyPushSupplier_var supplier_proxy1 =
171 consumer_admin->obtain_push_supplier ();
173 RtecEventChannelAdmin::ProxyPushSupplier_var supplier_proxy2 =
174 consumer_admin->obtain_push_supplier ();
176 RtecEventComm::PushConsumer_var consumer1 =
177 consumer_impl1._this ();
179 RtecEventComm::PushConsumer_var consumer2 =
180 consumer_impl2._this ();
182 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "connecting consumers\n"));
183 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "connecting consumer1\n"));
184 supplier_proxy1->connect_push_consumer ( (),
185 consumer_qos1.get_ConsumerQOS ());
187 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "connecting consumer2\n"));
188 supplier_proxy2->connect_push_consumer ( (),
189 consumer_qos2.get_ConsumerQOS ());
191 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "consumers connected\n"));
193 // ****************************************************************
195 RtecScheduler::handle_t supplier1_rt_info =
196 scheduler->create ("supplier1");
198 RtecScheduler::handle_t supplier2_rt_info =
199 scheduler->create ("supplier2");
201 RtecEventComm::EventSourceID supplier_id1 = 1, supplier_id2 = 2;
202 ACE_SupplierQOS_Factory supplier_qos1, supplier_qos2;
203 supplier_qos1.insert (supplier_id1,
205 supplier1_rt_info,
206 1 /* number of calls, but what does that mean? */);
207 supplier_qos2.insert (supplier_id2,
209 supplier2_rt_info,
210 1 /* number of calls, but what does that mean? */);
212 // The canonical protocol to connect to the EC
213 RtecEventChannelAdmin::SupplierAdmin_var supplier_admin =
214 event_channel->for_suppliers ();
216 RtecEventChannelAdmin::ProxyPushConsumer_var consumer_proxy1 =
217 supplier_admin->obtain_push_consumer ();
219 RtecEventChannelAdmin::ProxyPushConsumer_var consumer_proxy2 =
220 supplier_admin->obtain_push_consumer ();
222 Supplier supplier_impl1(supplier_id1, ());
223 Supplier supplier_impl2(supplier_id2, ());
225 RtecEventComm::PushSupplier_var supplier1 =
226 supplier_impl1._this ();
228 RtecEventComm::PushSupplier_var supplier2 =
229 supplier_impl2._this ();
231 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "connecting suppliers\n"));
232 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "connecting supplier1\n"));
233 consumer_proxy1->connect_push_supplier ( (),
234 supplier_qos1.get_SupplierQOS ());
236 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "connecting supplier2\n"));
237 consumer_proxy2->connect_push_supplier ( (),
238 supplier_qos2.get_SupplierQOS ());
239 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "suppliers connected\n"));
241 // ****************************************************************
243 //Timer Registration part
245 //Timeout consumers for the two suppliers.
246 Timeout_Consumer timeout_consumer_impl1(&supplier_impl1);
247 Timeout_Consumer timeout_consumer_impl2(&supplier_impl2);
249 RtecScheduler::handle_t supplier1_timeout_consumer_rt_info =
250 scheduler->create ("supplier1_timeout_consumer");
252 //Period = 1sec
253 tv.set (1,0);
254 ORBSVCS_Time::Time_Value_to_TimeT (tmp, tv);
256 scheduler->set (supplier1_timeout_consumer_rt_info,
257 RtecScheduler::VERY_LOW_CRITICALITY,
258 tmp, tmp, tmp,
259 time_val_to_period (tv),
260 RtecScheduler::VERY_LOW_IMPORTANCE,
261 tmp,
263 RtecScheduler::OPERATION);
265 RtecScheduler::handle_t supplier2_timeout_consumer_rt_info =
266 scheduler->create ("supplier2_timeout_consumer");
268 //Period = 3sec
269 tv.set (3, 0);
270 ORBSVCS_Time::Time_Value_to_TimeT (tmp, tv);
272 scheduler->set (supplier2_timeout_consumer_rt_info,
274 tmp, tmp, tmp,
275 time_val_to_period (tv),
276 RtecScheduler::VERY_HIGH_IMPORTANCE,
277 tmp,
279 RtecScheduler::OPERATION);
281 ACE_ConsumerQOS_Factory timer_qos1, timer_qos2;
282 timer_qos1.insert_time (ACE_ES_EVENT_INTERVAL_TIMEOUT,
283 10000000, //in 100s of nanosec
284 supplier1_timeout_consumer_rt_info);
285 timer_qos2.insert_time (ACE_ES_EVENT_INTERVAL_TIMEOUT,
286 30000000, //in 100s of nanosec
287 supplier2_timeout_consumer_rt_info);
289 RtecEventChannelAdmin::ProxyPushSupplier_var timeout_supplier_proxy1 =
290 consumer_admin->obtain_push_supplier ();
292 RtecEventChannelAdmin::ProxyPushSupplier_var timeout_supplier_proxy2 =
293 consumer_admin->obtain_push_supplier ();
295 RtecEventComm::PushConsumer_var safe_timeout_consumer1 =
296 timeout_consumer_impl1._this ();
298 RtecEventComm::PushConsumer_var safe_timeout_consumer2 =
299 timeout_consumer_impl2._this ();
301 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "connecting timeout consumers\n"));
302 timeout_supplier_proxy1->
303 connect_push_consumer ( (),
304 timer_qos1.get_ConsumerQOS ());
306 timeout_supplier_proxy2->
307 connect_push_consumer ( (),
308 timer_qos2.get_ConsumerQOS ());
310 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "timeout consumers connected\n"));
312 // ****************************************************************
313 //Registering dependency between timeout consumers and our suppliers
314 //with the scheduler
316 scheduler->add_dependency (supplier1_timeout_consumer_rt_info,
317 supplier1_rt_info,
319 RtecBase::TWO_WAY_CALL);
321 scheduler->add_dependency (supplier2_timeout_consumer_rt_info,
322 supplier2_rt_info,
324 RtecBase::TWO_WAY_CALL);
326 // ****************************************************************
328 // At this point the consumer and supplier are connected to the
329 // EC, they have provided their QoS info to the Scheduling
330 // Service and the EC has informed the Scheduler about the
331 // dependencies between them.
332 // We can now compute the schedule for this configuration...
334 // The schedule is returned in this variables....
336 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Computing schedule\n"));
337 RtecScheduler::RT_Info_Set_var infos;
338 RtecScheduler::Config_Info_Set_var configs;
339 RtecScheduler::Dependency_Set_var dependencies;
340 RtecScheduler::Scheduling_Anomaly_Set unsafe_anomalies;
341 RtecScheduler::Scheduling_Anomaly_Set_var anomalies;
343 scheduler->get_rt_info_set (infos.out() );
344 scheduler->get_dependency_set (dependencies.out() );
345 scheduler->get_config_info_set (configs.out() );
347 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Printing intermediate results\n"));
348 ACE_Scheduler_Factory::dump_schedule ( (),
349 (),
350 (),
351 unsafe_anomalies,
352 ACE_TEXT("schedule.out"));
354 // Obtain the range of valid priorities in the current
355 // platform, the scheduler hard-code this values in the
356 // generated file, but in the future we may just use the
357 // "logical" priorities and define the mapping to OS
358 // priorities at run-time.
359 int min_os_priority =
360 ACE_Sched_Params::priority_min (ACE_SCHED_FIFO,
362 int max_os_priority =
363 ACE_Sched_Params::priority_max (ACE_SCHED_FIFO,
365 scheduler->compute_scheduling (min_os_priority,
366 max_os_priority,
367 infos.out (),
368 dependencies.out (),
369 configs.out (),
370 anomalies.out ());
372 // Dump the schedule to a file..
373 ACE_Scheduler_Factory::dump_schedule ( (),
374 (),
375 (),
376 (),
377 ACE_TEXT("schedule.out"));
379 // ****************************************************************
380 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Pushing events\n"));
382 ACE_hthread_t thr_handle;
383 ACE_Thread::self (thr_handle);
385 int prio = ACE_Sched_Params::priority_max (ACE_SCHED_FIFO);
386 ACE_OS::thr_setprio (thr_handle, prio);
388 // // Generate a few events....
389 // RtecEventComm::EventSet event1 (1);
390 // event1.length (1);
391 // event1[0].header.type = ACE_ES_EVENT_UNDEFINED;
392 // event1[0].header.source = supplier_id1;
393 // event1[0].header.ttl = 1;
395 // RtecEventComm::EventSet event2 (1);
396 // event2.length (1);
397 // event2[0].header.type = ACE_ES_EVENT_UNDEFINED + 1;
398 // event2[0].header.source = supplier_id2;
399 // event2[0].header.ttl = 1;
401 // for (int i = 0; i != 200; ++i)
402 // {
403 // if (i % 2 == 0)
404 // {
405 // consumer_proxy1->push (event1);
406 // }
407 // else
408 // {
409 // consumer_proxy2->push (event2);
410 // }
412 // ACE_Time_Value rate (0, 10000);
413 // ACE_OS::sleep (rate);
414 // }
416 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) activating EC\n"));
417 ec_impl.activate ();
418 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "EC activated\n"));
420 orb->run ();
422 // ****************************************************************
424 // We should do a lot of cleanup (disconnect from the EC,
425 // deactivate all the objects with the POA, etc.) but this is
426 // just a simple demo so we are going to be lazy.
429 catch (const CORBA::Exception& ex)
431 ex._tao_print_exception ("Service");
432 return 1;
434 return 0;
437 // ****************************************************************
439 int parse_args (int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[])
441 ACE_Get_Opt get_opts (argc, argv, ACE_TEXT("cs:"));
442 int c;
444 while ((c = get_opts ()) != -1)
445 switch (c)
447 case 's':
448 sched_type = ACE_TEXT_ALWAYS_CHAR(get_opts.opt_arg ());
449 break;
451 case '?':
452 default:
454 "usage: %s %s"
455 "\n",
456 argv [0],
457 "-s <rms|muf>"),
458 -1);
460 // Indicates successful parsing of the command line
461 return 0;