3 Notification Ordering Policy Test
4 ================================
9 This test exercises the event discarding policies of the Notification
10 Service. Each of the implemented polices are tested (fifo, lifo and
11 priority) for both structured push consumers and sequence push consumers.
13 A number of events are sent by the supplier and the consumer should receive
14 a lesser number of events due queue size overflow. Note that with the
15 sequence push consumer, it will actually receive more "events" than are sent
16 by the supplier. This is due to the fact that the supplier is sending a
17 sequence of events that is much larger than the maximum batch size (set by
18 the consumer) and therefore the notification service breaks the sequence
19 into smaller sets to honor the maximum batch size setting.
25 The test consists of a Structured_Supplier and Structured_Consumer as well
26 as a Sequence_Supplier and Sequence_Consumer. The usage for each as is
29 $ Structured_Supplier -\?
30 usage: Structured_Supplier -o <iorfile> -e <# of events>
32 $ Structured_Consumer -\?
33 usage: Structured_Consumer -k <ior> -e <expected events>
34 -d <fifo|priority|lifo>
36 $ Sequence_Supplier -\?
37 usage: Sequence_Supplier -o <iorfile> -e <# of events>
39 $ Sequence_Consumer -\?
40 usage: Sequence_Consumer -k <ior> -l <low expected events>
41 -h <high expected events> -d <fifo|priority|lifo>
44 To run this test, just run the run_test.pl perl script. It will run both
45 structured and sequence tests with each of the implemented discard policies.
50 The consumers of each type expect to only receive a certain number of
53 ERROR: too many events received.
55 then the test has failed. Otherwise, the test was ok.