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7 <title>TAO Implementation Repository</title>
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14 <hr>
16 <h1>TAO Implementation Repository </h1>
18 <p>Revision 3.05</p>
20 <hr>
22 <h2>Table of Contents</h2>
24 <ul>
25 <li><a href="#Changes">Recent Changes</a> </li>
26 <li><a href="#Overview">Overview</a> <ul>
27 <li><a href="#PersistentandTransientIORs">Persistent
28 and Transient IORs</a> </li>
29 <li><a href="#TheImplementationRepository">The
30 Implementation Repository</a> </li>
31 </ul>
32 </li>
33 <li><a href="#TAOsImplementationRepository">TAO's
34 Implementation Repository</a> <ul>
35 <li><a href="#VirtualServers">Virtual Servers</a> </li>
36 <li><a href="#PingObject">Ping Object</a></li>
37 <li><a href="#NewIORs">New IORs</a> <ul>
38 <li><a href="#WhatwaswrongwiththeoldIOR">What
39 was wrong with the old IOR?</a> </li>
40 <li><a href="#WhydoesImplRepocontainanOBJKey">Why
41 does the Implementation Repository
42 profile contain an Object Key?</a> </li>
43 </ul>
44 </li>
45 <li><a href="#POAExtensions">POA Extensions</a> </li>
46 <li><a href="#PossibleFutureGoals">Possible Future
47 Goals</a> </li>
48 <li><a href="#ServerRestrictions">Server Restrictions</a>
49 </li>
50 <li><a href="#PreliminaryInterface">Preliminary
51 Interface</a> </li>
52 </ul>
53 </li>
54 <li><a href="#AlternateImplementations">Alternate
55 Implementations</a> </li>
56 <li><a href="#AccessingtheImplementationRepository">Accessing
57 the Implementation Repository</a> <ul>
58 <li><a href="#HelperApplication">Helper Application</a>
59 </li>
60 <li><a href="#LocatinganinstanceofImplRepo">Locating
61 an instance of the Implementation Repository</a> <ul>
62 <li><a href="#Serverside">Server Side</a> </li>
63 <li><a href="#Clientside">Client Side</a> </li>
64 </ul>
65 </li>
66 </ul>
67 </li>
68 <li><a href="#Howitworks">How It Works</a> <ul>
69 <li><a href="#HowServerProducesPersistentIORdefault">How
70 a server produces a Persistent IOR (in the
71 default case)</a> </li>
72 <li><a href="#HowServerProducesPersistentIORcomplex">How
73 a server produces a Persistent IOR (in the
74 complex case)</a> </li>
75 <li><a href="#HowClientUsesPersistentIOR">How a
76 client uses a Persistent IOR</a> </li>
77 </ul>
78 </li>
79 </ul>
81 <hr>
83 <h2><a name="Changes">Recent Changes</a></h2>
85 <p>Since 3.04</p>
87 <ul>
88 <li>Moved it to the same directory as all the new</li>
89 <li>After a long delay (too long, if you ask me) addressed
90 the comments that John Mulhern &lt;<a
91 href="mailto:9107@mn3.lawson.lawson.com">9107@mn3.lawson.lawson.com</a>&gt;
92 sent me. </li>
93 </ul>
95 <p>Since 3.03 </p>
97 <ul>
98 <li>Added information on the new POA policy where the format
99 of the persistent IOR can be changed from that of both
100 the last-known-server-IOR and Implementation Repository
101 to that just of the Implementation Repository</li>
102 <li>TAO is now fork-safe, with the introduction of the
103 CLOEXEC flag through ACE_CLOEXEC.</li>
104 </ul>
106 <p>Since 3.02 </p>
108 <ul>
109 <li>Added a section to give more detailed information on how
110 Ping Objects work.</li>
111 <li>Rewrote the Virtual Server section</li>
112 </ul>
114 <hr>
116 <h2><a name="Overview">Overview</a></h2>
118 <p>This document describes the proposed design of the TAO
119 Implementation Repository, which was originally known as the
120 reactivator/activation service. If you have any questions or
121 comments on our design, please open an issue or discussion at <a
122 href="https://github.com/DOCGroup/ACE_TAO">github</a>.</p>
124 <h3><a name="PersistentandTransientIORs">Persistent and Transient
125 IORs</a></h3>
127 <p>CORBA defines two types of object references: <a
128 href="http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/C++-report-col12.ps.gz">persistent
129 and transient</a>. The difference between the two stems from the
130 lifetime of the reference in relation to the lifetime of the
131 server process that created it. The lifetime of a transient
132 object reference is limited to the lifetime of its server
133 process. Once the server process exits the transient object
134 reference no longer exists. All references to this object should
135 now be invalid, even if the server is restarted. In contrast,
136 persistent object references can outlive their originating server
137 process. Therefore, the server can exit and be restarted without
138 invalidating its persistent object references. This enables the
139 implementation of features like automatic server activation and
140 object migration.</p>
142 <p>Note that both persistent and transient object references can
143 refer to objects that reside in <em>manually activated</em>
144 servers, <em>i.e.</em>, the so-called ``persistent servers.'' A
145 persistent server is a server that is launched manually, <em>i.e.</em>,
146 it is always running. A persistent server can generate transient
147 references and/or persistent references. </p>
149 <p>Developers should be aware that persistence of the object
150 reference does not imply any persistence on the object
151 implementation state. It is certainly possible to provide
152 persistent object references for objects whose state is not
153 persistent. Therefore, servant implementors are responsible for
154 preserving the state of their servants, <em>e.g.</em>, using a
155 database or file. </p>
157 <h3><a name="TheImplementationRepository">The Implementation
158 Repository</a></h3>
160 <p>According to the CORBA specification, &quot;The Implementation
161 Repository contains information that allows the ORB to locate and
162 activate implementations of objects&quot; [CORBA Spec Rev. 2.2:
163 2.1.14] In earlier revisions of the specification, there was a
164 method <code>get_implementation</code> in the CORBA Object
165 interface. This has been deprecated as of the CORBA 2.2
166 specification, leaving both the interface and implementation of
167 the Implementation Repository to the ORB vendor.</p>
169 <p>A good paper describing the functionality of the CORBA
170 Implementation Repository is &quot;<a
171 href="http://www.triodia.com/staff/michi/cacm.pdf">Binding,
172 Migration, and Scalability in CORBA</a>&quot; [Michi Henning].
173 This paper describes the following three functions of the
174 Implementation Repository: </p>
176 <ol>
177 <li>Maintain a registry of known servers.</li>
178 <li>Record which server is currently running, and which port
179 and host it uses.</li>
180 <li>Starts servers on demand if they are registered with the
181 Implementation Repository.</li>
182 </ol>
184 <p>The TAO Implementation Repository is based on the design in
185 this paper. He also wrote an earlier <a
186 href="http://www.triodia.com/staff/michi/binding.txt">email</a>
187 that may be useful to see the issues involved. The next section
188 details our goals and plans for the implementation.</p>
190 <hr>
192 <h2><a name="TAOsImplementationRepository">TAO's Implementation
193 Repository</a></h2>
195 <p>The following is an brief outline of TAO'S Implementation
196 Repository. </p>
198 <ul>
199 <li>Use of TAO's Implementation Repository will be optional.
200 Real-time applications can choose not to use the
201 Implementation Repository according to their
202 performance/predictability/footprint requirements.</li>
203 <li>Use of TAO's Implementation Repository will be invisible
204 to clients and servers for common use-case. For more
205 complicated behavior, programs can use Implementation
206 Repository extensions of the POA.</li>
207 <li>TAO's Implementation Repository will work with any CORBA
208 client that supports <code>LOCATION_FORWARD</code> IIOP
209 messages and multiple profiles in IORs, even if the
210 client is not implemented using TAO.</li>
211 <li>TAO's Implementation Repository will know if one of the
212 servers registered with it is running by the use of a
213 &quot;ping&quot;-like service in the server. This service
214 allows the Implementation Repository to know when it
215 should restart the server.</li>
216 <li>TAO will be fork-safe. Since there will be an open
217 connection to the client while the server is restarted
218 (via fork or CreateProcess) then care will be needed to
219 make sure that the open sockets will be closed in the
220 client process. The addition of CLOEXEC feature to TAO
221 will cover this problem.</li>
222 <li>TAO will exploit features of IIOP 1.1 to safely and
223 efficiently verify if an IOR was generated by TAO itself
224 on the client side. The server will still determine this
225 through the object key, since that is all that is passed
226 in a request.</li>
227 <li>TAO will support multiple profiles in IORs. A profile
228 contains the host/port and object key of a CORBA Object.
229 An optimization that will be possible is to have a last
230 known profile of the object as the first profile and an
231 Implementation Repository as the second profile in an
232 IOR. The client will first try the object to see if it
233 still active at the host/port before it contacts the
234 Implementation Repository. This strategy will reduce
235 latency. </li>
236 </ul>
238 <h3><a name="VirtualServers">Virtual Servers</a></h3>
240 <p>TAO's Implementation Repository must keep track of whether an
241 object's implementation is currently running or is stopped. To
242 have a record for every object would require too much overhead,
243 but having a record for every executable server would be
244 inflexible and prevent the migration of objects. In the Henning
245 paper, he mentions the use of a <em>server name</em> as the index
246 for the table maintained by the Implementation Repository. </p>
248 <p>A virtual server does not refer to the executable but instead
249 to a group of objects. An executable may have one or more virtual
250 servers within it. This allows one virtual server to be moved off
251 the executable to another executable (for instance, onto another
252 machine) without affecting the objects in other virtual servers
253 on the original executable. </p>
255 <p>Each virtual server will be indexed in the Implementation
256 Repository by a name that is given to it by the user. It is the
257 users responsibility to make sure that each virtual server name
258 is unique. By default, this name is the name of the executable
259 (since by default there is only one virtual server per
260 executable). However, this default behavior can be overridden. </p>
262 <h3><a name="PingObject">Ping Object</a></h3>
264 <p>Ping objects are simple objects that reside in the server, one
265 for every virtual server. It is contacted by the Implementation
266 Repository to determine if the virtual server is still running
267 and responding. At certain intervals the Implementation
268 Repository will invoke a one-way method on the ping object, and
269 then will expect a &quot;pong&quot; message to be sent back.
270 Different strategies for pinging (which will depend on a TAO
271 option) will be used by the implementation repository. If a
272 server is expected to be responsive, the Implementation
273 Repository will not wait long for a response before considering
274 the server to be gone. Other servers may be
275 computationally-intensive and need to be held under less
276 stringent expectations.</p>
278 <p>We chose the ping method to be a one-way (instead of two-way)
279 because if the server became unresponsive, it would not return
280 from the method invocation. The Implementation Repository needs
281 some form of a timeout with the ping to be able to determine if
282 the server is unresponsive or not.</p>
284 <h3><a name="NewIORs">New IORs</a></h3>
286 <p>Standard CORBA IORs contain the following two sections:</p>
288 <table border="1">
289 <tr>
290 <td>Type ID</td>
291 <td>Sequence of Tagged Profiles</td>
292 </tr>
293 </table>
295 <p>The Type ID is an indicator for the most derived type known at
296 the time of the reference creation. It is used as a hint for the
297 client in determining what interfaces the object can support. The
298 Sequence of Tagged Profiles consist of one or more profiles that
299 encapsulate information used by the associated protocol in order
300 to communicate with the object (host, port, object id, etc.).</p>
302 <p>Currently, TAO uses only one IIOP 1.0 Tagged Profile, which is
303 defined as follows:</p>
305 <table border="1">
306 <tr>
307 <td>Version</td>
308 <td>Host</td>
309 <td>Port</td>
310 <td>Object Key</td>
311 </tr>
312 </table>
314 <table border="0">
315 <tr>
316 <td>Object Key: </td>
317 <td><table border="1">
318 <tr>
319 <td>Transient/Persistent Flag</td>
320 <td>TimeStamp</td>
321 <td>POA ID</td>
322 <td>OBJ ID</td>
323 </tr>
324 </table>
325 </td>
326 </tr>
327 </table>
329 <p>To accomodate the Implementation Repository and IIOP 1.1, the
330 Profile was changed according to the CORBA specification as
331 follows:</p>
333 <table border="1">
334 <tr>
335 <td>Version</td>
336 <td>Host</td>
337 <td>Port</td>
338 <td>Object Key</td>
339 <td>Components</td>
340 </tr>
341 </table>
343 <table border="0">
344 <tr>
345 <td>Object Key: </td>
346 <td><table border="1">
347 <tr>
348 <td>TAO</td>
349 <td>TAO version</td>
350 <td>TimeStamp/Server Name</td>
351 <td>POA ID</td>
352 <td>OBJ ID</td>
353 </tr>
354 </table>
355 </td>
356 </tr>
357 </table>
359 <p>The two main changes is the addition of the Components field
360 (which is a IIOP 1.1 thing) and the addition of TAO with its
361 version. Transient object references will still have a TimeStamp
362 to ensure uniqueness, but persistent object references will have
363 a server name to identify themselves to the Implementation
364 Repository.&nbsp; </p>
366 <p>For servers that move around or need to be restarted often,
367 the IOR will contain a reference to the Implementation Repository
368 with the object key of the server and the server name embedded.
369 &nbsp; Once the client contacts the Implementation Repository, it
370 will be forwarded to the correct object. This IOR will look like
371 the following:</p>
373 <table border="1">
374 <tr>
375 <td>Version</td>
376 <td>Host</td>
377 <td>Port</td>
378 <td>Object Key</td>
379 <td>Components</td>
380 </tr>
381 </table>
383 <table border="0">
384 <tr>
385 <td>Object Key: </td>
386 <td><table border="1">
387 <tr>
388 <td>TAO</td>
389 <td>TAO version</td>
390 <td>Server Name</td>
391 <td>POA ID</td>
392 <td>OBJ ID (actually the OBJ Key of the Server)</td>
393 </tr>
394 </table>
395 </td>
396 </tr>
397 </table>
399 <p>For servers that expect to remain in the same host/port for a
400 long time, the above IOR can be optimized by placing the server
401 profile in the IOR before the Implementation Repository
402 profile.&nbsp; TAO clients will first try the server, and if that
403 fails, then try the Implementation Repository.&nbsp; Clients from
404 other ORBs may behave the same way, but this isn't guaranteed
405 since the handling of multiple profiles is not yet in the CORBA
406 spec. There will be an option to only generate the IR-only IORs
407 for ORBs that do not support multiple profiles in the needed
408 manner. </p>
410 <p>There will be a POA policy to determine which type of
411 Persistent IOR to use.&nbsp; By default, the Implementation
412 Repository alone version will be used.</p>
414 <h4><a name="WhatwaswrongwiththeoldIOR">What was wrong with the
415 old IOR?</a></h4>
417 <p>We need a place to put a TAO marker in the IOR so TAO servers
418 can differentiate TAO IORs from IORs of other vendors. In the
419 original scheme used in TAO, Persistent IORs had a null
420 timestamp. To support virtual servers, we will use that slot to
421 store the server name so the Implementation Repository knows
422 which server to launch.</p>
424 <h4><a name="WhydoesImplRepocontainanOBJKey">Why does the
425 Implementation Repository profile contain an Object Key?</a></h4>
427 <p>It needs to know what the object key of the object when
428 forwarding is used. A server may contain more than one object, so
429 the object key is needed to forward to the correct object on the
430 server. </p>
432 <h3><a name="POAExtensions">POA Extensions</a></h3>
434 <p>TAO's POA will contain a new TAO-specific method called <code>create_reference_with_virtual_server[_and_id]
435 (...)</code>. This method takes additional arguments for a
436 virtual server name and a sequence of Implementation Repository
437 IORs. The POA will register the virtual server name with each of
438 the Implementation Repositories in the sequence passed in.
439 Several Implementation Repositories can be specified to enhance
440 availability through redundancy. </p>
442 <p>TAO's POA will also contain a policy for the type of IOR
443 created with <code>create_reference</code>. &nbsp; It can either
444 produce the standard type, with just a reference to the
445 Implementation Repository, or it can produce one also containing
446 a reference to the current server.</p>
448 <h3><a name="PossibleFutureGoals">Possible Future Goals</a></h3>
450 <p>The following are features that may be added to support TAO's
451 Implementation Repository: </p>
453 <ul>
454 <li>Optimization on TAO clients to recognize when a server is
455 restarted, and change all other IORs that contain the
456 server instead of going through the Implementation
457 Repository</li>
458 <li>Some sort of server security that checks the executable
459 to make sure it is the correct executable (checksum,
460 signatures, etc).</li>
461 <li>Add the ability to put servers into DLLs or Shared Object
462 files so the Implementation Repository can load it via
463 those methods.</li>
464 <li>GUI interface for such things as the helper application.</li>
465 <li>Federations of Implementation Repositories.</li>
466 <li>The ability to start a remote server (possibly with rsh,
467 ssh, rexec, etc)</li>
468 </ul>
470 <h3><a name="ServerRestrictions">Server Restrictions</a></h3>
472 <p>Most often servers that have Persistent IORs will save their
473 state to secondary storage. Databases are a good example of this,
474 where the server can be stopped and restarted with all the
475 information remaining on disk. </p>
477 <p>The server must also make sure it creates the POA and Object
478 in a way that does not change the POA ID and Object ID. The
479 Implementation Repository forwards requests based on the
480 information in the IOR; if the POA ID or Object ID changes, then
481 the Implementation Repository will be unable to sucessfully
482 forward requests. If the server implements dynamic servants and
483 dynamic POA activations, then this is not an issue since the
484 necessary POAs and servants will be created on demand.</p>
486 <h3><a name="PreliminaryInterface">Preliminary Interface</a></h3>
488 <p>The following is a proposed IDL interface for the TAO
489 Implementation Repository: </p>
491 <pre>module TAO
493 // ....
495 exception Already_Registered {};
496 // Object already bound in the Implementation Repository
498 exception Cannot_Activate
500 string reason_;
503 exception Not_Found {};
504 // Object not found in the Implementation Repository
506 struct Environment_Variable
508 string name_;
509 string value_;
511 // One environment variable
513 struct INET_Addr
515 unsigned short port_;
516 unsigned long host_;
518 // The location of a server
520 typedef sequence&lt;Environment_Variable&gt; Environment;
521 // Complete environment
523 typedef sequence&lt;string&gt; Command_Line_Options;
524 // Command line options
526 struct Process_Options
528 string executable_name_;
529 // Executable name
531 Command_Line_Options command_line_options_;
532 // Command line options
534 Environment environment_;
535 // Environment
537 string working_directory_;
538 // Working directory
540 unsigned long creation_flags_;
541 // Creation flags
544 interface Ping_Object
546 oneway void ping ();
547 // Used for checking for liveness of a server. When the server receives
548 // this, it should send back a response indicating it is sill alive.
549 // Depending on the policy specified, a timeout can be reached where the
550 // Implementation Repository will restart the server.
553 interface Implementation_Repository
555 Object activate_object (in Object obj)
556 raises (Not_Found,
557 Cannot_Activate);
558 // Restart server that will contain this persistent object and return the
559 // new Object reference.
561 // The &lt;Not_Found&gt; exception is raised when &lt;obj&gt; is not found
562 // in the Implementation Repository. The &lt;Cannot_Activate&gt; exception
563 // is raised when &lt;obj&gt; is found in the Repository but could not be
564 // activated.
566 INET_Addr activate_server (in string server)
567 raises (Not_Found,
568 Cannot_Activate);
569 // Restart server that is named &lt;server&gt; and return the host/port
572 // The &lt;Not_Found&gt; exception is raised when &lt;server&gt; is not found
573 // in the Implementation Repository. The &lt;Cannot_Activate&gt; exception
574 // is raised when &lt;server&gt; is found in the Repository but could not be
575 // activated.
577 void register_server (in string server,
578 in Process_Options options)
579 raises (Already_Registered);
580 // Restart server process when client is looking for &lt;server&gt;.
582 // The &lt;Already_Registered&gt; exception is raised when &lt;server&gt; has
583 // already been registered with the Implementation Repository.
585 // The &lt;Object_Not_Persistent&gt; exception is raised when &lt;server&gt; is
586 // not a Persistent Object Reference.
588 void reregister_server (in string server,
589 in Process_Options options)
590 raises (Already_Registered);
591 // Restart server process when client is looking for &lt;server&gt;.
593 // The &lt;Already_Registered&gt; exception is raised when &lt;server&gt; has
594 // already been registered with the Implementation Repository.
596 // The &lt;Object_Not_Persistent&gt; exception is raised when &lt;server&gt; is
597 // not a Persistent Object Reference.
599 void remove_server (in string server)
600 raises (Not_Found);
601 // Remove &lt;server&gt; from the Implementation Repository.
603 // The &lt;Not_Found&gt; exception is raised when &lt;server&gt; is not found
604 // in the Implementation Repository.
606 Profile server_is_running (in string server,
607 in INET_Addr addr,
608 in Ping_Object ping);
609 // Used to notify the Implementation Repository that &lt;server&gt; is alive and
610 // well at &lt;addr&gt;.
612 void server_is_shutting_down (in string server);
613 // Used to tell the Implementation Repository that &lt;server&gt; is shutting
614 // down.
616 };</pre>
618 <hr>
620 <h2><a name="AlternateImplementations">Alternate Implementations</a></h2>
622 <p>Other ORB vendors use alternative techniques for their
623 Implementation Repositories. These techniques usually require new
624 naming techniques to access persistent object references and new
625 client-side APIs to bind to persistent object references. TAO's
626 Implementation Repository will not require such extensions. </p>
628 <p>A possible design alternative for the IR might use an Object
629 Reference that points to the Implementation Repository instead of
630 pointing directly to the persistent object. This extra level of
631 indirection would be used by the Implementation Repository to
632 start the server, if needed. The Location Forwarding mechanism
633 would then be used to forward the client request to the server.
634 The difference between this design and TAO's design is that the
635 persistent IOR in TAO will contain a profile pointing to a
636 location of the server (where it still might be running) to try
637 first, and then only if that fails does the client contact the
638 Implementation Repository. This is an optimization for case where
639 the server does not shut down often, and most requests do not
640 need to be forwarded to a new address.</p>
642 <p>In cases where most requests will require a forward, TAO can
643 support a policy that is just like this alternative, where the
644 Implmentation Repository will be contacted first.</p>
646 <hr>
648 <h2><a name="AccessingtheImplementationRepository">Accessing the
649 Implementation Repository</a> </h2>
651 <p>The Implementation Repository will be transparent to the
652 clients and the servers. Clients will only deal with IIOP 1.1
653 IORs, and in the default case all the Implementation Repository
654 logic on the server side will be handled internally by the ORB
655 and the POA. </p>
657 <h3><a name="HelperApplication">Helper Application</a></h3>
659 <p>A helper application will be included with the Implementation
660 Repository. It will be a command-line utility that will assist
661 users with adding and removing server records (containing virtual
662 server names and executable name/options) from the Implementation
663 Repository. </p>
665 <h3><a name="LocatinganinstanceofImplRepo">Locating an Instance
666 of the Implementation Repository </a></h3>
668 <h4><a name="Serverside">Server-side</a></h4>
670 <p>In the default case, the Implementation Repository will be
671 found via the command-line, environment variables, and multicast
672 (in that order). This location strategy is consistent with that
673 used by TAO to local its default Naming Service instance. Using
674 the POA extensions, other Implementation Repositories can be
675 specified in the call to <code>POA::create_reference_with_virtual_server</code>.
676 The default port of the Implementation Repository can be
677 overridden through command-line options or environment variables.
678 </p>
680 <h4><a name="Clientside">Client-side</a></h4>
682 <p>One or more Implementation Repositories will be stored in
683 additional profiles in the IOR. Other Implementation Repositories
684 can also be located by multicasting (on a default multicast
685 group) the server name of the Persistent Object the client is
686 interested in. The default multicast group and default port of
687 the Implementation Repository can be overridden through command
688 line options or environment variables. </p>
690 <p>In most cases, one Implementation Repository will be enough.
691 For redundancy, several Implementation Repositories can be
692 specified.</p>
694 <hr>
696 <h2><a name="Howitworks">How It Works</a></h2>
698 <h3><a name="HowServerProducesPersistentIORdefault">How a server
699 produces a Persistent IOR (in the default case)</a></h3>
701 <p>Before a server starts, it must be registered (via a
702 command-line utility) with an implementation repository. On
703 platforms that don't support multicast, the Implementation
704 Repository must be specified on the command line or in an
705 environment variable. </p>
707 <ol>
708 <li>When the server starts up it calls <code>ORB_init</code>.
709 <code>ORB_init</code>, if not passed a server name, will
710 take argv[0] and use that as a default server name (TAO
711 expects this to be the executable name). </li>
712 <li><code>ORB_init</code> will create a ping object.</li>
713 <li><code>ORB_init</code> will look for Implementation
714 Repositories on the command-line, environmental
715 variables, and then through multicast (in that order).
716 Once it finds one it registers itself and passes the ping
717 object to the implementation repository with <code>server_is_running</code>
718 operation. </li>
719 <li>The profile returned by registration will be stored for
720 later use.</li>
721 <li>Client later can call the <code>POA::create_reference</code>
722 operation.</li>
723 <li>The <code>create_reference</code> operation will create
724 the local profile.</li>
725 <li>The stored Implementation Repository profile will have
726 its object id changed to be the object key just created.</li>
727 <li>Both profiles will be joined together if the multiple
728 profile IOR policy is set, and then returned.</li>
729 </ol>
731 <h3><a name="HowServerProducesPersistentIORcomplex">How a server
732 produces a Persistent IOR (in complex cases)</a></h3>
734 <p>As with the default case, the server must be registered with
735 an Implementation Repository, although it does not need to be
736 multicast aware since the IORs will be passed to the POA by the
737 program. </p>
739 <ol>
740 <li><code>ORB_init</code> is called and does the default work
741 (if it has Implementation Repositories to contact).</li>
742 <li><code>POA::create_reference_with_virtual_server[_and_id]</code>
743 will be called with a server name and list of
744 Implementation Repositories. </li>
745 <li>The profile for the object is created.</li>
746 <li>The ping object created in <code>ORB_init</code> and the
747 object key is passed to the Implementation Repositories,
748 and their profiles are returned.</li>
749 <li>Both profiles will be joined together if the multiple
750 profile IOR policy is set, and then returned.</li>
751 </ol>
753 <h3><a name="HowClientUsesPersistentIOR">How a client uses a
754 Persistent IOR</a></h3>
756 <p>For all Clients: </p>
758 <ul>
759 <li>Client obtains a Persistent Object Reference, which
760 contains multiple profiles to both regular objects and
761 Implementation Repositories.</li>
762 <li>It will now make a request on the first profile.</li>
763 <li>If the first profile if the server profile, and the
764 server is still there, then it will be successful.&nbsp;
765 If the server has moved (or shut down), then the next
766 profile will be tried.</li>
767 <li>If the first profile is the Implementation Repository, or
768 if the server profile failed, then it will be
769 contacted.&nbsp; The Implementation Repository will then
770 return NOT_FOUND or will start up the server and return a
771 Location Forward message.</li>
772 </ul>
774 <p>If everything fails, then most clients will return failure for
775 the request. TAO clients will attempt to contact other
776 Implementation Repositories that are specified on the
777 command-line, in environment variables, or found through
778 multicast. </p>
780 <ul>
781 <li>If all of the profiles fail, then contact the other
782 Implementation Repositories. First get those specified on
783 the command line or in environment variables.</li>
784 <li>Then, if multicast is available: <ul>
785 <li>Multicast the Object Reference to a group of
786 Implementation Repositories </li>
787 <li>Wait until response or a timeout. The response
788 will contain the Object Reference of a
789 Implementation Repository that knows about the
790 Object Reference </li>
791 </ul>
792 </li>
793 <li>Connect to the Implementation Repository that responds
794 first.</li>
795 <li>Call <i>activate</i> passing the Persistent Object
796 Reference.</li>
797 <li>If a new Object Reference was sent back then retry the
798 request using the it. If this request fails, then fail
799 (no more retries).</li>
800 <li>If a null reference was sent back, then fail.</li>
801 </ul>
803 <p>TAO clients will have an optimization where if there are
804 several IORs that have the same server name, and one of them gets
805 forwarded, then the client will be able to change its other IORs
806 without going through the overhead of contacting Implementation
807 Repository.</p>
809 <hr>
811 <p>Back to <a href="../releasenotes/index.html">TAO Release Notes</a></p>
813 <p>Back to <a href="index.html">Implementation Repository</a></p>
814 </body>
815 </html>