3 This test checks that if the first ORB is created with -ORBGestalt LOCAL
4 then the settings from this ORB will not become default for the other ORBs
10 Testing with -ORBSvcConf
11 Initialize ORB instances...
13 '-ORBConnectionCacheMax' is applied to the first ORB only as expected.
14 Testing with -ORBSvcConfDirective
15 Initialize ORB instances...
17 '-ORBConnectionCacheMax' is applied to the first ORB only as expected.
22 Testing with -ORBSvcConf
23 Initialize ORB instances...
25 ERROR: '-ORBConnectionCacheMax' is applied globally while it's expected to apply to the first ORB only.
26 ERROR: <server> failed:
27 ERROR: server returned 255