2 # Hey, Emacs! This is a TEXT file.
4 ----------------------------------
5 README for the caching http_client
6 ----------------------------------
8 This is the README file for the simple caching http_client.
14 1a. Compiling on UNIX.
16 On UNIX, with a properly configured ACE distribution, just
17 type make (using GNU make, of course).
21 Thus far, this code has only been tested under UNIX. A
22 Windows NT version will be out soon.
28 2a. Command line parameters.
30 The program does not support any command line parameters.
32 2b. General information.
34 When the program runs, the client offers a ``*'' as a prompt.
35 At the prompt, you may enter a URL. The client will check to see if
36 the filename portion of the URL has already been cached. If so, a
37 message appears saying so. If not, the client will fetch the file
38 from the HTTP server and then cache it.
40 Furthermore, the client supports the ``!'' shell escape
41 command. The content after the ``!'' will be executed by a shell.
43 To exit the session, send the end-of-file character
44 (typically, ^D in UNIX).
47 * http://www.cs.wustl.edu/cs/Art/brookings.gif
48 [1] sending request --
49 GET /cs/Art/brookings.gif HTTP/1.0
52 ``brookings.gif'' is now cached.
53 * http://www.cs.wustl.edu/cs/Art/brookings.gif
54 ``brookings.gif'' is already cached.
56 Makefile http_client http_handler.cpp zJAWSAAAa000Yg
57 brookings.gif http_client.cpp http_handler.h
61 Makefile http_client http_handler.cpp
62 brookings.gif http_client.cpp http_handler.h
69 The caching mechanism as currently implemented requires a
70 ``Content-length:'' to appear in the response header of the HTTP
71 response. This is because the caching utilizes mmap () to allocate
72 space for the file to be cached before the file is received. Unitl
73 the caching mecahnism is extended, you are limited to using servers
74 which will report the size of the file being transmitted.
76 Currently, the cache creates temporary files (see the above
79 The cache is not persistent between executions.
81 Suggestions and other correspondence should be sent to me:
83 James Hu <jxh@cs.wustl.edu>