Merge pull request #2254 from esohns/fstat_size_64_bits
[ACE_TAO.git] / TAO / orbsvcs / tests / ImplRepo / MT_stress /
1 eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
2 & eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q'
3 if 0;
5 # -*- perl -*-
7 ###############################################################################
8 use lib "$ENV{ACE_ROOT}/bin";
9 use PerlACE::TestTarget;
11 my $status = 0;
12 my $debuglevel = 0;
13 my $srv_count = 48;
14 my $thr_count = 1;
15 my $no_imr = 0;
16 my $cl_only = 0;
17 my $port;
18 my $rport;
19 my $nsport;
21 for ($i = 0; $i <= $#ARGV; $i++) {
22 if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-debug") {
23 print "debug mode\n";
24 $debuglevel = 4;
26 elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "--servers" || $ARGV[$i] eq "-s") {
27 $srv_count = $ARGV[++$i];
29 elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "--threads" || $ARGV[$i] eq "-t") {
30 $thr_count = $ARGV[++$i];
32 elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "--clonly" || $ARGV[$i] eq "-c") {
33 $cl_only = $ARGV[++$i];
35 elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "--noimr" || $ARGV[$i] eq "-n") {
36 $no_imr = 1;
37 @ports = split (',', $ARGV[++$i]);
38 $port = $ports[0];
39 $rport = $ports[1];
40 $nsport = $ports[2];
42 else {
43 print "$ARGV[$i] is invalid\n";
44 usage();
45 exit 1;
49 my $clt_count = $srv_count/3;
50 my $objprefix = "TestObject_";
52 my @srvdeps;
53 for ($i = 0; $i < $srv_count; $i++) {
54 my $ofs = $i + $clt_count;
55 $srvdeps[$i] = "";
56 $srvdeps[$i] = $objprefix . $ofs if ($i < $clt_count * 2);
59 my $tgt_num = 0;
60 my $imr = PerlACE::TestTarget::create_target (++$tgt_num) || die "Create target $tgt_num failed\n";
61 my $replica_imr = PerlACE::TestTarget::create_target (++$tgt_num) || die "Create target $tgt_num failed\n";
62 my $act = PerlACE::TestTarget::create_target (++$tgt_num) || die "Create target $tgt_num failed\n";
63 my $nam = PerlACE::TestTarget::create_target (++$tgt_num) || die "Create target $tgt_num failed\n";
64 my $srv = PerlACE::TestTarget::create_target (++$tgt_num) || die "Create target $tgt_num failed\n";
65 my $nsl = PerlACE::TestTarget::create_target (++$tgt_num) || die "Create target $tgt_num failed\n";
67 my @ti;
68 for ($i = 0; $i <= $srv_count; $i++) {
69 $ti[$i] = PerlACE::TestTarget::create_target (++$tgt_num) || die "Create target $tgt_num failed\n";
72 my @clt;
73 my @CLT;
74 for ($i = 0; $i < $clt_count; $i++) {
75 $clt[$i] = PerlACE::TestTarget::create_target (++$tgt_num) || die "Create target $tgt_num failed\n";
76 $CLT[$i] = $clt[$i]->CreateProcess ("client");
79 if (!$no_imr) {
80 $port = 10001 + $imr->RandomPort ();
81 $rport = $port + 1;
82 $nsport = $rport + 1;
85 my $imriorfile = "imr_locator.ior";
86 my $actiorfile = "imr_activator.ior";
87 my $primaryiorfile = "ImR_ReplicaPrimary.ior";
88 my $backupiorfile = "ImR_ReplicaBackup.ior";
90 my $imr_imriorfile = $imr->LocalFile ($imriorfile);
91 my $act_imriorfile = $act->LocalFile ($imriorfile);
92 my $ti_imriorfile = $ti[0]->LocalFile ($imriorfile);
93 my $act_actiorfile = $act->LocalFile ($actiorfile);
95 my $ti_initref = "-ORBInitRef ImplRepoService=file://$ti_imriorfile";
96 my $act_initref = "-ORBInitRef ImplRepoService=file://$act_imriorfile";
97 my $nam_initref = "-ORBInitRef NameService=corbaloc::localhost:$nsport/";
98 my $imr_root = "$ENV{TAO_ROOT}/orbsvcs/ImplRepo_Service";
99 my $nam_root = "$ENV{TAO_ROOT}/orbsvcs/Naming_Service";
100 my $util_root = "$ENV{TAO_ROOT}/utils";
102 my $server_cmd = $act->LocalFile ("server");
104 my $IMR = $imr->CreateProcess ($imr_root . "/tao_imr_locator");
105 my $RIMR = $replica_imr->CreateProcess ($imr_root . "/tao_imr_locator");
106 my $ACT = $act->CreateProcess ($imr_root . "/tao_imr_activator");
107 my $NAM = $nam->CreateProcess ($nam_root . "/tao_cosnaming");
108 my $NSL = $nsl->CreateProcess ($util_root . "/nslist/tao_nslist");
110 my @TI;
111 for ($i = 0; $i <= $srv_count; $i++) {
112 $TI[$i] = $ti[$i]->CreateProcess ($imr_root . "/tao_imr");
115 my $imrlogfile = "imr.log";
116 my $rimrlogfile = "replica_imr.log";
117 my $actlogfile = "act.log";
118 my $imr_imrlogfile = $imr->LocalFile ($imrlogfile);
119 my $act_actlogfile = $act->LocalFile ($actlogfile);
121 my $stdout_file = "test.out";
122 my $stderr_file = "test.err";
123 my $ti_stdout_file = $ti[0]->LocalFile ($stdout_file);
124 my $ti_stderr_file = $ti[0]->LocalFile ($stderr_file);
126 sub delete_files
128 my $logs_too = shift;
129 if ($logs_too == 1) {
130 # $imr->DeleteFile ($imrlogfile);
131 # $replica_imr->DeleteFile ($rimrlogfile);
132 # $act->DeleteFile ($actlogfile);
133 unlink <*.log>;
135 $imr->DeleteFile ($imriorfile);
136 $replica_imr->DeleteFile ($replica_imriorfile);
137 $act->DeleteFile ($imriorfile);
138 $ti[0]->DeleteFile ($imriorfile);
139 $act->DeleteFile ($actiorfile);
141 $ti[0]->DeleteFile ($stdout_file);
142 $ti[0]->DeleteFile ($stderr_file);
144 cleanup_replication (".");
146 # Remove any stray server status files caused by aborting services
147 unlink <*.status>;
150 # Clean up after exit call
153 delete_files (0) if (!$no_imr);
157 sub cleanup_replication
159 my $dir = shift;
160 if (!defined($dir)) {
161 $dir = ".";
164 my $listings = "$dir/imr_listing.xml";
165 my $fnd = 0;
166 if (open FILE, "<$listings") {
167 while (<FILE>) {
168 if ($_ =~ /fname="([^"]+)"?/) {
169 $fnd = 1;
170 my $file = "$dir/$1";
171 $imr->DeleteFile ($file);
172 $imr->DeleteFile ($file . ".bak");
175 close FILE;
178 # If the primary listings file has been corrupt then perform the
179 # deletions from the backup file.
181 if (!$fnd) {
182 if (open FILE, "<$listings" . ".bak") {
183 while (<FILE>) {
184 if ($_ =~ /fname="([^"]+)"?/) {
185 my $file = "$dir/$1";
186 print "deleting $file\n" if ($debuglevel > 0);
187 $imr->DeleteFile ($file);
188 $imr->DeleteFile ($file . ".bak");
191 close FILE;
194 print "deleting $listings\n" if ($debuglevel > 0);
195 $imr->DeleteFile ("$listings");
196 $imr->DeleteFile ("$listings" . ".bak");
197 $imr->DeleteFile ("$dir/$primaryiorfile");
198 $imr->DeleteFile ("$dir/$backupiorfile");
201 sub redirect_output
203 open(OLDOUT, ">&", \*STDOUT) or die "Can't dup STDOUT: $!";
204 open(OLDERR, ">&", \*STDERR) or die "Can't dup STDERR: $!";
205 open STDERR, '>', $ti_stderr_file;
206 open STDOUT, '>', $ti_stdout_file;
209 sub restore_output
211 open(STDERR, ">&OLDERR") or die "Can't dup OLDERR: $!";
212 open(STDOUT, ">&OLDOUT") or die "Can't dup OLDOUT: $!";
215 my $level = 0;
217 sub kill_imr
219 my $msg = shift;
220 print STDERR "ERROR: $msg\n" if (length ($msg) > 0);
221 if ($no_imr || $level == 0) {
222 return 1;
224 if ($level > 0) {
225 $NAM->TerminateWaitKill (5);
227 if ($level > 1) {
228 $IMR->TerminateWaitKill (5);
230 if ($level > 2) {
231 $RIMR->TerminateWaitKill (5);
233 if ($level > 3) {
234 $ACT->TerminateWaitKill (5);
236 return 1;
239 sub start_imr
241 delete_files (1) if (!$no_imr);
242 my $debugbase = " -ORBDebugLevel $debuglevel " .
243 "-ORBVerboseLogging 1 -ORBLogFile ";
244 my $actargs = "-l -o $act_actiorfile $act_initref " .
245 "-ORBListenEndpoints iiop://localhost:";
247 my $imrargs = " -i -v 1000 -d 10 --threads $thr_count " .
248 "--directory . --primary " .
249 "-ORBListenEndpoints iiop://localhost:$port";
251 my $rimrargs = " -i -v 1000 -d 10 --threads $thr_count -o $imr_imriorfile " .
252 "--directory . --backup " .
253 "-ORBListenEndpoints iiop://localhost:$rport";
255 my $namargs = "-ORBListenEndpoints iiop://localhost:$nsport";
257 $imrargs .= " $debugbase $imrlogfile";
258 $rimrargs .= " $debugbase $rimrlogfile";
259 if ($debuglevel > 0) {
260 $actargs .= " $debugbase $actlogfile";
263 if ($debuglevel > 0 || $cl_only != 0) {
264 print "naming args = \"$namargs\"\n";
265 print "imr args = \"$imrargs\"\n";
266 print "replica imr args = \"$rimrargs\"\n";
267 print "act args = \"$actargs\"\n";
268 if ($cl_only != 0) {
269 exit (0);
272 $IMR->Arguments ($imrargs);
273 $RIMR->Arguments ($rimrargs);
274 $ACT->Arguments ($actargs);
275 $NAM->Arguments ($namargs);
277 if ($no_imr) {
278 return 0;
281 ##### Start Name service #####
282 my $IMR_status = $NAM->Spawn ();
283 if ($IMR_status != 0) {
284 return kill_imr ("NameService returned $IMR_status");
286 $level++;
288 ##### Start ImplRepo #####
289 $IMR_status = $IMR->Spawn ();
290 if ($IMR_status != 0) {
291 return kill_imr ("ImplRepo Service returned $IMR_status");
293 $level++;
295 if ($imr->WaitForFileTimed ($primaryiorfile, $imr->ProcessStartWaitInterval()) == -1) {
296 return kill_imr ("cannot find file <$primaryiorfile>");
299 $IMR_status = $RIMR->Spawn ();
300 if ($IMR_status != 0) {
301 return kill_imr ("replica ImplRepo Service returned $IMR_status");
303 $level++;
305 if ($imr->WaitForFileTimed ($imriorfile, $imr->ProcessStartWaitInterval()) == -1) {
306 return kill_imr ("cannot find file <$imr_imriorfile>");
309 if ($imr->GetFile ($imriorfile) == -1) {
310 return kill_imr ("cannot retrieve file <$imr_imriorfile>");
312 if ($act->PutFile ($imriorfile) == -1) {
313 return kill_imr ("cannot set file <$act_imriorfile>");
315 if ($ti[0]->PutFile ($imriorfile) == -1) {
316 return kill_imr ("cannot set file <$ti_imriorfile>");
319 $ACT_status = $ACT->Spawn ();
320 if ($ACT_status != 0) {
321 return kill_imr ("ImR Activator returned $ACT_status");
323 $level++;
325 if ($act->WaitForFileTimed ($actiorfile,$act->ProcessStartWaitInterval()) == -1) {
326 return kill_imr ("cannot find file <$act_imriorfile>");
328 return 0;
331 sub do_ti_command
333 my $start = shift;
334 my $end = shift;
335 my $delstat = shift;
336 my $cmd = shift;
337 my $cmdargs1 = shift;
338 my $cmdargs2 = shift;
339 my $cmdargs3 = shift;
341 for(my $i = $start; $i < $end; $i++) {
342 my $obj_name = $objprefix . "$i";
343 if ($delstat != 0) {
344 my $status_file_name = $obj_name . ".status";
345 $srv->DeleteFile ($status_file_name);
347 my $cmdargs = $cmdargs1;
348 if (length ($cmdargs2) > 0) {
349 $cmdargs .= $i;
350 $cmdargs .= "$cmdargs2 $srvdeps[$i]" if (length ($srvdeps[$i]) > 0);
351 $cmdargs .= $cmdargs3;
353 print "invoking ti cmd $cmd $obj_name $cmdargs\n" if ($debuglevel > 0);
354 $TI[$i]->Arguments ("$ti_initref $cmd $obj_name $cmdargs");
355 $TI_status = $TI[$i]->Spawn ();
356 if ($TI_status != 0) {
357 return kill_imr ("tao_imr $cmd $obj_name returned $TI_status");
360 for ($i = $start; $i < $end; $i++) {
361 $TI[$i]->WaitKill (15);
366 sub list_active_servers
368 $ti[0]->DeleteFile ($stdout_file);
369 $ti[0]->DeleteFile ($stderr_file);
371 my $list_options = shift;
372 my $start_time = time();
373 $TI[$srv_count]->Arguments ("$ti_initref list $list_options");
374 # Redirect output so we can count number of lines in output
375 redirect_output();
376 $TI_status = $TI[$srv_count]->SpawnWaitKill ($ti[$srv_count]->ProcessStartWaitInterval());
377 my $list_time = time() - $start_time;
378 restore_output();
379 if ($TI_status != 0) {
380 kill_imr ("tao_imr list returned $TI_status");
381 return -1;
383 open (FILE, $stderr_file) or die "Can't open $stderr_file: $!";
384 $active_servers = 0;
385 while (<FILE>) {
386 print STDERR $_;
387 $active_servers++;
389 close FILE;
390 print STDERR "List took $list_time seconds.\n";
391 return $active_servers;
394 sub kill_active_servers
396 $ti[0]->DeleteFile ($stdout_file);
397 $ti[0]->DeleteFile ($stderr_file);
399 $TI[$srv_count]->Arguments ("$ti_initref list -a -t");
400 # Redirect output so we can count number of lines in output
401 redirect_output();
402 $TI_status = $TI[$srv_count]->SpawnWaitKill ($ti[$srv_count]->ProcessStartWaitInterval());
403 restore_output();
404 if ($TI_status != 0) {
405 kill_imr ("tao_imr list returned $TI_status");
407 open (FILE, $stderr_file) or die "Can't open $stderr_file: $!";
408 $active_servers = 0;
409 while (<FILE>) {
410 print STDERR "force killing $_";
411 $TI[$srv_count]->Arguments ("$ti_initref kill $_");
412 $TI_status = $TI[$srv_count]->SpawnWaitKill ($ti[$srv_count]->ProcessStartWaitInterval());
413 if ($TI_status != 0) {
414 kill_imr ("tao_imr kill returned $TI_status");
417 close FILE;
420 sub wait_for_servers
422 print "waiting for servers to exit\n";
423 my $running = 1;
424 my $retries = 5;
425 while ($running > 0 && $retries > 0) {
426 sleep 2;
427 $running = list_active_servers ("-a");
428 $retries--;
430 if ($running > 0) {
431 kill_active_servers ();
435 sub scale_test
437 print "Running scale test with $srv_count servers and $clt_count clients.\n";
439 my $result = 0;
440 my $start_time = time();
442 if (start_imr () != 0)
444 exit;
447 print "Adding servers\n";
448 do_ti_command (0, $srv_count, 1, "add",
449 " -q -c \"$server_cmd -ORBUseIMR 1 -ORBVerboseLogging 1 -s $objprefix",
450 " -d ",
451 " -ORBListenEndpoints iiop://localhost: $act_initref $nam_initref\"");
452 print "Initializing name service\n";
453 do_ti_command (0, $srv_count, 1, "start", "-q", "", "");
454 wait_for_servers ();
456 $NSL->Arguments (" $nam_initref");
457 $NSL->SpawnWaitKill (150);
459 print "Running clients\n";
460 for (my $i = 0; $i < $clt_count; $i++) {
461 $CLT[$i]->Arguments ($nam_initref . " -s $objprefix$i -ORBVerboseLogging 1 ");
462 $CLT_status = $CLT[$i]->Spawn ();
463 if ($CLT_status != 0) {
464 print STDERR "ERROR: client $i spawn returned $CLT_status\n";
465 $status = 1;
466 last;
470 print "Waiting on clients\n";
471 for (my $i = 0; $i < $clt_count; $i++) {
472 $CLT_status = $CLT[$i]->WaitKill (30);
473 if ($CLT_status != 0) {
474 print STDERR "ERROR: client $i waitkill returned $CLI_status\n";
475 $status = 1;
479 print "Stopping servers\n";
480 do_ti_command (0, $srv_count, 1, "shutdown", "-q");
481 wait_for_servers ();
483 my $test_time = time() - $start_time;
484 my $total_objs = $srv_count;
486 print "\nFinished. The test took $test_time seconds for $total_objs imr-ified objects.\n";
487 # sleep (300);
488 kill_imr ();
489 return $status;
492 sub usage() {
493 print "Usage: [-servers <num=1>] [-clients <num=1>]\n";
496 ###############################################################################
497 ###############################################################################
499 my $ret = scale_test();
501 exit $ret;