3 $TAO_ROOT/orbsvcs/tests/Security/ssliop_CSD
7 % run_test.pl csd // CSD without SSLIOP
8 % run_test.pl ssliop // default: SSLIOP without CSD
9 % run_test.pl ssliop-csd // CSD with SSLIOP
11 This test demonstrates CSD (Custom Servant Dispatch) incompatibility with
12 SSLIOP transport protocol. In CSD the first server-side PI (Portable-
13 Interception) point (Receive_Request_Service_Context) is called on
14 a different thread from the rest of the server code PI points. SSLIOP
15 is heavily dependent upon PICurrent. CSD doesn't copy over any TSS
16 data and therefore breaks SSLIOP.
18 This test in ssliop-csd should run success once CSD-SSLIOP compatibility is