3 DevGuideExamples/NamingService/Naming_Context_Ext/README
5 The example in this directory illustratues how to convert between CosNames,
6 Stringified Names, and URLs.
8 A Name can be converted to a stringified Name by to_string operation. A stringified
9 Name can be converted to a Name by to_name operation. The resolve_str operation
10 resolves an object by passing a strigified Name.
12 The MessengerServer writes its corbaname URL to a file by calling to_url and
13 the MessengerClient reads the URL file to get the MessengerServer object reference.
19 To start the Naming_Service:
20 ----------------------------
21 $TAO_ROOT/orbsvcs/Naming_Service/Naming_Service -ORBListenEndpoints iiop://localhost:2809 &
26 ./MessengerServer -ORBInitRef NameService=iiop://localhost:2809/NameService