3 This test ilustrates how to connect multiple ECs; it has many
4 options and can be configured to run a single EC, two ECs connected
5 through a Gateway, short-circuit the EC, use a global, local or
6 precomputed schedule, etc.
8 Please see the scripts for typical configurations.
10 A simple test is that uses a pre-computed schedule would be:
12 # Run the Naming Service
13 $ ../../Naming_Service/Naming_Service
14 -p NameService.pid -o NameService.ior
15 # If the multicast location does not work for your use:
17 # NameService=`cat NameService.ior`
20 # or other commands that suit your shell.
23 # Run the first EC, supplier generates events <1> and <2> consumer
24 # subscribes to events <1> and <3>
25 $ ./EC_Multiple -l ECM1 -r ECM2 -s runtime -p ECM1.pid \
26 -h 1,1,1,250000,100,1,2,1,3
28 # Run the second EC, supplier generates events <4> and <3> consumer
29 # subscribes to events <4> and <2>
30 $ ./EC_Multiple -l ECM2 -r ECM1 -s runtime -p ECM2.pid \
31 -h 1,1,1,250000,100,4,3,4,2
33 # Notice how the consumer receives both local and remote events, but
34 # not all the local neither all the remote events.