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[ACE_TAO.git] / TAO / tests / IDL_Test / IDL_Test.mpc
1 // -*- MPC -*-
2 project(*IDL): taoserver, messaging, gen_ostream {
3   custom_only=1
4   idlflags += -GC -GH -Gd -GT
6   idlflags += -Wb,stub_export_macro=TAO_IDL_TEST_STUB_Export \
7               -Wb,stub_export_include=TAO_IDL_TEST_stub_export.h \
8               -Wb,skel_export_macro=TAO_IDL_TEST_STUB_Export \
9               -Wb,skel_export_include=TAO_IDL_TEST_stub_export.h \
10               -Gsd
12   IDL_Files {
13     idlflags += -Gxhst
14     attribute.idl
15   }
17   IDL_Files {
18     Bug_2350_Regression.idl
19     Bug_2577_Regression.idl
20     Bug_2582_Regression.idl
21     Bug_2583_Regression.idl
22     Bug_2616_Regression.idl
23     Bug_2619_Regression.idl
24     Bug_3243_Regression.idl
25     Bug_3312_Regression.idl
26     Bug_3819_Regression.idl
27     Bug_3821_Regression.idl
28     expressions.idl
29     full.idl
30     fwd.idl
31     gperf.idl
32     interface.idl
33     nested_scope.idl
34     keywords.idl
35     old_constants.idl
36     simple.idl
37     simple2.idl
38     old_array.idl
39     old_sequence.idl
40     old_struct.idl
41     old_union.idl
42     old_union2.idl
43     params.idl
44     reopened_modules.idl
45     struct.idl
46     string_value.idl
47     reopen_include1.idl
48     reopen_include2.idl
49     typeprefix.idl
50   }
52   IDL_Files {
53     idlflags += -as
54     enum_in_struct.idl
55     array.idl
56     array_anon_nested.idl
57     included.idl
58     including.idl
59     sequence.idl
60     union.idl
61     anyunion.idl
62     valuetype.idl
63   }
65   IDL_Files {
66     idlflags += -GA -as
67     anonymous.idl
68     dif2.idl
69   }
71   IDL_Files {
72     idlflags += -GA
73     array_only.idl
74     constants.idl
75     generic_object.idl
77     inherit.idl
78     module.idl
79     primtypes.idl
81     pragma.idl
82     repo_id_mod.idl
83     typedef.idl
84     typecode.idl
85   }
87   IDL_Files {
88     // Workaround to get tao_idl to process multiple files in one pass,
89     // since MPC doesn't support it.
90     idlflags += loader_const.idl
91     PEMNaming.idl
92   }
95 project(*DLL): taoidldefaults, taolib, messaging {
96   after += *IDL
97   dynamicflags += TAO_IDL_TEST_STUB_BUILD_DLL
98   sharedname = IDL_Test_DLL
100   IDL_Files {
101   }
103   Source_Files {
104     attributeC.cpp
105     attributeS.cpp
106     anonymousA.cpp
107     anonymousC.cpp
108     anonymousS.cpp
109     anyunionC.cpp
110     anyunionS.cpp
111     arrayC.cpp
112     arrayS.cpp
113     array_anon_nestedC.cpp
114     array_anon_nestedS.cpp
115     array_onlyA.cpp
116     array_onlyC.cpp
117     array_onlyS.cpp
118     Bug_2350_RegressionC.cpp
119     Bug_2350_RegressionS.cpp
120     Bug_2577_RegressionC.cpp
121     Bug_2577_RegressionS.cpp
122     Bug_2582_RegressionC.cpp
123     Bug_2582_RegressionS.cpp
124     Bug_2583_RegressionC.cpp
125     Bug_2583_RegressionS.cpp
126     Bug_2616_RegressionC.cpp
127     Bug_2616_RegressionS.cpp
128     Bug_2619_RegressionC.cpp
129     Bug_2619_RegressionS.cpp
130     Bug_3243_RegressionC.cpp
131     Bug_3243_RegressionS.cpp
132     Bug_3312_RegressionC.cpp
133     Bug_3312_RegressionS.cpp
134     Bug_3819_RegressionC.cpp
135     Bug_3819_RegressionS.cpp
136     Bug_3821_RegressionC.cpp
137     Bug_3821_RegressionS.cpp
138     constantsA.cpp
139     constantsC.cpp
140     constantsS.cpp
141     dif2A.cpp
142     dif2C.cpp
143     dif2S.cpp
144     enum_in_structC.cpp
145     enum_in_structS.cpp
146     expressionsC.cpp
147     expressionsS.cpp
148     fullC.cpp
149     fullS.cpp
150     fwdC.cpp
151     fwdS.cpp
152     generic_objectA.cpp
153     generic_objectC.cpp
154     generic_objectS.cpp
155     gperfC.cpp
156     gperfS.cpp
157     includedC.cpp
158     includedS.cpp
159     includingC.cpp
160     includingS.cpp
161     inheritA.cpp
162     inheritC.cpp
163     inheritS.cpp
164     interfaceC.cpp
165     interfaceS.cpp
166     keywordsC.cpp
167     keywordsS.cpp
168     loader_constC.cpp
169     moduleA.cpp
170     moduleC.cpp
171     moduleS.cpp
172     nested_scopeC.cpp
173     nested_scopeS.cpp
174     old_arrayC.cpp
175     old_arrayS.cpp
176     old_constantsC.cpp
177     old_constantsS.cpp
178     old_sequenceC.cpp
179     old_sequenceS.cpp
180     old_structC.cpp
181     old_structS.cpp
182     old_union2C.cpp
183     old_union2S.cpp
184     old_unionC.cpp
185     old_unionS.cpp
186     paramsC.cpp
187     paramsS.cpp
188     PEMNamingC.cpp
189     PEMNamingS.cpp
190     pragmaA.cpp
191     pragmaC.cpp
192     pragmaS.cpp
193     primtypesA.cpp
194     primtypesC.cpp
195     primtypesS.cpp
196     reopened_modulesC.cpp
197     reopened_modulesS.cpp
198     reopen_include1C.cpp
199     reopen_include1S.cpp
200     reopen_include2C.cpp
201     reopen_include2S.cpp
202     repo_id_modA.cpp
203     repo_id_modC.cpp
204     repo_id_modS.cpp
205     sequenceC.cpp
206     sequenceS.cpp
207     simple2C.cpp
208     simple2S.cpp
209     simpleC.cpp
210     simpleS.cpp
211     string_valueC.cpp
212     string_valueS.cpp
213     structC.cpp
214     structS.cpp
215     typecodeA.cpp
216     typecodeC.cpp
217     typecodeS.cpp
218     typedefA.cpp
219     typedefC.cpp
220     typedefS.cpp
221     typeprefixC.cpp
222     typeprefixS.cpp
223     unionC.cpp
224     unionS.cpp
225     valuetypeC.cpp
226     valuetypeS.cpp
227   }
229   Template_Files {
230     *S_T.cpp
231   }
234 project(*Main): taoserver, messaging, gen_ostream {
235   exename = main
236   after += *DLL
237   libs += IDL_Test_DLL
238   verbatim(gnuace, macros) {
239     ifeq ($(OSTYPE),VMS)
241     endif
242   }
244   IDL_Files {
245   }
247   Source_Files {
248     main.cpp
249   }
251   Header_Files {
252   }
254   Inline_Files {
255   }
257   Template_Files {
258   }
261 project(*NDDS_IDL): ndds_cck_ts_defaults {
262   custom_only=1
264   NDDSTypeSupport_Files {
265     anonymous.idl
266     array.idl
267     array_only.idl
268     attribute.idl
269     Bug_2350_Regression.idl
270     Bug_2577_Regression.idl
271     Bug_2582_Regression.idl
272     Bug_2583_Regression.idl
273     Bug_2616_Regression.idl
274     Bug_2619_Regression.idl
275     Bug_3243_Regression.idl
276     Bug_3312_Regression.idl
277     Bug_3819_Regression.idl
278     Bug_3821_Regression.idl
279     constants.idl
280     dif2.idl
281     enum_in_struct.idl
282     full.idl
283     fwd.idl
284     generic_object.idl
285     gperf.idl
286     included.idl
287     including.idl
288     inherit.idl
289     interface.idl
290     keywords.idl
291     module.idl
292     nested_scope.idl
293     old_array.idl
294     old_constants.idl
295     old_sequence.idl
296     old_struct.idl
297     old_union.idl
298 //    old_union2.idl
299     params.idl
300     pragma.idl
301     primtypes.idl
302     reopened_modules.idl
303     reopen_include1.idl
304     reopen_include2.idl
305     repo_id_mod.idl
306     sequence.idl
307     simple.idl
308     simple2.idl
309     struct.idl
310     typecode.idl
311     typedef.idl
312     typeprefix.idl
313     union.idl
314     valuetype.idl
315   }
318 project(*CoreDX_IDL): coredx_ts_defaults {
319   custom_only=1
321   CoreDXTypeSupport_Files {
322     anonymous.idl
323     array.idl
324     array_only.idl
325     attribute.idl
326     Bug_2350_Regression.idl
327     Bug_2577_Regression.idl
328     Bug_2582_Regression.idl
329     Bug_2583_Regression.idl
330     Bug_2616_Regression.idl
331     Bug_2619_Regression.idl
332     Bug_3243_Regression.idl
333     Bug_3312_Regression.idl
334     Bug_3819_Regression.idl
335     Bug_3821_Regression.idl
336     constants.idl
337     dif2.idl
338     enum_in_struct.idl
339     full.idl
340     fwd.idl
341     generic_object.idl
342     gperf.idl
343     included.idl
344     including.idl
345     inherit.idl
346     interface.idl
347     keywords.idl
348     module.idl
349     nested_scope.idl
350     old_array.idl
351     old_constants.idl
352     old_sequence.idl
353     old_struct.idl
354     old_union.idl
355 //    old_union2.idl
356     params.idl
357     pragma.idl
358     primtypes.idl
359     reopened_modules.idl
360     reopen_include1.idl
361     reopen_include2.idl
362     repo_id_mod.idl
363     sequence.idl
364     simple.idl
365     simple2.idl
366     struct.idl
367     typecode.idl
368     typedef.idl
369     typeprefix.idl
370     union.idl
371     valuetype.idl
372   }
375 project(*NDDS_Lib): taolib, messaging, gen_ostream, nddslib {
376   after += *DLL *NDDS_IDL
377   libs += IDL_Test_DLL
379   verbatim(gnuace, macros) {
380     override no_hidden_visibility = 1
381     override no_strict_aliasing = 1
382   }
384   dynamicflags += NDDS_USER_DLL_EXPORT
386   IDL_Files {
387   }
389   Source_Files {
390     anonymous.cxx
391     anonymousPlugin.cxx
392     anonymousSupport.cxx
393     array.cxx
394     arrayPlugin.cxx
395     arraySupport.cxx
396     array_only.cxx
397     array_onlyPlugin.cxx
398     array_onlySupport.cxx
399     attribute.cxx
400     attributePlugin.cxx
401     attributeSupport.cxx
402     Bug_2350_Regression.cxx
403     Bug_2350_RegressionPlugin.cxx
404     Bug_2350_RegressionSupport.cxx
405     Bug_2577_Regression.cxx
406     Bug_2577_RegressionPlugin.cxx
407     Bug_2577_RegressionSupport.cxx
408     Bug_2582_Regression.cxx
409     Bug_2582_RegressionPlugin.cxx
410     Bug_2582_RegressionSupport.cxx
411 //    Bug_2583_Regression.cxx
412 //    Bug_2583_RegressionPlugin.cxx
413 //    Bug_2583_RegressionSupport.cxx
414     Bug_2616_Regression.cxx
415     Bug_2616_RegressionPlugin.cxx
416     Bug_2616_RegressionSupport.cxx
417     Bug_2619_Regression.cxx
418     Bug_2619_RegressionPlugin.cxx
419     Bug_2619_RegressionSupport.cxx
420     Bug_3243_Regression.cxx
421     Bug_3243_RegressionPlugin.cxx
422     Bug_3243_RegressionSupport.cxx
423 //    Bug_3312_RegressionPlugin.cxx
424 //    Bug_3312_RegressionSupport.cxx
425     Bug_3819_Regression.cxx
426     Bug_3819_RegressionPlugin.cxx
427     Bug_3819_RegressionSupport.cxx
428 //    Bug_3821_Regression.cxx
429 //    Bug_3821_RegressionPlugin.cxx
430 //    Bug_3821_RegressionSupport.cxx
431     constants.cxx
432     constantsPlugin.cxx
433     constantsSupport.cxx
434     dif2.cxx
435     dif2Plugin.cxx
436     dif2Support.cxx
437 //    enum_in_struct.cxx
438 //    enum_in_structPlugin.cxx
439 //    enum_in_structSupport.cxx
440     full.cxx
441     fullPlugin.cxx
442     fullSupport.cxx
443 //    fwd.cxx
444 //    fwdPlugin.cxx
445 //    fwdSupport.cxx
446 //    generic_object.cxx
447 //    generic_objectPlugin.cxx
448 //    generic_objectSupport.cxx
449     included.cxx
450     includedPlugin.cxx
451     includedSupport.cxx
452     including.cxx
453     includingPlugin.cxx
454     includingSupport.cxx
455     inherit.cxx
456     inheritPlugin.cxx
457     inheritSupport.cxx
458 //    interface.cxx
459 //    interfacePlugin.cxx
460 //    interfaceSupport.cxx
461 //    keywords.cxx
462 //    keywordsPlugin.cxx
463 //    keywordsSupport.cxx
464     module.cxx
465     modulePlugin.cxx
466     moduleSupport.cxx
467     nested_scope.cxx
468     nested_scopePlugin.cxx
469     nested_scopeSupport.cxx
470     old_array.cxx
471     old_arrayPlugin.cxx
472     old_arraySupport.cxx
473     old_sequence.cxx
474     old_sequencePlugin.cxx
475     old_sequenceSupport.cxx
476     old_struct.cxx
477     old_structPlugin.cxx
478     old_structSupport.cxx
479     old_union.cxx
480     old_unionPlugin.cxx
481     old_unionSupport.cxx
482     params.cxx
483     paramsPlugin.cxx
484     paramsSupport.cxx
485     pragma.cxx
486     pragmaPlugin.cxx
487     pragmaSupport.cxx
488     primtypes.cxx
489     primtypesPlugin.cxx
490     primtypesSupport.cxx
491 //    reopened_modules.cxx
492 //    reopened_modulesPlugin.cxx
493 //    reopened_modulesSupport.cxx
494     reopen_include1.cxx
495     reopen_include1Plugin.cxx
496     reopen_include1Support.cxx
497     reopen_include2.cxx
498     reopen_include2Plugin.cxx
499     reopen_include2Support.cxx
500     repo_id_mod.cxx
501     repo_id_modPlugin.cxx
502     repo_id_modSupport.cxx
503 //    sequence.cxx
504 //    sequencePlugin.cxx
505 //    sequenceSupport.cxx
506     simple.cxx
507     simple2.cxx
508     simple2Plugin.cxx
509     simple2Support.cxx
510     simplePlugin.cxx
511     simpleSupport.cxx
512     struct.cxx
513     structPlugin.cxx
514     structSupport.cxx
515 //    typecode.cxx
516 //    typecodePlugin.cxx
517 //    typecodeSupport.cxx
518 //    typedef.cxx
519 //    typedefPlugin.cxx
520 //    typedefSupport.cxx
521     typeprefix.cxx
522     typeprefixPlugin.cxx
523     typeprefixSupport.cxx
524 //    union.cxx
525 //    unionPlugin.cxx
526 //    unionSupport.cxx
527 //    valuetype.cxx
528 //    valuetypePlugin.cxx
529 //    valuetypeSupport.cxx
530   }
532   Template_Files {
533   }