3 This test verifies that IOR interceptor support is working properly.
4 It does so by adding a unique tagged component to the IOR. If the
5 IOR interceptor support is working properly, then the it should be
6 possible to extract that tagged component from the IOR on the client
9 PortableInterceptor::ClientRequestInfo::get_effective_component()
11 method from within a ClientRequestInterceptor, for example.
13 Run the test as follows:
17 Output should be very similar to the following:
19 ==== Running IORInterceptor test
20 (4956|16384) Added tagged component containing the
21 (4956|16384) string "FOO_IORInterceptor" to all profiles.
22 (4956|16384) Added tagged component containing the
23 (4956|16384) string "FOO_IORInterceptor" to all IIOP profiles.
24 (4956|16384) Successfully retrieved effective policy.
26 (4957|16384) String extracted from tagged component data: FOO_IORInterceptor
27 "test_i" is shutting down.