3 Notification MT Dispatching Test
4 ================================
8 This test exercises multi-threaded aspects of the Notification service.
9 Dispatching, consumer filter evaluation and supplier filter evaluation. It
10 also runs the notifcation service in single-threaded mode.
15 The test consists of a Structured_Supplier and Structured_Consumer. The
16 usage for each as is follows:
18 $ Structured_Supplier -\?
19 usage: Structured_Supplier -o <iorfile> -e <# of events> -f
21 $ Structured_Consumer -\?
22 usage: Structured_Consumer -k <ior> -c <# of consumers> -e <expected events>
25 To run this test, just run the run_test.pl perl script. It will run both
26 structured and sequence tests with each of the implemented discard policies.
31 ********* Running multi-threaded dispatching test *******
33 ********* Running multi-threaded consumer filter evaluation *******
35 ********* Running multi-threaded supplier filter evaluation *******
37 ********* Running single-threaded notification service *******
40 If an error is encountered, the perl script will exit with an error status.