1 This program was run and built on Windows7 with Unity 2018.2.7f1 (64-bit).
3 All behaviour is standard to the specifications of the instructions.
5 It contains scripts for each individual AI movement pattern called NPCA(A type), NPCB(B Type),
6 NPCW(Wander) and so on for clearer code structure. An TeamManager script tells the NPC's if they
7 are to unfreeze allies, capture the flag or defend it from intruders.
8 At a close distance the AI will step onto the space of either the flag or an enemy.
9 In the case of the flag capturer, it will step onto the flag using A type behaviour and then retreat as far
10 as it can from the flagpole using C type behaviour. This ensures that it takes the quickest path off the
11 toroid and back to base without doing any extra turning.