Also use -Wno-format-security when compiling the host version of fd2pragma.
[AROS.git] / tools / fd2inline / include-src / inline / stubs.h
1 #ifndef __INLINE_STUB_H
2 #define __INLINE_STUB_H
4 #ifndef EXEC_TYPES_H
5 #include <exec/types.h>
6 #endif
7 #ifndef EXEC_NODES_H
8 #include <exec/lists.h>
9 #endif
10 #ifndef DOS_DOS_H
11 #include <dos/dos.h>
12 #endif
14 #include <intuition/classes.h>
15 #endif
17 #include <graphics/displayinfo.h>
18 #endif
20 #include <libraries/commodities.h>
21 #endif
23 struct AnchorPath;
24 struct AnimOb;
25 struct AreaInfo;
26 struct BitMap;
27 struct BitScaleArgs;
28 struct Bob;
29 struct Border;
30 struct Catalog;
31 struct CardHandle;
32 struct ClipboardHandle;
33 struct ClipRect;
34 struct ClockData;
35 struct ColorMap;
36 struct ColorWheelRGB;
37 struct ColorWheelHSB;
38 struct ConfigDev;
39 struct CSource;
40 struct CopList;
41 struct CurrentBinding;
42 struct DataBase;
43 struct DateStamp;
44 struct DateTime;
45 struct Device;
46 struct DeviceNode;
47 struct DeviceTData;
48 struct DiskObject;
49 struct DosLibrary;
50 struct DosList;
51 struct DevProc;
52 struct DosPacket;
53 struct DrawInfo;
54 struct EasyStruct;
55 struct EClockVal;
56 struct ExAllControl;
57 struct ExAllData;
58 struct ExecBase;
59 struct ExpansionBase;
60 struct FileInfoBlock;
61 struct FileLock;
62 struct FileRequester;
63 struct FontContentsHeader;
64 struct FreeList;
65 struct Gadget;
66 struct GadgetInfo;
67 struct GelsInfo;
68 struct GlyphEngine;
69 struct GlyphMap;
70 struct GfxBase;
71 struct HelpNode;
72 struct Hook;
73 struct IClass;
74 struct Image;
75 struct InfoData;
76 struct InputEvent;
77 struct Interrupt;
78 struct IntuiText;
79 struct IntuitionBase;
80 struct IORequest;
81 struct KeyMap;
82 struct KeyQuery;
83 struct Layer;
84 struct Layer_Info;
85 struct Library;
86 struct List;
87 struct Locale;
88 struct LocaleBase;
89 struct MathIEEEBase;
90 struct MemHeader;
91 struct MemList;
92 struct Menu;
93 struct MenuItem;
94 struct Message;
95 struct MiscResource;
96 struct MsgPort;
97 struct NamedObject;
98 struct Node;
99 struct NewAmigaGuide;
100 struct NewGadget;
101 struct NewMenu;
102 struct NewScreen;
103 struct NewWindow;
104 struct NotifyRequest;
105 struct Preferences;
106 struct RDArgs;
107 struct RastPort;
108 struct RealTimeBase;
109 struct RecordLock;
110 struct Rectangle;
111 struct Region;
112 struct Remember;
113 struct Requester;
114 struct ReqToolsBase;
115 struct Resident;
116 struct RexxMsg;
117 struct RomBootBase;
118 struct RxsLib;
119 struct Screen;
120 struct Semaphore;
121 struct SignalSemaphore;
122 struct SimpleSprite;
123 struct TagItem;
124 struct Task;
125 struct TextAttr;
126 struct TextExtent;
127 struct TextFont;
128 struct timeval;
129 struct UCopList;
130 struct View;
131 struct ViewPort;
132 struct VSprite;
133 struct WBObject;
134 struct Window;
136 struct bltnode;
137 struct cprlist;
138 struct gpLayout;
139 struct dtPrint;
141 #endif /* __INLINE_STUB_H */