revert 213 commits (to 56092) from the last month. 10 still need work to resolve...
[AROS.git] / rom / devs / console / console.conf
1 ##begin config
2 version 41.4
3 options noexpunge
4 libbasetype struct ConsoleBase
5 residentpri 4
6 libbase ConsoleDevice
7 beginio_func beginio
8 abortio_func abortio
9 ##end config
10 ##begin cdef
11 #include <exec/io.h>
12 #include <devices/keymap.h>
13 #include <utility/hooks.h>
14 ##end cdef
15 ##begin cdefprivate
16 #include "console_gcc.h"
17 ##end cdefprivate
18 ##begin functionlist
19 struct InputEvent* CDInputHandler(struct InputEvent* events, APTR _cdihdata) (A0, A1)
20 LONG RawKeyConvert(struct InputEvent* events, STRPTR buffer, LONG length, struct KeyMap* keyMap) (A0, A1, D1, A2)
21 # Undocumented OS2-3.x only C:ConClip functions
22 APTR GetConSnip() ()
23 LONG SetConSnip(APTR param) (A0)
24 void AddConSnipHook(struct Hook* hook) (A0)
25 void RemConSnipHook(struct Hook* hook) (A0)
26 ##end functionlist