revert 213 commits (to 56092) from the last month. 10 still need work to resolve...
[AROS.git] / workbench / system / SysMon / sysmon_intern.h
1 /*
2 Copyright 2010-2017, The AROS Development Team. All rights reserved.
3 $Id$
4 */
6 #ifndef _SYSMON_INTERN_H
7 #define _SYSMON_INTERN_H
9 #include <proto/exec.h>
10 #include <proto/intuition.h>
11 #include <libraries/mui.h>
13 #include "tasks.h"
15 /* uncomment to change the default processorgrp options */
19 #define MEMORY_RAM 0
20 #define MEMORY_CHIP 1
21 #define MEMORY_FAST 2
22 #define MEMORY_VRAM 3
23 #define MEMORY_GART 4
25 #define SYSMON_TABCOUNT 3
27 struct SysMonData
29 struct Task *sm_Task;
30 Object *application;
31 Object *mainwindow;
32 Object *pages;
36 struct Hook pageactivehook;
37 struct Hook tasklistrefreshhook;
38 STRPTR tasklistinfobuf;
40 Object *tasklist;
41 Object *tasklistinfo;
43 struct MUI_CustomClass *cpuusageclass;
44 Object *cpuusagegroup,
45 *cpuusageobj;
46 BOOL cpuusagesinglemode;
47 struct Hook cpuusagecmhooks[3];
49 Object **cpufreqlabels;
50 Object **cpufreqvalues;
52 Object *memorysize[5];
53 Object *memoryfree[5];
55 STRPTR msg_project;
56 STRPTR msg_refresh_speed;
57 STRPTR msg_fast;
58 STRPTR msg_normal;
59 STRPTR msg_slow;
60 STRPTR msg_taskreadywait;
63 struct SysMonModule
65 BOOL (*Init)(struct SysMonData *);
66 VOID (*DeInit)(struct SysMonData *);
69 extern struct SysMonModule memorymodule;
70 extern struct SysMonModule videomodule;
71 extern struct SysMonModule processormodule;
72 extern struct SysMonModule timermodule;
73 extern struct SysMonModule tasksmodule;
75 VOID UpdateMemoryInformation(struct SysMonData *);
76 VOID UpdateMemoryStaticInformation(struct SysMonData *);
78 VOID UpdateVideoInformation(struct SysMonData *);
79 VOID UpdateVideoStaticInformation(struct SysMonData *);
81 ULONG GetProcessorCount();
82 VOID UpdateProcessorInformation(struct SysMonData *);
83 VOID UpdateProcessorStaticInformation(struct SysMonData *);
84 Object *ProcessorGroupObject(struct SysMonData *, IPTR);
86 VOID UpdateTasksInformation(struct SysMonData *);
87 VOID UpdateTasksStaticInformation(struct SysMonData *);
89 struct TaskInfo;
91 AROS_UFP3(struct TaskInfo *, TasksListConstructFunction,
92 AROS_UFPA(struct Hook *, h, A0),
93 AROS_UFPA(APTR, pool, A2),
94 AROS_UFPA(struct Task *, curTask, A1));
96 AROS_UFP3(VOID, TasksListDestructFunction,
97 AROS_UFPA(struct Hook *, h, A0),
98 AROS_UFPA(APTR, pool, A2),
99 AROS_UFPA(struct TaskInfo *, obj, A1));
101 AROS_UFP3(APTR, TasksListDisplayFunction,
102 AROS_UFPA(struct Hook *, h, A0),
103 AROS_UFPA(STRPTR *, strings, A2),
104 AROS_UFPA(struct TaskInfo *, obj, A1));
106 AROS_UFP3(VOID, TaskSelectedFunction,
107 AROS_UFPA(struct Hook *, h, A0),
108 AROS_UFPA(Object *, object, A2),
109 AROS_UFPA(APTR, msg, A1));
111 AROS_UFP3(LONG, TaskCompareFunction,
112 AROS_UFPA(struct Hook *, h, A0),
113 AROS_UFPA(struct TaskInfo *, ti2, A2),
114 AROS_UFPA(struct TaskInfo *, ti1, A1));
116 AROS_UFP3(VOID, processorgaugehookfunc,
117 AROS_UFPA(struct Hook *, h, A0),
118 AROS_UFPA(Object *, object, A2),
119 AROS_UFPA(APTR, msg, A1));
121 AROS_UFP3(VOID, processorgraphhookfunc,
122 AROS_UFPA(struct Hook *, h, A0),
123 AROS_UFPA(Object *, object, A2),
124 AROS_UFPA(APTR, msg, A1));
126 AROS_UFP3(VOID, processorgraphpercpuhookfunc,
127 AROS_UFPA(struct Hook *, h, A0),
128 AROS_UFPA(Object *, object, A2),
129 AROS_UFPA(APTR, msg, A1));
132 VOID SignalMeAfter(ULONG msecs);
133 #endif