rework slightly so that we dont have to detect the used ClearCacheE implementation...
[AROS.git] / workbench / libs / reqtools / misc.asm
2 SECTION "dofmt",CODE
4 INCLUDE "exec/types.i"
5 INCLUDE "exec/funcdef.i"
6 INCLUDE "exec/exec_lib.i"
7 INCLUDE "lvo/utility_lib.i"
8 INCLUDE "intuition/intuitionbase.i"
9 ; INCLUDE "lvo/intuition_lib.i"
10 INCLUDE "lvo/graphics_lib.i"
12 INCLUDE "utility/hooks.i"
14 INCLUDE "libraries/gadtools.i"
16 INCLUDE "intuition/intuition.i"
17 INCLUDE "lvo/intuition_lib.i"
18 INCLUDE "intuition/classes.i"
19 INCLUDE "intuition/classusr.i"
20 INCLUDE "intuition/imageclass.i"
22 INCLUDE "libraries/reqtools.i"
23 INCLUDE "lvo/reqtools_lib.i"
25 XDEF _DofmtCount
26 XDEF _Dofmt
27 XDEF _DofmtArgs
28 XDEF _FillBarTable
29 XDEF _FillNewLineTable
30 XDEF _LoopReqHandler
31 XDEF _CallHook
32 XDEF _StrCat
33 XDEF _MakeColVal
34 XDEF @SpreadColors
35 XDEF @DoWaitPointer
36 XDEF @DoLockWindow
37 XDEF @SetWinTitleFlash
39 XREF _ReqToolsBase
40 XREF _IntuitionBase
41 XREF _GfxBase
42 XREF _UtilityBase
44 XREF __UCXD33
46 * void __regargs SetWinTitleFlash (struct Window *win, char *str)
47 * A0 A1
48 @SetWinTitleFlash:
49 movem.l a2/a6,-(a7)
50 move.l _IntuitionBase(a4),a6
51 movem.l a0/a1,-(a7)
52 move.l wd_WScreen(a0),a0
53 jsr _LVODisplayBeep(a6)
54 movem.l (a7)+,a0/a1
55 moveq #-1,d0
56 move.l d0,a2
57 jsr _LVOSetWindowTitles(a6)
58 movem.l (a7)+,a2/a6
59 rts
61 * void __regargs DoWaitPointer (struct Window *win, int doit, int setpointer)
62 * A0 D0 D1
63 @DoWaitPointer:
64 tst.l d0
65 beq.b exitwaitpointer
67 move.l a0,d0
68 beq.b exitwaitpointer
70 move.l a6,-(a7)
71 tst.l d1
72 beq.b clearpointer
74 setpointer:
75 move.l _ReqToolsBase(a4),a6
76 jsr _LVOrtSetWaitPointer(a6)
77 bra.b endwaitpointer
79 clearpointer:
80 move.l _IntuitionBase(a4),a6
81 jsr _LVOClearPointer(a6)
82 endwaitpointer:
83 move.l (a7)+,a6
84 exitwaitpointer:
85 rts
87 * APTR __regargs DoLockWindow (struct Window *win, int doit, APTR lock, int lockit)
88 * A0 D0 A1 D1
89 @DoLockWindow:
90 tst.l d0
91 beq.b exitlockwin
93 move.l a0,d0
94 beq.b exitlockwin
96 move.l a6,-(a7)
97 move.l _ReqToolsBase(a4),a6
98 tst.l d1
99 beq.b unlockwin
101 jsr _LVOrtLockWindow(a6)
102 bra.b endlockwin
104 unlockwin:
105 jsr _LVOrtUnlockWindow(a6)
106 endlockwin:
107 move.l (a7)+,a6
108 exitlockwin:
111 * void __regargs SpreadColors (GlobData *glob, int from, int to, long *rgb2)
112 * A0 D0 D1 A1
114 cols equ 12
115 vp equ (cols+3*4)
116 redbits equ (vp+4)
117 greenbits equ (redbits+4)
118 bluebits equ (greenbits+4)
120 * _LVOSetRGB32 equ -$354
122 _MakeColVal:
123 move.l d1,-(a7)
124 moveq #32,d1
125 sub.l d4,d1
126 lsl.l d1,d0
127 move.l d0,d1 ; shift color value completely to the left
128 .nextshift:
129 lsr.l d4,d1
130 beq.b endmakecol
132 or.l d1,d0 ; shift right and or
133 bra.b .nextshift
135 endmakecol:
136 move.l (a7)+,d1
139 @SpreadColors:
140 movem.l d2-d7/a2-a6,-(a7)
141 lea -24(a7),a7
142 lea 12(a7),a2 ; a2 -> rgb[3]
143 move.l a7,a3 ; a3 -> rgbstep[3]
144 moveq #1,d4 ; d4 = colstep = 1
145 move.l a0,a5
146 move.l d0,d5
147 move.l d1,d6
148 move.l d6,d2
149 sub.l d5,d2 ; d2 = steps
150 beq nospread
152 bpl.b posstep
154 moveq #-1,d4
155 neg.l d2
156 posstep:
157 moveq #2,d3
158 spreadloop:
159 lsl.l #2,d3
160 move.l cols(a5,d3.w),d7
161 move.l 0(a1,d3.w),d0
162 sub.l d7,d0
163 swap d0
164 clr.w d0
165 move.l d2,d1
166 move.l _UtilityBase(a4),a6
167 jsr _LVOSDivMod32(a6) ; ((rgb2[i] - rgb[i]) << 16) / steps
168 move.l d0,0(a3,d3.w)
169 swap d7
170 move.l d7,0(a2,d3.w) ; rgb[i] = glob->cols[i] << 16
171 lsr.l #2,d3
172 dbf d3,spreadloop
173 move.l #$8000,d7 ; d7 = .5 (16 bits fixed point)
174 spreadloop2:
175 move.l vp(a5),a0
176 move.l (a2),d1
177 add.l d7,d1
178 swap d1
179 move.l 4(a2),d2
180 add.l d7,d2
181 swap d2
182 move.l 8(a2),d3
183 add.l d7,d3
184 swap d3
185 move.l _GfxBase(a4),a6
186 moveq #39,d0
187 cmp.w LIB_VERSION(a6),d0
188 bls.s .okkick39
190 move.l d5,d0
191 jsr _LVOSetRGB4(a6)
192 bra.b .cont
194 .okkick39:
195 move.l d4,-(a7)
196 move.l redbits(a5),d4
197 move.l d1,d0
198 bsr _MakeColVal
199 move.l d0,d1
200 move.l greenbits(a5),d4
201 move.l d2,d0
202 bsr _MakeColVal
203 move.l d0,d2
204 move.l bluebits(a5),d4
205 move.l d3,d0
206 bsr _MakeColVal
207 move.l d0,d3
208 move.l vp(a5),a0
209 move.l d5,d0
210 jsr _LVOSetRGB32(a6)
211 move.l (a7)+,d4
212 .cont:
213 move.l (a3),d0
214 add.l d0,(a2)
215 move.l 4(a3),d0
216 add.l d0,4(a2)
217 move.l 8(a3),d0
218 add.l d0,8(a2)
219 add.l d4,d5
220 cmp.l d5,d6
221 bne.b spreadloop2
222 nospread:
223 lea 24(a7),a7
224 movem.l (a7)+,d2-d7/a2-a6
227 ;_LVORawDoFmt equ -$20a
229 * if you want to count the newlines and the number of chars call DoFmt with
230 * buff == NULL and with ptr pointing to an array of 2 longs. array[0] will
231 * hold the number of lines, array[1] the number of chars.
232 * Initialize array[1] and array[0] to 1!
234 * void DofmtCount (char *fmt, APTR args, ULONG *ptr, int mode);
235 * A0 A1 A3 D0
237 * void Dofmt (char *buff, char *fmt, APTR args);
238 * A3 A0 A1
240 * void __stdargs DofmtArgs (char *buff, char *fmt,...);
243 _DofmtArgs:
244 movem.l a2/a3/a6,-(a7)
245 move.l 4+12(a7),a3
246 move.l 8+12(a7),a0
247 lea 12+12(a7),a1
248 bra.b dofmtargs
250 _DofmtCount:
251 movem.l a2/a3/a6,-(a7)
252 moveq #1,d1
253 move.l d1,(a3)+
254 move.l d1,(a3)
255 tst.l d0
256 bne.b seperatorbar
258 lea CountNewLinesAndChars(PC),a2
259 bra.b dofmt
261 seperatorbar:
262 lea CountBarsAndChars(PC),a2
263 bra.b dofmt
265 _Dofmt:
266 movem.l a2/a3/a6,-(a7)
267 dofmtargs:
268 lea PutCharInBuff(PC),a2
269 dofmt:
270 move.l ($4).w,a6
271 jsr _LVORawDoFmt(a6)
272 movem.l (a7)+,a2/a3/a6
275 PutCharInBuff:
276 move.b d0,(a3)+
279 CountBarsAndChars:
280 cmp.b #'|',d0
281 bne.b nobar
283 bra.b isbar
285 CountNewLinesAndChars:
286 cmp.b #10,d0
287 bne.b nonewline
289 isbar:
290 addq.l #1,-4(a3)
291 nonewline:
292 nobar:
293 addq.l #1,(a3)
296 * void FillBarTable (char **table, char *buff)
297 * A1 A0
299 * void FillNewLineTable (char **table, char *buff)
300 * A1 A0
302 _FillBarTable:
303 move.b #'|',d1
304 bra.b filltable
305 _FillNewLineTable:
306 move.b #$0a,d1
307 filltable:
308 move.l a0,(a1)+
309 loopnl:
310 move.b (a0)+,d0
311 beq.b done
313 cmp.b d1,d0
314 bne.b loopnl
316 clr.b -1(a0)
317 move.l a0,(a1)+
318 bra.b loopnl
319 done:
322 * ULONG __asm LoopReqHandler (register __a1 struct rtHandlerInfo *)
323 * D0 A1
325 XREF rtReqHandlerA
327 _LoopReqHandler:
328 move.l a2,-(a7)
329 loophandler:
330 moveq #0,d0
331 tst.l rthi_DoNotWait(a1)
332 bne.b nowait
334 movem.l a1/a6,-(a7)
335 move.l rthi_WaitMask(a1),d0
336 move.l ($4).w,a6
337 jsr _LVOWait(a6)
338 movem.l (a7)+,a1/a6
339 ; d0 holds sigs
340 nowait:
341 sub.l a0,a0
342 sub.l a2,a2
343 move.l a1,-(a7)
344 jsr rtReqHandlerA(PC)
345 move.l (a7)+,a1
346 cmp.l #CALL_HANDLER,d0
347 beq.b loophandler
349 move.l (a7)+,a2
352 * ULONG __stdargs CallHook (struct Hook *, APTR,...);
354 _CallHook:
355 movem.l a2/a3,-(a7)
356 move.l 4+8(a7),a0
357 move.l 8+8(a7),a2
358 lea 12+8(a7),a1
359 move.l h_Entry(a0),a3
360 jsr (a3)
361 movem.l (a7)+,a2/a3
364 * void StrCat (UBYTE *, UBYTE *);
365 * a0 a1
366 _StrCat:
367 tst.b (a0)+
368 bne.b _StrCat
370 subq.l #1,a0
371 catloop:
372 move.b (a1)+,(a0)+
373 bne.b catloop
378 XREF _IntuitionBase
380 XREF _MyGetString
381 XDEF _GetString
383 * ULONG __saveds GetString (
384 * register __a1 UBYTE *stringbuff, /* str in case of rtEZRequestA */
385 * register __d0 int maxlen, /* args in case of rtEZRequestA */
386 * register __a2 char *title, /* gadfmt in case of rtEZRequestA */
387 * register __d1 ULONG checksum,
388 * register __d2 ULONG *value,
389 * register __d3 int mode,
390 * register __d4 struct rtReqInfo *reqinfo,
391 * register __a0 struct TagItem *taglist)
394 _GetString:
395 move.l a0,-(sp)
396 movem.l d1-d4,-(sp)
397 move.l a2,-(sp)
398 move.l d0,-(sp)
399 move.l a1,-(sp)
400 bsr _MyGetString
401 lea 8*4(sp),sp
404 ENDC