grub2: bring back build of aros-side grub2 tools
[AROS.git] / workbench / network / stacks / AROSTCP / dhcp / contrib / dhcp.spec
1 Summary: The Internet Systems Consortium (ISC) DHCP server
2 Name: dhcp
3 %define version 3.0.2
4 Version: %{version}
5 Release: 2tac
6 Group: System Environment/Daemons
7 Source: /usr/local/src/RPM/SOURCES/dhcp-%{version}.tar.gz
8 Copyright: ISC
9 BuildRoot: /var/tmp/dhcp-%{version}-root
11 %description
12 Dhcp includes the DHCP server which is used for dynamically configuring
13 hosts on a network. Host configuration items such as IP address, name
14 servers, domain name, etc. can all be retrieved from the DHCP server by
15 a DHCP client. This eases the burden of network wide configuration by
16 putting all of the configuration into one place.
18 %package client
19 Summary: A DHCP client
20 Group: System Environment/Configuration
22 %description client
23 Dhcp client is a DHCP client for various UNIX operating systems. It allows
24 a UNIX machine to obtain it's networking parameters from a DHCP server.
26 %package relay
27 Summary: A DHCP relay
28 Group: System Environment/Daemons
30 %description relay
31 Dhcp relay is a relay agent for DHCP packets. It is used on a subnet with
32 DHCP clients to "relay" their requests to a subnet that has a DHCP server
33 on it. Because DHCP packets can be broadcast, they will not be routed off
34 of the local subnet. The DHCP relay takes care of this for the client.
36 %package devel
37 Summary: Development headers and libraries for the dhcpctl API
38 Group: Development/Libraries
40 %description devel
41 Dhcp devel contains all of the libraries and headers for developing with
42 the dhcpctl API.
44 %prep
45 %setup -q -n dhcp-%{version}
46 # do some file editing
47 egrep "VARRUN
48 ETC
49 VARDB" site.conf | sed -e 's/ *=/=/g' -e 's/= */=/g' > vars
50 . ./vars
51 cat << EOF >> includes/site.h
52 #define _PATH_DHCPD_PID "$VARRUN/"
53 #define _PATH_DHCPD_DB "$ETC/dhcpd.leases"
54 #define _PATH_DHCPD_CONF "$ETC/dhcpd.conf"
55 EOF
56 ./configure --with-nsupdate
58 %build
59 make
61 %install
62 rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
63 mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/local/sbin
65 make DESTDIR="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" install
67 %ifos linux
68 mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/rc.d/{init,rc0,rc1,rc2,rc3,rc4,rc5,rc6}.d
69 install -m 755 linux.init ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/rc.d/init.d/dhcpd
70 %else
71 %ifos solaris
72 mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/init.d
73 sed -e s'|@PREFIX@|%{_prefix}|g' < contrib/solaris.init > ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/init.d/dhcpd
74 chmod 755 ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/init.d/dhcpd
75 %endif
76 %endif
78 # strip binaries and libraries
79 strip $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/sbin/* || :
80 for i in `find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/ -type 'f' -perm '+a=x' ! -name 'lib*so*'`; do
81 file $i |grep -q "not stripped" && strip $i
82 done
84 %post
85 %ifos linux
86 /sbin/chkconfig --add dhcpd
87 /etc/rc.d/init.d/dhcpd start
88 %else
89 %ifos solaris
90 ln /etc/init.d/dhcpd /etc/rc2.d/S90dhcpd
91 ln /etc/init.d/dhcpd /etc/rc0.d/K30dhcpd
92 /etc/init.d/dhcpd start
93 %else
94 echo "Unknown O/S. You will need to manually configure your\nsystem"
95 echo "to start the DHCP server on system startup."
96 %endif
97 %endif
99 %preun
100 if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
101 %ifos linux
102 /etc/rc.d/init.d/dhcpd stop
103 /sbin/chkconfig --del dhcpd
104 %else
105 %ifos solaris
106 /etc/init.d/dhcpd stop
107 rm /etc/rc2.d/S90dhcpd
108 rm /etc/rc0.d/K30dhcpd
109 %else
110 echo "Unknown O/S. You will need to manually clean up the DHCP"
111 echo "server startup\n in your system startup environment."
112 %endif
113 %endif
116 %clean
117 rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
119 %files
120 %defattr(-,root,root)
123 %{_prefix}/sbin/dhcpd
124 %{_prefix}/man/cat1m/dhcpd.1m
125 %{_prefix}/man/cat4/dhcpd.conf.4
126 %{_prefix}/man/cat4/dhcpd.leases.4
127 %{_prefix}/man/cat4/dhcp-options.4
128 %{_prefix}/man/cat4/dhcp-eval.4
129 %{_prefix}/man/cat4/dhcp-contrib.4
130 %ifos linux
131 %config /etc/rc.d/init.d/dhcpd
132 %else
133 %ifos solaris
134 %config /etc/init.d/dhcpd
135 %endif
136 %endif
138 %files devel
139 %{_prefix}/man/cat3
140 %{_prefix}/lib
141 %{_prefix}/include
143 %files client
144 %{_prefix}/etc/dhclient-script
145 %{_prefix}/sbin/dhclient
146 %{_prefix}/man/cat1m/dhclient.1m
147 %{_prefix}/man/cat1m/dhclient-script.1m
148 %{_prefix}/man/cat4/dhclient.conf.4
149 %{_prefix}/man/cat4/dhclient.leases.4
151 %files relay
152 %{_prefix}/sbin/dhcrelay
153 %{_prefix}/man/cat1m/dhcrelay.1m
155 %changelog
156 * Fri Oct 1 1999 Brian J. Murrell <>
157 - write a spec file for dhcpd