5 libbasetype struct scsiBase
9 oopbase_field scsi_OOPBase
10 seglist_field scsi_SegList
11 addromtag scsi_BootWait
15 #include <hidd/storage.h>
16 #include <hidd/scsi.h>
21 #include <exec/devices.h>
26 ULONG GetRdskLba(struct IORequest *io) (A1)
27 ULONG GetBlkSize(struct IORequest *io) (A1)
32 interfaceid hidd.scsi.bus
33 interfacename Hidd_SCSIBus
34 methodstub HIDD_SCSIBus
35 methodbase HiddSCSIBusBase
36 attributebase HiddSCSIBusAB
40 BOOL Use80Wire # [..G] Tells if this bus uses 80-conductor cable
41 BOOL Use32Bit # [..G] Tells if this bus is 32-bit capable
42 BOOL UseDMA # [..G] Tells if this bus is DMA-capable
43 ULONG PIODataSize # [I..] Size of PIO interface data structure
44 ULONG DMADataSize # [I..] Size of DMA interface data structure
45 APTR *BusVectors # [I..] PIO interface control function table
46 APTR *PIOVectors # [I..] PIO interface transfer function table
47 APTR *DMAVectors # [I..] DMA interface function table
48 BOOL UseIOAlt # [..G} Tells if this bus supports alternate register bank
49 BOOL CanSetXferMode # [..G} Tells if transfer mode change is supported
53 APTR GetPIOInterface()
54 APTR GetDMAInterface()
55 BOOL SetXferMode(UBYTE unit, scsi_XferMode mode)
64 classid CLID_Hidd_SCSI
65 classdatatype struct scsi_Controller
66 superclass CLID_Hidd_StorageController
67 classptr_field scsiClass
75 .interface Hidd_StorageController
86 classid CLID_Hidd_SCSIBus
87 classdatatype struct scsi_Bus
88 superclass CLID_Hidd_StorageBus
89 classptr_field busClass
97 .interface Hidd_StorageBus
99 .interface Hidd_SCSIBus
109 interfaceid hidd.scsi.unit
110 interfacename Hidd_SCSIUnit
111 attributebase HiddSCSIUnitAB
114 ##begin attributelist
115 ULONG XferModes # [..G] Supported transfer modes
116 UBYTE MultiSector # [..G] Maximum amount of multisector transfer
117 ULONG ConfiguredModes # [..G] Configured transfer modes
125 classdatatype struct scsi_Unit
126 superclass CLID_Hidd_StorageUnit
127 classptr_field unitClass