revert commit 56204.
[AROS.git] / rom / usb / poseidon / numtostr.c
1 #include "numtostr.h"
3 /* /// "usbclasscodestr[]" */
4 const struct PsdWStringMap usbclasscodestr[] =
6 { AUDIO_CLASSCODE, "Audio" },
7 { CDCCTRL_CLASSCODE, "CDC control" },
10 { PHYSICAL_CLASSCODE, "Physical" },
11 { STILLIMG_CLASSCODE, "Still Images" },
12 { PRINTER_CLASSCODE, "Printer" },
13 { MASSSTORE_CLASSCODE, "MassStorage" },
14 { HUB_CLASSCODE, "Hub" },
15 { SMARTCARD_CLASSCODE, "Chip-/Smartcard" },
16 { SECURITY_CLASSCODE, "Content security" },
17 { VIDEO_CLASSCODE, "Video Device" },
18 { MISC_CLASSCODE, "Miscellaneous Device" },
19 { BLUETOOTH_CLASSCODE, "Bluetooth" },
20 { FWUPGRADE_CLASSCODE, "Firmware upgrade" },
21 { VENDOR_CLASSCODE, "Vendor" },
22 { 0, NULL }
24 /* \\\ */
26 /* /// "usbcomboclasscodestr[]" */
27 /* 010000CS Class
28 0300SCCS Subclass-Class
29 07PRSCCS Proto-Subclass-Class
30 05PR00CS Proto-Class */
32 const struct PsdULStringMap usbcomboclasscodestr[] =
34 { (3<<24)|(AUDIO_CTRL_SUBCLASS <<8)|AUDIO_CLASSCODE , "Audio Control" },
35 { (3<<24)|(AUDIO_STREAM_SUBCLASS<<8)|AUDIO_CLASSCODE , "Audio Streaming" },
36 { (3<<24)|(AUDIO_MIDI_SUBCLASS <<8)|AUDIO_CLASSCODE , "Midi" },
37 { (1<<24) |AUDIO_CLASSCODE , "Audio" },
39 { (3<<24)|(CDC_DLCM_SUBCLASS <<8)|CDCCTRL_CLASSCODE , "Direct Line Control" },
40 { (3<<24)|(CDC_ACM_SUBCLASS <<8)|CDCCTRL_CLASSCODE , "Abstract Control (Modem)" },
41 { (3<<24)|(CDC_TCM_SUBCLASS <<8)|CDCCTRL_CLASSCODE , "Telephone Control" },
42 { (3<<24)|(CDC_MCCM_SUBCLASS <<8)|CDCCTRL_CLASSCODE , "Multi-Channel Control" },
44 { (3<<24)|(CDC_ETHCM_SUBCLASS <<8)|CDCCTRL_CLASSCODE , "Ethernet Networking Control" },
45 { (3<<24)|(CDC_ATMCM_SUBCLASS <<8)|CDCCTRL_CLASSCODE , "ATM Networking Control" },
46 { (3<<24)|(CDC_WHCM_SUBCLASS <<8)|CDCCTRL_CLASSCODE , "Wireless Handset Control" },
47 { (3<<24)|(CDC_DEVMANGM_SUBCLASS<<8)|CDCCTRL_CLASSCODE , "Device Management" },
48 { (3<<24)|(CDC_MDLM_SUBCLASS <<8)|CDCCTRL_CLASSCODE , "Mobile Direct Line" },
50 { (1<<24) |CDCCTRL_CLASSCODE , "CDC Control" },
52 { (1<<24) |CDCDATA_CLASSCODE , "CDC Data" },
54 { (7<<24)|(HID_PROTO_KEYBOARD<<16)|(HID_BOOT_SUBCLASS<<8)|HID_CLASSCODE, "HID (Keyboard)" },
55 { (7<<24)|(HID_PROTO_MOUSE <<16)|(HID_BOOT_SUBCLASS<<8)|HID_CLASSCODE, "HID (Mouse)" },
56 { (1<<24) |HID_CLASSCODE , "HID" },
58 { (1<<24) |PHYSICAL_CLASSCODE , "Physical" },
60 { (7<<24)|(1<<16)|(1<<8) |STILLIMG_CLASSCODE , "PTP Camera" },
61 { (3<<24)|(1<<8) |STILLIMG_CLASSCODE , "Still Images" },
62 { (1<<24) |STILLIMG_CLASSCODE , "Imaging" },
64 { (7<<24)|(PRT_PROTO_UNIDIR <<16)|(1<<8)|PRINTER_CLASSCODE, "Printer (Unidirectional)" },
65 { (7<<24)|(PRT_PROTO_BIDIR <<16)|(1<<8)|PRINTER_CLASSCODE, "Printer (Bidirectional)" },
66 { (7<<24)|(PRT_PROTO_IEEE1284<<16)|(1<<8)|PRINTER_CLASSCODE, "Printer (IEEE1284.4)" },
67 { (1<<24) |PRINTER_CLASSCODE , "Printer" },
69 { (7<<24)|(MS_PROTO_CBI <<16)|(MS_UFI_SUBCLASS <<8)|MASSSTORE_CLASSCODE, "Floppy" },
71 { (7<<24)|(MS_PROTO_CB <<16)|(MS_UFI_SUBCLASS <<8)|MASSSTORE_CLASSCODE, "Floppy" },
73 { (7<<24)|(MS_PROTO_BULK<<16)|(MS_ATAPI_SUBCLASS <<8)|MASSSTORE_CLASSCODE, "MassStorage (CD/DVD)" },
74 { (7<<24)|(MS_PROTO_BULK<<16)|(MS_SCSI_SUBCLASS <<8)|MASSSTORE_CLASSCODE, "MassStorage (SCSI)" },
75 { (3<<24) |(MS_RBC_SUBCLASS <<8)|MASSSTORE_CLASSCODE, "MassStorage (Flash)" },
76 { (5<<24)|(MS_PROTO_CBI <<16) |MASSSTORE_CLASSCODE, "MassStorage (CBI)" },
77 { (5<<24)|(MS_PROTO_CB <<16) |MASSSTORE_CLASSCODE, "MassStorage (CB)" },
78 { (1<<24) |MASSSTORE_CLASSCODE, "MassStorage" },
80 { (7<<24)|(1<<16)|(0<<8) |HUB_CLASSCODE , "Hub (2.0 Single TT)" },
81 { (7<<24)|(2<<16)|(0<<8) |HUB_CLASSCODE , "Hub (2.0 Multi TT)" },
82 { (1<<24) |HUB_CLASSCODE , "Hub" },
84 { (1<<24) |SMARTCARD_CLASSCODE, "Chip-/Smartcard" },
85 { (1<<24) |SECURITY_CLASSCODE , "Content security" },
86 { (1<<24) |MISC_CLASSCODE , "Miscellaneous Device" },
88 { (3<<24)|(1<<8) |VIDEO_CLASSCODE , "Video Control" },
89 { (3<<24)|(2<<8) |VIDEO_CLASSCODE , "Video Streaming" },
90 { (3<<24)|(3<<8) |VIDEO_CLASSCODE , "Video Interface Collection" },
91 { (1<<24) |VIDEO_CLASSCODE , "Video Device" },
93 { (7<<24)|(1<<16)|(1<<8) |BLUETOOTH_CLASSCODE, "Bluetooth" },
94 { (3<<24)|(1<<8) |BLUETOOTH_CLASSCODE, "Wireless Radio" },
95 { (3<<24)|(2<<8) |BLUETOOTH_CLASSCODE, "Wireless USB Wire Adapter" },
96 { (1<<24) |BLUETOOTH_CLASSCODE, "Wireless" },
98 { (3<<24)|(1<<8) |FWUPGRADE_CLASSCODE, "Firmware upgrade" },
99 { (3<<24)|(2<<8) |FWUPGRADE_CLASSCODE, "IrDA Bridge" },
100 { (3<<24)|(3<<8) |FWUPGRADE_CLASSCODE, "Test and Measurement" },
101 { (1<<24) |FWUPGRADE_CLASSCODE, "Application Specific" },
103 { (1<<24) |VENDOR_CLASSCODE , "Vendor" },
105 { 0, NULL }
107 /* \\\ */
109 /* /// "usbdesccodestr[]" */
110 /* 000000DT DescriptorType
111 0000CSDT Class-DescriptorType
112 00SCCSDT Subclass-Class-DescriptorType
113 ST00CSDT SubType-Class-DescriptorType
114 STSCCSDT SubType-Subclass-Class-DescriptorType */
116 const struct PsdULStringMap usbdesctypestr[] =
118 { UDT_DEVICE, "Device" },
119 { UDT_CONFIGURATION, "Configuration" },
120 { UDT_STRING, "String" },
121 { UDT_INTERFACE, "Interface" },
122 { UDT_ENDPOINT, "Endpoint" },
123 { UDT_DEVICE_QUALIFIER, "Device Qualifier" },
124 { UDT_OTHERSPEED_QUALIFIER, "Otherspeed Qualifier" },
125 { UDT_INTERFACE_POWER, "Interface Power" },
126 { UDT_OTG, "On-The-Go" },
127 { UDT_DEBUG, "Debug" },
128 { UDT_INTERFACE_ASSOCIATION, "Interface Association" },
129 { UDT_SECURITY, "WUSB Security" },
130 { UDT_BOS, "WUSB Binary Device Object" },
131 { UDT_DEVICE_CAPABILITY, "WUSB Device Capability" },
132 { UDT_ENCRYPTION_TYPE, "WUSB Encryption Type" },
133 { UDT_WIRELESS_EP_COMP, "WUSB Wireless Endpoint Companion" },
135 { UDT_CS_DEVICE, "Class-specific Device" },
136 { UDT_CS_CONFIGURATION, "Class-specific Configuration" },
137 { UDT_CS_STRING, "Class-specific String" },
138 { UDT_CS_INTERFACE, "Class-specific Interface" },
139 { UDT_CS_ENDPOINT, "Class-specific Endpoint" },
141 { (HUB_CLASSCODE<<8)|UDT_HUB, "Hub" },
143 { (HID_CLASSCODE<<8)|UDT_HID, "HID" },
144 { (HID_CLASSCODE<<8)|UDT_REPORT, "HID Report" },
145 { (HID_CLASSCODE<<8)|UDT_PHYSICAL, "HID Physical" },
147 { (FWUPGRADE_CLASSCODE<<8)|UDT_DFU, "Firmware Upgrade Info" },
169 { (UDST_AUDIO_EP_GENERAL <<24)|(AUDIO_CLASSCODE<<8)|UDT_CS_ENDPOINT, "Audio Generic Endpoint" },
173 { (UDST_CDC_ACM <<24)|(CDCCTRL_CLASSCODE<<8)|UDT_CS_INTERFACE, "Abstract Control Management" },
174 { (UDST_CDC_DIRECTLINE <<24)|(CDCCTRL_CLASSCODE<<8)|UDT_CS_INTERFACE, "Direct Line Management" },
176 { (UDST_CDC_PHONECALL <<24)|(CDCCTRL_CLASSCODE<<8)|UDT_CS_INTERFACE, "Telephone Call and Line State Reporting Capabilities" },
178 { (UDST_CDC_COUNTRY <<24)|(CDCCTRL_CLASSCODE<<8)|UDT_CS_INTERFACE, "Country Selection" },
179 { (UDST_CDC_PHONEOP <<24)|(CDCCTRL_CLASSCODE<<8)|UDT_CS_INTERFACE, "Telephone Operational Modes" },
181 { (UDST_CDC_NETWORK <<24)|(CDCCTRL_CLASSCODE<<8)|UDT_CS_INTERFACE, "Network Channel Terminal" },
184 { (UDST_CDC_MCM <<24)|(CDCCTRL_CLASSCODE<<8)|UDT_CS_INTERFACE, "Multi-Channel Management" },
186 { (UDST_CDC_ETHERNET <<24)|(CDCCTRL_CLASSCODE<<8)|UDT_CS_INTERFACE, "Ethernet Networking" },
188 { (UDST_CDC_WMC <<24)|(CDCCTRL_CLASSCODE<<8)|UDT_CS_INTERFACE, "Wireless Handset Control Model" },
189 { (UDST_CDC_MDLM <<24)|(CDCCTRL_CLASSCODE<<8)|UDT_CS_INTERFACE, "Mobile Direct Line Model" },
191 { (UDST_CDC_DEVMANGM <<24)|(CDCCTRL_CLASSCODE<<8)|UDT_CS_INTERFACE, "Device Management Model" },
195 { (UDST_CDC_TCM <<24)|(CDCCTRL_CLASSCODE<<8)|UDT_CS_INTERFACE, "Telephone Control Model" },
197 { (SMARTCARD_CLASSCODE<<8)|UDT_CCID, "Smartcard Functional Descriptor" },
220 { (UDST_VIDEO_EP_GENERAL <<24)|(VIDEO_CLASSCODE<<8)|UDT_CS_ENDPOINT, "Video Generic Endpoint" },
221 { (UDST_VIDEO_EP_ENDPOINT <<24)|(VIDEO_CLASSCODE<<8)|UDT_CS_ENDPOINT, "Video Endpoint Endpoint" },
222 { (UDST_VIDEO_EP_INTERRUPT<<24)|(VIDEO_CLASSCODE<<8)|UDT_CS_ENDPOINT, "Video Interrupt Endpoint" },
224 { 0, NULL }
226 /* \\\ */
228 /* /// "usbhwioerrstr[]" */
229 const struct PsdWStringMap usbhwioerrstr[] =
231 { UHIOERR_USBOFFLINE, "usb bus offline" },
232 { UHIOERR_NAK, "nak received" },
233 { UHIOERR_HOSTERROR, "host error" },
234 { UHIOERR_STALL, "endpoint stall" },
235 { UHIOERR_PKTTOOLARGE, "packet too large" },
236 { UHIOERR_TIMEOUT, "response timeout" },
237 { UHIOERR_OVERFLOW, "packet overflow" },
238 { UHIOERR_CRCERROR, "packet crc error" },
239 { UHIOERR_RUNTPACKET, "short packet received" },
240 { UHIOERR_NAKTIMEOUT, "nak timeout" },
241 { UHIOERR_BADPARAMS, "illegal parameters specified" },
242 { UHIOERR_OUTOFMEMORY, "out of auxiliary memory" },
243 { UHIOERR_BABBLE, "babble condition" },
244 { 666, "unlicenced hardware" },
246 { IOERR_OPENFAIL, "device/unit failed to open" },
247 { IOERR_ABORTED, "request terminated" },
248 { IOERR_NOCMD, "command not supported" },
249 { IOERR_BADLENGTH, "bad length" },
250 { IOERR_BADADDRESS, "invalid address" },
251 { IOERR_UNITBUSY, "unit already open" },
252 { IOERR_SELFTEST, "hardware failed self-test" },
253 { 0, NULL },
255 /* \\\ */
257 /* /// "usblangids[]" */
258 const struct PsdUWStringMap usblangids[] =
260 { 0x1401, "Arabic (Algeria)" },
261 { 0x3c01, "Arabic (Bahrain)" },
262 { 0x0c01, "Arabic (Egypt)" },
263 { 0x0801, "Arabic (Iraq)" },
264 { 0x2c01, "Arabic (Jordan)" },
265 { 0x3401, "Arabic (Kuwait)" },
266 { 0x3001, "Arabic (Lebanon)" },
267 { 0x1001, "Arabic (Libya)" },
268 { 0x1801, "Arabic (Morocco)" },
269 { 0x2001, "Arabic (Oman)" },
270 { 0x4001, "Arabic (Qatar)" },
271 { 0x0401, "Arabic (Saudi Arabia)" },
272 { 0x2801, "Arabic (Syria)" },
273 { 0x1c01, "Arabic (Tunisia)" },
274 { 0x3801, "Arabic (U.A.E.)" },
275 { 0x2401, "Arabic (Yemen)" },
276 { 0x0402, "Bulgarian" },
277 { 0x0403, "Catalan" },
278 { 0x0c04, "Chinese (Hong Kong SAR, PRC)" },
279 { 0x1404, "Chinese (Macau SAR)" },
280 { 0x0804, "Chinese (PRC)" },
281 { 0x1004, "Chinese (Singapore)" },
282 { 0x0404, "Chinese (Taiwan)" },
283 { 0x0405, "Czech" },
284 { 0x0406, "Danish" },
285 { 0x0c07, "German (Austria)" },
286 { 0x1407, "German (Liechtenstein)" },
287 { 0x1007, "German (Luxembourg)" },
288 { 0x0407, "German (Standard)" },
289 { 0x0807, "German (Switzerland)" },
290 { 0x0408, "Greek" },
291 { 0x0c09, "English (Australian)" },
292 { 0x2809, "English (Belize)" },
293 { 0x1009, "English (Canadian)" },
294 { 0x2409, "English (Caribbean)" },
295 { 0x1809, "English (Ireland)" },
296 { 0x2009, "English (Jamaica)" },
297 { 0x1409, "English (New Zealand)" },
298 { 0x3409, "English (Philippines)" },
299 { 0x1c09, "English (South Africa)" },
300 { 0x2c09, "English (Trinidad)" },
301 { 0x0809, "English (United Kingdom)" },
302 { 0x0409, "English (United States)" },
303 { 0x3009, "English (Zimbabwe)" },
304 { 0x2c0a, "Spanish (Argentina)" },
305 { 0x400a, "Spanish (Bolivia)" },
306 { 0x340a, "Spanish (Chile)" },
307 { 0x240a, "Spanish (Colombia)" },
308 { 0x140a, "Spanish (Costa Rica)" },
309 { 0x1c0a, "Spanish (Dominican Republic)" },
310 { 0x300a, "Spanish (Ecuador)" },
311 { 0x440a, "Spanish (El Salvador)" },
312 { 0x100a, "Spanish (Guatemala)" },
313 { 0x480a, "Spanish (Honduras)" },
314 { 0x080a, "Spanish (Mexican)" },
315 { 0x0c0a, "Spanish (Modern Sort)" },
316 { 0x4c0a, "Spanish (Nicaragua)" },
317 { 0x180a, "Spanish (Panama)" },
318 { 0x3c0a, "Spanish (Paraguay)" },
319 { 0x280a, "Spanish (Peru)" },
320 { 0x500a, "Spanish (Puerto Rico)" },
321 { 0x040a, "Spanish (Traditional Sort)" },
322 { 0x380a, "Spanish (Uruguay)" },
323 { 0x200a, "Spanish (Venezuela)" },
324 { 0x040b, "Finnish" },
325 { 0x080c, "French (Belgian)" },
326 { 0x0c0c, "French (Canadian)" },
327 { 0x140c, "French (Luxembourg)" },
328 { 0x180c, "French (Monaco)" },
329 { 0x040c, "French (Standard)" },
330 { 0x100c, "French (Switzerland)" },
331 { 0x040d, "Hebrew" },
332 { 0x040e, "Hungarian" },
333 { 0x040f, "Icelandic" },
334 { 0x0410, "Italian (Standard)" },
335 { 0x0810, "Italian (Switzerland)" },
336 { 0x0411, "Japanese" },
337 { 0x0812, "Korean (Johab)" },
338 { 0x0412, "Korean" },
339 { 0x0813, "Dutch (Belgium)" },
340 { 0x0413, "Dutch (Netherlands)" },
341 { 0x0414, "Norwegian (Bokmal)" },
342 { 0x0814, "Norwegian (Nynorsk)" },
343 { 0x0415, "Polish" },
344 { 0x0416, "Portuguese (Brazil)" },
345 { 0x0816, "Portuguese (Standard)" },
346 { 0x0418, "Romanian" },
347 { 0x0419, "Russian" },
348 { 0x041a, "Croatian" },
349 { 0x0c1a, "Serbian (Cyrillic)" },
350 { 0x081a, "Serbian (Latin)" },
351 { 0x041b, "Slovak" },
352 { 0x041c, "Albanian" },
353 { 0x081d, "Swedish (Finland)" },
354 { 0x041d, "Swedish" },
355 { 0x041e, "Thai" },
356 { 0x041f, "Turkish" },
357 { 0x0820, "Urdu (India)" },
358 { 0x0420, "Urdu (Pakistan)" },
359 { 0x0421, "Indonesian" },
360 { 0x0422, "Ukrainian" },
361 { 0x0423, "Belarussian" },
362 { 0x0424, "Slovenian" },
363 { 0x0425, "Estonian" },
364 { 0x0426, "Latvian" },
365 { 0x0827, "Lithuanian (Classic)" },
366 { 0x0427, "Lithuanian" },
367 { 0x0429, "Farsi" },
368 { 0x042a, "Vietnamese" },
369 { 0x042b, "Armenian" },
370 { 0x082c, "Azeri (Cyrillic)" },
371 { 0x042c, "Azeri (Latin)" },
372 { 0x042d, "Basque" },
373 { 0x042f, "Macedonian" },
374 { 0x0430, "Sutu" },
375 { 0x0436, "Afrikaans" },
376 { 0x0437, "Georgian" },
377 { 0x0438, "Faeroese" },
378 { 0x0439, "Hindi" },
379 { 0x083e, "Malay (Brunei Darussalam)" },
380 { 0x043e, "Malay (Malaysian)" },
381 { 0x043f, "Kazakh" },
382 { 0x0441, "Swahili (Kenya)" },
383 { 0x0843, "Uzbek (Cyrillic)" },
384 { 0x0443, "Uzbek (Latin)" },
385 { 0x0444, "Tatar (Tatarstan)" },
386 { 0x0445, "Bengali" },
387 { 0x0446, "Punjabi" },
388 { 0x0447, "Gujarati" },
389 { 0x0448, "Oriya" },
390 { 0x0449, "Tamil" },
391 { 0x044a, "Telugu" },
392 { 0x044b, "Kannada" },
393 { 0x044c, "Malayalam" },
394 { 0x044d, "Assamese" },
395 { 0x044e, "Marathi" },
396 { 0x044f, "Sanskrit" },
397 { 0x0455, "Burmese" },
398 { 0x0457, "Konkani" },
399 { 0x0458, "Manipuri" },
400 { 0x0459, "Sindhi" },
401 { 0x0860, "Kashmiri (India)" },
402 { 0x0861, "Nepali (India)" },
403 { 0x04ff, "HID (Usage Data Descriptor)" },
404 { 0xf0ff, "HID (Vendor Defined 1)" },
405 { 0xf4ff, "HID (Vendor Defined 2)" },
406 { 0xf8ff, "HID (Vendor Defined 3)" },
407 { 0xfcff, "HID (Vendor Defined 4)" },
408 { 0x0000, NULL }
410 /* \\\ */
412 /* /// "usbvendorids[]" */
413 const struct PsdUWStringMap usbvendorids[] =
415 /* new OpenBSD: usbdevs,v 1.77 2004/02/27, usb.ids,v 1.147 2004/04/30 16:18:32 vojtech */
416 { 0x0386, "LTS" },
417 { 0x03e8, "EndPoints, Inc." },
418 { 0x03e9, "Thesys Microelectronics" },
419 { 0x03ea, "Data Broadcasting Corp." },
420 { 0x03eb, "Atmel Corp." },
421 { 0x03ec, "Iwatsu America, Inc." },
422 { 0x03ed, "Mitel Corp." },
423 { 0x03ee, "Mitsumi" },
424 { 0x03f0, "Hewlett Packard" },
425 { 0x03f1, "Genoa Technology" },
426 { 0x03f2, "Oak Technology, Inc." },
427 { 0x03f3, "Adaptec, Inc." },
428 { 0x03f4, "Diebold, Inc." },
429 { 0x03f5, "Siemens Electromechanical" },
430 { 0x03f8, "Epson Imaging Technology Center" },
431 { 0x03f9, "KeyTronic Corp." },
432 { 0x03fb, "OPTi, Inc." },
433 { 0x03fc, "Elitegroup Computer Systems" },
434 { 0x03fd, "Xilinx, Inc." },
435 { 0x03fe, "Farallon Comunications" },
436 { 0x0400, "National Semiconductor Corp." },
437 { 0x0401, "National Registry, Inc." },
438 { 0x0402, "ALi Corp." },
439 { 0x0403, "Future Technology Devices International, Ltd" },
440 { 0x0404, "NCR Corp." },
441 { 0x0405, "Synopsys, Inc." },
442 { 0x0406, "Fujitsu-ICL Computers" },
443 { 0x0407, "Fujitsu Personal Systems, Inc." },
444 { 0x0408, "Quanta Computer, Inc." },
445 { 0x0409, "NEC Corp." },
446 { 0x040a, "Kodak Co." },
447 { 0x040b, "Weltrend Semiconductor" },
448 { 0x040c, "VTech Computers, Ltd" },
449 { 0x040d, "VIA Technologies, Inc." },
450 { 0x040e, "MCCI" },
451 { 0x040f, "Echo Speech Corp." },
452 { 0x0411, "MelCo., Inc." },
453 { 0x0412, "Award Software International" },
454 { 0x0413, "Leadtek Research, Inc." },
455 { 0x0414, "Giga-Byte Technology Co., Ltd" },
456 { 0x0416, "Winbond Electronics Corp." },
457 { 0x0417, "Symbios Logic" },
458 { 0x0418, "AST Research" },
459 { 0x0419, "Samsung Info. Systems America, Inc." },
460 { 0x041a, "Phoenix Technologies, Ltd" },
461 { 0x041b, "d'TV" },
462 { 0x041d, "S3, Inc." },
463 { 0x041e, "Creative Technology, Ltd" },
464 { 0x041f, "LCS Telegraphics" },
465 { 0x0420, "Chips and Technologies" },
466 { 0x0421, "Nokia Mobile Phones" },
467 { 0x0422, "ADI Systems, Inc." },
468 { 0x0423, "Computer Access Technology Corp." },
469 { 0x0424, "Standard Microsystems Corp." },
470 { 0x0425, "Motorola Semiconductors HK, Ltd" },
471 { 0x0426, "Integrated Device Technology, Inc." },
472 { 0x0427, "Motorola Electronics Taiwan, Ltd" },
473 { 0x0428, "Advanced Gravis Computer Tech, Ltd" },
474 { 0x0429, "Cirrus Logic" },
475 { 0x042a, "Ericsson Austrian, AG" },
476 { 0x042b, "Intel Corp." },
477 { 0x042c, "Innovative Semiconductors, Inc." },
478 { 0x042d, "Micronics" },
479 { 0x042e, "Acer, Inc." },
480 { 0x042f, "Molex, Inc." },
481 { 0x0430, "Sun Microsystems, Inc." },
482 { 0x0431, "Itac Systems, Inc." },
483 { 0x0432, "Unisys Corp." },
484 { 0x0433, "Alps Electric, Inc." },
485 { 0x0434, "Samsung Info. Systems America, Inc." },
486 { 0x0435, "Hyundai Electronics America" },
487 { 0x0436, "Taugagreining HF" },
488 { 0x0437, "Framatome Connectors USA" },
489 { 0x0438, "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." },
490 { 0x0439, "Voice Technologies Group" },
491 { 0x043d, "Lexmark International, Inc." },
492 { 0x043e, "LG Electronics USA, Inc." },
493 { 0x043f, "RadiSys Corp." },
494 { 0x0440, "Eizo Nanao Corp." },
495 { 0x0441, "Winbond Systems Lab." },
496 { 0x0442, "Ericsson, Inc." },
497 { 0x0443, "Gateway, Inc." },
498 { 0x0445, "Lucent Technologies, Inc." },
499 { 0x0446, "NMB Technologies Corp." },
500 { 0x0447, "Momentum Microsystems" },
501 { 0x0449, "Eldim" },
502 { 0x044a, "Shamrock Tech. Co., Ltd" },
503 { 0x044b, "WSI" },
504 { 0x044c, "CCL/ITRI" },
505 { 0x044d, "Siemens Nixdorf AG" },
506 { 0x044e, "Alps Electric Co., Ltd" },
507 { 0x044f, "ThrustMaster, Inc." },
508 { 0x0450, "DFI, Inc." },
509 { 0x0451, "Texas Instruments, Inc." },
510 { 0x0452, "Mitsubishi Electronics America, Inc." },
511 { 0x0453, "CMD Technology" },
512 { 0x0454, "Vobis Microcomputer AG" },
513 { 0x0455, "Telematics International, Inc." },
514 { 0x0456, "Analog Devices, Inc." },
515 { 0x0457, "Silicon Integrated Systems Corp." },
516 { 0x0458, "KYE Systems Corp. (Mouse Systems)" },
517 { 0x0459, "Adobe Systems, Inc." },
518 { 0x045a, "SONICblue, Inc." },
519 { 0x045b, "Hitachi, Ltd" },
520 { 0x045d, "Nortel Networks, Ltd" },
521 { 0x045e, "Microsoft Corp." },
522 { 0x0460, "Ace Cad Enterprise Co., Ltd" },
523 { 0x0461, "Primax Electronics, Ltd" },
524 { 0x0463, "MGE UPS Systems" },
525 { 0x0464, "AMP/Tycoelectronics Corp." },
526 { 0x0467, "AT&T Paradyne" },
527 { 0x0468, "Wieson Technologies Co., Ltd" },
528 { 0x046a, "Cherry GmbH" },
529 { 0x046b, "American Megatrends, Inc." },
530 { 0x046c, "Toshiba Corp., Digital Media Equipment" },
531 { 0x046d, "Logitech, Inc." },
532 { 0x046e, "Behavior Tech. Computer Corp." },
533 { 0x046f, "Crystal Semiconductor" },
534 { 0x0471, "Philips" },
535 { 0x0472, "Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd" },
536 { 0x0473, "Sanyo Information Business Co., Ltd" },
537 { 0x0474, "Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd" },
538 { 0x0475, "Relisys/Teco Information System" },
539 { 0x0476, "AESP" },
540 { 0x0477, "Seagate Technology, Inc." },
541 { 0x0478, "Connectix Corp." },
542 { 0x0479, "Advanced Peripheral Laboratories" },
543 { 0x047a, "Semtech Corp." },
544 { 0x047b, "Silitek Corp." },
545 { 0x047c, "Dell Computer Corp." },
546 { 0x047d, "Kensington" },
547 { 0x047e, "Agere Systems, Inc. (Lucent)" },
548 { 0x047f, "Plantronics, Inc." },
549 { 0x0480, "Toshiba America Info. Systems, Inc." },
550 { 0x0481, "Zenith Data Systems" },
551 { 0x0482, "Kyocera Corp." },
552 { 0x0483, "SGS Thomson Microelectronics" },
553 { 0x0484, "Specialix" },
554 { 0x0485, "Nokia Monitors" },
555 { 0x0486, "ASUS Computers, Inc." },
556 { 0x0487, "Stewart Connector" },
557 { 0x0488, "Cirque Corp." },
558 { 0x0489, "Foxconn / Hon Hai" },
559 { 0x048a, "S-MOS Systems, Inc." },
560 { 0x048c, "Alps Electric Ireland, Ltd" },
561 { 0x048d, "Integrated Technology Express, Inc." },
562 { 0x048f, "Eicon Tech." },
563 { 0x0490, "United Microelectronics Corp." },
564 { 0x0491, "Capetronic" },
565 { 0x0492, "Samsung SemiConductor, Inc." },
566 { 0x0493, "MAG Technology Co., Ltd" },
567 { 0x0495, "ESS Technology, Inc." },
568 { 0x0496, "Micron Electronics" },
569 { 0x0497, "Smile International" },
570 { 0x0498, "Capetronic (Kaohsiung) Corp." },
571 { 0x0499, "Yamaha Corp." },
572 { 0x049a, "Gandalf Technologies, Ltd" },
573 { 0x049b, "Curtis Computer Products" },
574 { 0x049c, "Acer Advanced Labs, Inc." },
575 { 0x049d, "VLSI Technology" },
576 { 0x049f, "Compaq Computer Corp." },
577 { 0x04a0, "Digital Equipment Corp." },
578 { 0x04a1, "SystemSoft Corp." },
579 { 0x04a2, "FirePower Systems" },
580 { 0x04a3, "Trident Microsystems, Inc." },
581 { 0x04a4, "Hitachi, Ltd" },
582 { 0x04a5, "Acer Peripherals Inc. (now BenQ Corp.)" },
583 { 0x04a6, "Nokia Display Products" },
584 { 0x04a7, "Visioneer" },
585 { 0x04a8, "Multivideo Labs, Inc." },
586 { 0x04a9, "Canon, Inc." },
587 { 0x04aa, "DaeWoo Telecom, Ltd" },
588 { 0x04ab, "Chromatic Research" },
589 { 0x04ac, "Micro Audiometrics Corp." },
590 { 0x04ad, "Dooin Electronics" },
591 { 0x04af, "Winnov L.P." },
592 { 0x04b0, "Nikon Corp." },
593 { 0x04b1, "Pan International" },
594 { 0x04b3, "IBM Corp." },
595 { 0x04b4, "Cypress Semiconductor Corp." },
596 { 0x04b5, "ROHM LSI Systems USA, LLC" },
597 { 0x04b6, "Hint Corp." },
598 { 0x04b7, "Compal Electronics, Inc." },
599 { 0x04b8, "Seiko Epson Corp." },
600 { 0x04b9, "Rainbow Technologies, Inc." },
601 { 0x04ba, "Toucan Systems, Ltd" },
602 { 0x04bb, "I-O Data Device, Inc." },
603 { 0x04bd, "Toshiba Electronics Taiwan Corp." },
604 { 0x04be, "Telia Research AB" },
605 { 0x04bf, "TDK Corp." },
606 { 0x04c1, "U.S. Robotics (3Com)" },
607 { 0x04c2, "Methode Electronics Far East PTE, Ltd" },
608 { 0x04c3, "Maxi Switch, Inc." },
609 { 0x04c4, "Lockheed Martin Energy Research" },
610 { 0x04c5, "Fujitsu, Ltd" },
611 { 0x04c6, "Toshiba America Electronic Components" },
612 { 0x04c7, "Micro Macro Technologies" },
613 { 0x04c8, "Konica Corp." },
614 { 0x04ca, "Lite-On Technology Corp." },
615 { 0x04cb, "Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd" },
616 { 0x04cc, "Philips Semiconductors" },
617 { 0x04cd, "Tatung Co. Of America" },
618 { 0x04ce, "ScanLogic Corp." },
619 { 0x04cf, "Myson Century, Inc." },
620 { 0x04d0, "Digi International" },
621 { 0x04d1, "ITT Canon" },
622 { 0x04d2, "Altec Lansing Technologies" },
623 { 0x04d3, "VidUS, Inc." },
624 { 0x04d4, "LSI Logic, Inc." },
625 { 0x04d5, "Forte Technologies, Inc." },
626 { 0x04d6, "Mentor Graphics" },
627 { 0x04d7, "Oki Semiconductor" },
628 { 0x04d8, "Microchip Technology, Inc." },
629 { 0x04d9, "Holtek Semiconductor, Inc." },
630 { 0x04da, "Panasonic (Matsushita)" },
631 { 0x04db, "Hypertec Pty, Ltd" },
632 { 0x04dc, "Huan Hsin Holdings, Ltd" },
633 { 0x04dd, "Sharp Corp." },
634 { 0x04de, "MindShare, Inc." },
635 { 0x04df, "Interlink Electronics" },
636 { 0x04e1, "Iiyama North America, Inc." },
637 { 0x04e2, "Exar Corp." },
638 { 0x04e3, "Zilog, Inc." },
639 { 0x04e4, "ACC Microelectronics" },
640 { 0x04e5, "Promise Technology" },
641 { 0x04e6, "SCM Microsystems, Inc." },
642 { 0x04e7, "Elo TouchSystems" },
643 { 0x04e8, "Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd" },
644 { 0x04e9, "PC-Tel, Inc." },
645 { 0x04ea, "Brooktree Corp." },
646 { 0x04eb, "Northstar Systems, Inc." },
647 { 0x04ec, "Tokyo Electron Device, Ltd" },
648 { 0x04ed, "Annabooks" },
649 { 0x04ef, "Pacific Electronic International, Inc." },
650 { 0x04f0, "Daewoo Electronics Co., Ltd" },
651 { 0x04f1, "Victor Company of Japan, Ltd" },
652 { 0x04f2, "Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd" },
653 { 0x04f3, "Elan Microelectronics Corp." },
654 { 0x04f4, "Harting Elektronik, Inc." },
655 { 0x04f5, "Fujitsu-ICL Systems, Inc." },
656 { 0x04f6, "Norand Corp." },
657 { 0x04f7, "Newnex Technology Corp." },
658 { 0x04f8, "FuturePlus Systems" },
659 { 0x04f9, "Brother Industries, Ltd" },
660 { 0x04fa, "Dallas Semiconductor" },
661 { 0x04fb, "Biostar Microtech International Corp." },
662 { 0x04fc, "Sunplus Technology Co., Ltd" },
663 { 0x04fd, "Soliton Systems, K.K." },
664 { 0x04fe, "PFU, Ltd" },
665 { 0x04ff, "E-CMOS Corp." },
666 { 0x0500, "Siam United Hi-Tech" },
667 { 0x0501, "Fujikura DDK, Ltd" },
668 { 0x0502, "Acer, Inc." },
669 { 0x0503, "Hitachi America, Ltd" },
670 { 0x0504, "Hayes Microcomputer Products" },
671 { 0x0506, "3Com Corp." },
672 { 0x0507, "Hosiden Corp." },
673 { 0x0508, "Clarion Co., Ltd" },
674 { 0x0509, "Aztech Systems, Ltd" },
675 { 0x050a, "Cinch Connectors" },
676 { 0x050b, "Cable System International" },
677 { 0x050c, "InnoMedia, Inc." },
678 { 0x050d, "Belkin Components" },
679 { 0x050e, "Neon Technology, Inc." },
680 { 0x050f, "KC Technology, Inc." },
681 { 0x0510, "Sejin Electron, Inc." },
682 { 0x0511, "N'Able (DataBook) Technologies, Inc." },
683 { 0x0512, "Hualon Microelectronics Corp." },
684 { 0x0513, "digital-X, Inc." },
685 { 0x0514, "FCI Electronics" },
686 { 0x0515, "ACTC" },
687 { 0x0516, "Longwell Electronics" },
688 { 0x0517, "Butterfly Communications" },
689 { 0x0518, "EzKEY Corp." },
690 { 0x0519, "Star Micronics Co., Ltd" },
691 { 0x051a, "WYSE Technology" },
692 { 0x051b, "Silicon Graphics" },
693 { 0x051c, "Shuttle, Inc." },
694 { 0x051d, "American Power Conversion" },
695 { 0x051e, "Scientific Atlanta, Inc." },
696 { 0x051f, "IO Systems (Elite Electronics), Inc." },
697 { 0x0520, "Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co." },
698 { 0x0521, "Airborn Connectors" },
699 { 0x0522, "Advanced Connectek, Inc." },
700 { 0x0523, "ATEN GmbH" },
701 { 0x0524, "Sola Electronics" },
702 { 0x0525, "Netchip Technology, Inc." },
703 { 0x0526, "Temic MHS S.A." },
704 { 0x0527, "ALTRA" },
705 { 0x0528, "ATI Technologies, Inc." },
706 { 0x0529, "Aladdin Knowledge Systems" },
707 { 0x052a, "Crescent Heart Software" },
708 { 0x052b, "Tekom Technologies, Inc." },
709 { 0x052c, "Canon Information Systems, Inc." },
710 { 0x052d, "Avid Electronics Corp." },
711 { 0x052e, "Standard Microsystems Corp." },
712 { 0x052f, "Unicore Software, Inc." },
713 { 0x0530, "American Microsystems, Inc." },
714 { 0x0531, "Wacom Technology Corp." },
715 { 0x0532, "Systech Corp." },
716 { 0x0533, "Alcatel Mobile Phones" },
717 { 0x0534, "Motorola, Inc." },
718 { 0x0535, "LIH TZU Electric Co., Ltd" },
719 { 0x0536, "Hand Held Products (Welch Allyn, Inc.)" },
720 { 0x0537, "Inventec Corp." },
721 { 0x0538, "Caldera International, Inc. (SCO)" },
722 { 0x0539, "Shyh Shiun Terminals Co., Ltd" },
723 { 0x053a, "Preh Werke GmbH & Co. KG" },
724 { 0x053b, "Global Village Communication" },
725 { 0x053c, "Institut of Microelectronic & Mechatronic Systems" },
726 { 0x053d, "Silicon Architect" },
727 { 0x053e, "Mobility Electronics" },
728 { 0x053f, "Synopsys, Inc." },
729 { 0x0540, "UniAccess AB" },
730 { 0x0541, "Sirf Technology, Inc." },
731 { 0x0543, "ViewSonic Corp." },
732 { 0x0544, "Cristie Electronics, Ltd" },
733 { 0x0545, "Xirlink, Inc." },
734 { 0x0546, "Polaroid Corp." },
735 { 0x0547, "Anchor Chips, Inc." },
736 { 0x0548, "Tyan Computer Corp." },
737 { 0x0549, "Pixera Corp." },
738 { 0x054a, "Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc." },
739 { 0x054b, "New Media Corp." },
740 { 0x054c, "Sony Corp." },
741 { 0x054d, "Try Corp." },
742 { 0x054e, "Proside Corp." },
743 { 0x054f, "WYSE Technology Taiwan" },
744 { 0x0550, "Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd" },
745 { 0x0551, "CompuTrend Systems, Inc." },
746 { 0x0552, "Philips Monitors" },
747 { 0x0553, "STMicroelectronics Imaging Division (VLSI Vision)" },
748 { 0x0554, "Dictaphone Corp." },
749 { 0x0555, "ANAM S&T Co., Ltd" },
750 { 0x0556, "Asahi Kasei Microsystems Co., Ltd" },
751 { 0x0557, "ATEN International Co., Ltd" },
752 { 0x0558, "Truevision, Inc." },
753 { 0x0559, "Cadence Design Systems, Inc." },
754 { 0x055a, "Kenwood USA" },
755 { 0x055b, "KnowledgeTek, Inc." },
756 { 0x055c, "Proton Electronic Ind." },
757 { 0x055d, "Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co." },
758 { 0x055e, "CTX Opto-Electronics Corp." },
759 { 0x055f, "Mustek Systems, Inc." },
760 { 0x0560, "Interface Corp." },
761 { 0x0561, "Oasis Design, Inc." },
762 { 0x0562, "Telex Communications, Inc." },
763 { 0x0563, "Immersion Corp." },
764 { 0x0564, "Chinon Industries, Inc." },
765 { 0x0565, "Peracom Networks, Inc." },
766 { 0x0566, "Monterey International Corp." },
767 { 0x0567, "Xyratex International, Ltd" },
768 { 0x0568, "Quartz Ingenierie" },
769 { 0x0569, "SegaSoft" },
770 { 0x056a, "Wacom Co., Ltd" },
771 { 0x056b, "Decicon, Inc." },
772 { 0x056c, "eTEK Labs" },
773 { 0x056d, "EIZO Corp." },
774 { 0x056e, "Elecom Co., Ltd" },
775 { 0x056f, "Korea Data Systems Co., Ltd" },
776 { 0x0570, "Epson America" },
777 { 0x0571, "Interex, Inc." },
778 { 0x0572, "Conexant Systems (Rockwell), Inc." },
779 { 0x0573, "Zoran Co. Personal Media Division (Nogatech)" },
780 { 0x0574, "City University of Hong Kong" },
781 { 0x0575, "Philips Creative Display Solutions" },
782 { 0x0576, "BAFO/Quality Computer Accessories" },
783 { 0x0577, "ELSA" },
784 { 0x0578, "Intrinsix Corp." },
785 { 0x0579, "GVC Corp." },
786 { 0x057a, "Samsung Electronics America" },
787 { 0x057b, "Y-E Data, Inc." },
788 { 0x057c, "AVM GmbH" },
789 { 0x057d, "Shark Multimedia, Inc." },
790 { 0x057e, "Nintendo Co., Ltd" },
791 { 0x057f, "QuickShot, Ltd" },
792 { 0x0580, "Denron, Inc." },
793 { 0x0581, "Racal Data Group" },
794 { 0x0582, "Roland Corp." },
795 { 0x0583, "Padix Co., Ltd (Rockfire)" },
796 { 0x0584, "RATOC System, Inc." },
797 { 0x0585, "FlashPoint Technology, Inc." },
798 { 0x0586, "ZyXEL Communications Corp." },
799 { 0x0587, "America Kotobuki Electronics Industries, Inc." },
800 { 0x0588, "Sapien Design" },
801 { 0x0589, "Victron" },
802 { 0x058a, "Nohau Corp." },
803 { 0x058b, "Infineon Technologies" },
804 { 0x058c, "In Focus Systems" },
805 { 0x058d, "Micrel Semiconductor" },
806 { 0x058e, "Tripath Technology, Inc." },
807 { 0x058f, "Alcor Micro Corp." },
808 { 0x0590, "Omron Corp." },
809 { 0x0591, "Questra Consulting" },
810 { 0x0592, "Powerware Corp." },
811 { 0x0593, "Incite" },
812 { 0x0594, "Princeton Graphic Systems" },
813 { 0x0595, "Zoran Microelectronics, Ltd" },
814 { 0x0596, "MicroTouch Systems, Inc." },
815 { 0x0597, "Trisignal Communications" },
816 { 0x0598, "Niigata Canotec Co., Inc." },
817 { 0x0599, "Brilliance Semiconductor, Inc." },
818 { 0x059a, "Spectrum Signal Processing, Inc." },
819 { 0x059b, "Iomega Corp." },
820 { 0x059c, "A-Trend Technology Co., Ltd" },
821 { 0x059d, "Advanced Input Devices" },
822 { 0x059e, "Intelligent Instrumentation" },
823 { 0x059f, "LaCie, Ltd" },
824 { 0x05a0, "Vetronix Corp." },
825 { 0x05a1, "USC Corp." },
826 { 0x05a2, "Fuji Film Microdevices Co., Ltd" },
827 { 0x05a3, "ARC International" },
828 { 0x05a4, "Ortek Technology, Inc." },
829 { 0x05a5, "Sampo Technology Corp." },
830 { 0x05a6, "Cisco Systems, Inc." },
831 { 0x05a7, "Bose Corp." },
832 { 0x05a8, "Spacetec IMC Corp." },
833 { 0x05a9, "OmniVision Technologies, Inc." },
834 { 0x05aa, "Utilux South China, Ltd" },
835 { 0x05ab, "In-System Design" },
836 { 0x05ac, "Apple Computer, Inc." },
837 { 0x05ad, "Y.C. Cable U.S.A., Inc." },
838 { 0x05ae, "Synopsys, Inc." },
839 { 0x05af, "Jing-Mold Enterprise Co., Ltd" },
840 { 0x05b0, "Fountain Technologies, Inc." },
841 { 0x05b1, "First International Computer, Inc." },
842 { 0x05b4, "LG Semicon Co., Ltd" },
843 { 0x05b5, "Dialogic Corp." },
844 { 0x05b6, "Proxima Corp." },
845 { 0x05b7, "Medianix Semiconductor, Inc." },
846 { 0x05b8, "Agiler, Inc." },
847 { 0x05b9, "Philips Research Laboratories" },
848 { 0x05ba, "DigitalPersona, Inc." },
849 { 0x05bd, "RAFI GmbH & Co. KG" },
850 { 0x05be, "Tyco Electronics (Raychem)" },
851 { 0x05bf, "S & S Research" },
852 { 0x05c0, "Keil Software" },
853 { 0x05c1, "Kawasaki Microelectronics, Inc." },
854 { 0x05c2, "Media Phonics (Suisse) S.A." },
855 { 0x05c5, "Digi International, Inc." },
856 { 0x05c6, "Qualcomm, Inc." },
857 { 0x05c7, "Qtronix Corp." },
858 { 0x05c8, "Cheng Uei Precision Industry Co., Ltd (Foxlink)" },
859 { 0x05c9, "Semtech Corp." },
860 { 0x05ca, "Ricoh Co., Ltd" },
861 { 0x05cb, "PowerVision Technologies, Inc." },
862 { 0x05cc, "ELSA AG" },
863 { 0x05cd, "Silicom, Ltd" },
864 { 0x05ce, "sci-worx GmbH" },
865 { 0x05cf, "Sung Forn Co., Ltd" },
866 { 0x05d0, "GE Medical Systems Lunar" },
867 { 0x05d1, "Brainboxes, Ltd" },
868 { 0x05d2, "Wave Systems Corp." },
869 { 0x05d6, "Philips Semiconductors, CICT" },
870 { 0x05d7, "Thomas & Betts Corp." },
871 { 0x05d8, "Ultima Electronics Corp." },
872 { 0x05d9, "Axiohm Transaction Solutions" },
873 { 0x05da, "Microtek International, Inc." },
874 { 0x05db, "Sun Corp. (Suntac?)" },
875 { 0x05dc, "Lexar Media, Inc." },
876 { 0x05dd, "Delta Electronics, Inc." },
877 { 0x05e0, "Symbol Technologies" },
878 { 0x05e1, "Syntek Semiconductor Co., Ltd" },
879 { 0x05e3, "Genesys Logic, Inc." },
880 { 0x05e5, "Fuji Electric Co., Ltd" },
881 { 0x05e6, "Keithley Instruments" },
882 { 0x05e7, "EIZO Nanao" },
883 { 0x05e9, "Kawasaki LSI" },
884 { 0x05eb, "FFC, Ltd" },
885 { 0x05ef, "AVB, Inc. [anko?]" },
886 { 0x05f0, "Canopus Co., Ltd" },
887 { 0x05f2, "Dexin Corp., Ltd" },
888 { 0x05f3, "PI Engineering, Inc." },
889 { 0x05f5, "Unixtar Technology, Inc." },
890 { 0x05f6, "AOC International" },
891 { 0x05f7, "RFC Distribution(s) PTE, Ltd" },
892 { 0x05f9, "PSC Scanning, Inc." },
893 { 0x05fa, "Siemens Telecommunications Systems, Ltd" },
894 { 0x05fc, "Harman Multimedia" },
895 { 0x05fd, "InterAct, Inc." },
896 { 0x05fe, "Chic Technology Corp." },
897 { 0x05ff, "LeCroy Corp." },
898 { 0x0600, "Barco Display Systems" },
899 { 0x0601, "Jazz Hipster Corp." },
900 { 0x0602, "Vista Imaging, Inc." },
901 { 0x0603, "Novatek Microelectronics Corp." },
902 { 0x0604, "Jean Co., Ltd" },
903 { 0x0606, "Royal Information Electronics Co., Ltd" },
904 { 0x0607, "Bridge Information Co., Ltd" },
905 { 0x0609, "SMK Manufacturing, Inc." },
906 { 0x060a, "Worthington Data Solutions, Inc." },
907 { 0x060b, "Solid Year (?)" },
908 { 0x060c, "EEH Datalink GmbH" },
909 { 0x060f, "Joinsoon Electronics Mfg. Co., Ltd" },
910 { 0x0611, "Totoku Electric Co., Ltd" },
911 { 0x0613, "TransAct Technologies, Inc." },
912 { 0x0614, "Bio-Rad Laboratories" },
913 { 0x0616, "Future Techno Designs PVT, Ltd" },
914 { 0x0618, "MacAlly" },
915 { 0x0619, "Seiko Instruments, Inc." },
916 { 0x061c, "Act Labs, Ltd" },
917 { 0x061d, "Quatech, Inc." },
918 { 0x061e, "Nissei Electric Co." },
919 { 0x0620, "Alaris, Inc." },
920 { 0x0621, "ODU-Steckverbindungssysteme GmbH & Co. KG" },
921 { 0x0623, "Littelfuse, Inc." },
922 { 0x0624, "Apex, Inc." },
923 { 0x0626, "Nippon Systems Development Co., Ltd" },
924 { 0x0629, "Zida Technologies, Ltd" },
925 { 0x062b, "Greatlink Electronics Taiwan, Ltd" },
926 { 0x062d, "Taiwan Tai-Hao Enterprises Co., Ltd" },
927 { 0x062e, "Mainsuper Enterprises Co., Ltd" },
928 { 0x062f, "Sin Sheng Terminal & Machine, Inc." },
929 { 0x0634, "Micron Technology, Inc." },
930 { 0x0636, "Sierra Imaging, Inc." },
931 { 0x0638, "Avision, Inc." },
932 { 0x063d, "Fong Kai Industrial Co., Ltd" },
933 { 0x063f, "New Technology Cable, Ltd" },
934 { 0x0640, "Hitex Development Tools" },
935 { 0x0641, "Woods Industries, Inc." },
936 { 0x0642, "VIA Medical Corp." },
937 { 0x0644, "TEAC Corp." },
938 { 0x0645, "Who? Vision Systems, Inc." },
939 { 0x0646, "UMAX" },
940 { 0x0647, "Acton Research Corp." },
941 { 0x0648, "Inside Out Networks" },
942 { 0x064b, "White Mountain DSP, Inc." },
943 { 0x064c, "Ji-Haw Industrial Co., Ltd" },
944 { 0x064e, "Suyin Corp." },
945 { 0x064f, "WIBU-Systems AG" },
946 { 0x0651, "Likom Technology Sdn. Bhd." },
947 { 0x0652, "Stargate Solutions, Inc." },
948 { 0x0654, "Granite Microsystems, Inc." },
949 { 0x0655, "Space Shuttle Hi-Tech Co., Ltd" },
950 { 0x0656, "Glory Mark Electronic, Ltd" },
951 { 0x0657, "Tekcon Electronics Corp." },
952 { 0x065a, "Optoelectronics Co., Ltd" },
953 { 0x065e, "Silicon Graphics" },
954 { 0x065f, "Good Way Technology Co., Ltd & GWC technology Inc." },
955 { 0x0660, "TSAY-E (BVI) International, Inc." },
956 { 0x0661, "Hamamatsu Photonics K.K." },
957 { 0x0663, "Topmax Electronic Co., Ltd" },
958 { 0x0667, "Aiwa Co., Ltd" },
959 { 0x0668, "WordWand" },
960 { 0x0669, "Oce' Printing Systems GmbH" },
961 { 0x066a, "Total Technologies, Ltd" },
962 { 0x066b, "Linksys, Inc." },
963 { 0x066d, "Entrega, Inc." },
964 { 0x066e, "Acer Semiconductor America, Inc." },
965 { 0x066f, "SigmaTel, Inc." },
966 { 0x0672, "Labtec, Inc." },
967 { 0x0673, "HCL" },
968 { 0x0674, "Key Mouse Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd" },
969 { 0x0675, "Draytech" },
970 { 0x0676, "Teles AG" },
971 { 0x0677, "Aiwa Co., Ltd" },
972 { 0x0678, "ACard Technology Corp." },
973 { 0x067b, "Prolific Technology, Inc." },
974 { 0x067c, "Efficient Networks, Inc." },
975 { 0x067d, "Hohner Corp." },
976 { 0x067e, "Intermec" },
977 { 0x067f, "Virata, Ltd" },
978 { 0x0680, "Realtek Semiconductor Corp., CPP Div. (Avance Logic)" },
979 { 0x0681, "Siemens Information and Communication Products" },
980 { 0x0684, "Actiontec Electronics, Inc." },
981 { 0x0686, "Minolta Co., Ltd" },
982 { 0x068a, "Pertech, Inc." },
983 { 0x068e, "CH Products, Inc." },
984 { 0x0690, "Golden Bridge Electech, Inc." },
985 { 0x0693, "Hagiwara Sys-Com Co., Ltd" },
986 { 0x0694, "Lego Group" },
987 { 0x0698, "Chuntex (CTX)" },
988 { 0x0699, "Tektronix, Inc." },
989 { 0x069a, "Askey Computer Corp." },
990 { 0x069b, "Thomson, Inc." },
991 { 0x069d, "Hughes Network Systems (HNS)" },
992 { 0x069e, "Marx" },
993 { 0x069f, "Allied Data Technologies BV" },
994 { 0x06a2, "Topro Technology, Inc." },
995 { 0x06a3, "Saitek PLC" },
996 { 0x06a4, "Xiamen Doowell Electron Co., Ltd" },
997 { 0x06a5, "Divio" },
998 { 0x06a8, "Topaz Systems, Inc." },
999 { 0x06a9, "Westell" },
1000 { 0x06aa, "Sysgration, Ltd" },
1001 { 0x06ac, "Fujitsu Laboratories of America, Inc." },
1002 { 0x06ad, "Greatland Electronics Taiwan, Ltd" },
1003 { 0x06ae, "Professional Multimedia Testing Centre" },
1004 { 0x06b8, "Pixela Corp." },
1005 { 0x06b9, "Alcatel Telecom" },
1006 { 0x06ba, "Smooth Cord & Connector Co., Ltd" },
1007 { 0x06bb, "EDA, Inc." },
1008 { 0x06bc, "Oki Data Corp." },
1009 { 0x06bd, "AGFA-Gevaert NV" },
1010 { 0x06be, "AME Optimedia Technology Co., Ltd" },
1011 { 0x06bf, "Leoco Corp." },
1012 { 0x06c2, "GLAB Chester" },
1013 { 0x06c4, "Bizlink International Corp." },
1014 { 0x06c5, "Hagenuk, GmbH" },
1015 { 0x06c6, "Infowave Software, Inc." },
1016 { 0x06c8, "SIIG, Inc." },
1017 { 0x06c9, "Taxan (Europe), Ltd" },
1018 { 0x06ca, "Newer Technology, Inc." },
1019 { 0x06cb, "Synaptics, Inc." },
1020 { 0x06cc, "Terayon Communication Systems" },
1021 { 0x06cd, "Keyspan" },
1022 { 0x06cf, "SpheronVR AG" },
1023 { 0x06d0, "LapLink, Inc." },
1024 { 0x06d1, "Daewoo Electronics Co., Ltd" },
1025 { 0x06d3, "Mitsubishi Electric Corp." },
1026 { 0x06d5, "Toshiba" },
1027 { 0x06d6, "Aashima Technology B.V." },
1028 { 0x06d7, "Network Computing Devices (NCD)" },
1029 { 0x06d8, "Technical Marketing Research, Inc." },
1030 { 0x06da, "Phoenixtec Power Co., Ltd" },
1031 { 0x06db, "Paradyne" },
1032 { 0x06dc, "Foxlink Image Technology Co., Ltd" },
1033 { 0x06de, "Heisei Electronics Co., Ltd" },
1034 { 0x06e0, "Multi-Tech Systems, Inc." },
1035 { 0x06e1, "ADS Technologies, Inc." },
1036 { 0x06e4, "Alcatel Microelectronics" },
1037 { 0x06e6, "Tiger Jet Network, Inc." },
1038 { 0x06ea, "Sirius Technologies" },
1039 { 0x06ef, "I.A.C. Geometrische Ingenieurs B.V." },
1040 { 0x06f0, "T.N.C Industrial Co., Ltd" },
1041 { 0x06f1, "Opcode Systems, Inc." },
1042 { 0x06f2, "Emine Technology Co." },
1043 { 0x06f6, "Wintrend Technology Co., Ltd" },
1044 { 0x06fa, "HSD S.r.L" },
1045 { 0x06fd, "Boston Acoustics" },
1046 { 0x06fe, "Gallant Computer, Inc." },
1047 { 0x0701, "Supercomal Wire & Cable SDN. BHD." },
1048 { 0x0703, "Bvtech Industry, Inc." },
1049 { 0x0705, "NKK Corp." },
1050 { 0x0707, "Standard Microsystems Corp." },
1051 { 0x0708, "Putercom Co., Ltd" },
1052 { 0x0709, "Silicon Systems, Ltd (SSL)" },
1053 { 0x070a, "Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd" },
1054 { 0x070d, "Comoss Electronic Co., Ltd" },
1055 { 0x070e, "Excel Cell Electronic Co., Ltd" },
1056 { 0x0710, "Connect Tech, Inc." },
1057 { 0x0711, "Magic Control Technology Corp." },
1058 { 0x0714, "NewMotion, Inc." },
1059 { 0x0718, "Imation Corp." },
1060 { 0x0719, "Tremon Enterprises Co., Ltd" },
1061 { 0x071b, "Domain Technologies, Inc." },
1062 { 0x071c, "Xionics Document Technologies, Inc." },
1063 { 0x071d, "Eicon Networks Corp." },
1064 { 0x0723, "Centillium Communications Corp." },
1065 { 0x0726, "Vanguard International Semiconductor-America" },
1066 { 0x0729, "Amitm" },
1067 { 0x072e, "Sunix Co., Ltd" },
1068 { 0x072f, "Advanced Card Systems, Ltd" },
1069 { 0x0731, "Susteen, Inc." },
1070 { 0x0732, "Goldfull Electronics & Telecommunications Corp." },
1071 { 0x0733, "ViewQuest Technologies, Inc." },
1072 { 0x0734, "Lasat Communications A/S" },
1073 { 0x0735, "Asuscom Network" },
1074 { 0x0736, "Lorom Industrial Co., Ltd" },
1075 { 0x0738, "Mad Catz, Inc." },
1076 { 0x073b, "Suncom Technologies" },
1077 { 0x073d, "Eutron S.p.a." },
1078 { 0x073e, "NEC, Inc." },
1079 { 0x0745, "Syntech Information Co., Ltd" },
1080 { 0x0746, "Onkyo Corp." },
1081 { 0x0747, "Labway Corp." },
1082 { 0x0748, "Strong Man Enterprise Co., Ltd" },
1083 { 0x0749, "EVer Electronics Corp." },
1084 { 0x074a, "Ming Fortune Industry Co., Ltd" },
1085 { 0x074b, "Polestar Tech. Corp." },
1086 { 0x074c, "C-C-C Group PLC" },
1087 { 0x074d, "Micronas GmbH" },
1088 { 0x074e, "Digital Stream Corp." },
1089 { 0x0755, "Aureal Semiconductor" },
1090 { 0x0757, "Network Technologies, Inc." },
1091 { 0x0763, "Midiman" },
1092 { 0x0764, "Cyber Power System, Inc." },
1093 { 0x0765, "X-Rite, Inc." },
1094 { 0x0766, "Jess-Link Products Co., Ltd" },
1095 { 0x0768, "Camtel Technology Corp." },
1096 { 0x0769, "Surecom Technology Corp." },
1097 { 0x076a, "Smart Technology Enablers, Inc." },
1098 { 0x076b, "OmniKey AG" },
1099 { 0x076c, "Partner Tech" },
1100 { 0x076d, "Denso Corp." },
1101 { 0x076e, "Kuan Tech Enterprise Co., Ltd" },
1102 { 0x076f, "Jhen Vei Electronic Co., Ltd" },
1103 { 0x0774, "AmTRAN Technology Co., Ltd" },
1104 { 0x0775, "Longshine Electronics Corp." },
1105 { 0x0776, "Inalways Corp." },
1106 { 0x0777, "Comda Enterprise Corp." },
1107 { 0x0779, "Fairchild Semiconductor" },
1108 { 0x077a, "Sankyo Seiki Mfg. Co., Ltd" },
1109 { 0x077b, "Linksys" },
1110 { 0x077c, "Forward Electronics Co., Ltd" },
1111 { 0x077d, "Griffin Technology" },
1112 { 0x077f, "Well Excellent & Most Corp." },
1113 { 0x0781, "SanDisk Corp." },
1114 { 0x0782, "Trackerball" },
1115 { 0x0784, "Vivitar, Inc." },
1116 { 0x0785, "NTT-ME" },
1117 { 0x0789, "Logitec Corp." },
1118 { 0x078b, "Happ Controls, Inc." },
1119 { 0x078e, "Brincom, Inc." },
1120 { 0x0790, "Pro-Image Manufacturing Co., Ltd" },
1121 { 0x0791, "Copartner Wire and Cable Mfg. Corp." },
1122 { 0x0792, "Axis Communications AB" },
1123 { 0x0793, "Wha Yu Industrial Co., Ltd" },
1124 { 0x0794, "ABL Electronics Corp." },
1125 { 0x0795, "RealChip, Inc." },
1126 { 0x0796, "Certicom Corp." },
1127 { 0x0797, "Grandtech Semiconductor Corp." },
1128 { 0x079b, "Sagem" },
1129 { 0x079d, "Alfadata Computer Corp." },
1130 { 0x07a1, "Digicom S.p.A." },
1131 { 0x07a2, "National Technical Systems" },
1132 { 0x07a3, "Onnto Corp." },
1133 { 0x07a4, "Be, Inc." },
1134 { 0x07a6, "ADMtek, Inc." },
1135 { 0x07aa, "Corega K.K." },
1136 { 0x07ab, "Freecom Technologies" },
1137 { 0x07af, "Microtech" },
1138 { 0x07b0, "Trust Technologies" },
1139 { 0x07b1, "IMP, Inc." },
1140 { 0x07b2, "Motorola BCS, Inc." },
1141 { 0x07b3, "Plustek, Inc." },
1142 { 0x07b4, "Olympus Optical Co., Ltd" },
1143 { 0x07b5, "Mega World International, Ltd" },
1144 { 0x07b6, "Marubun Corp." },
1145 { 0x07b7, "TIME Interconnect, Ltd" },
1146 { 0x07b8, "D-Link Corp." },
1147 { 0x07bc, "Canon Computer Systems, Inc." },
1148 { 0x07bd, "Webgear, Inc." },
1149 { 0x07be, "Veridicom" },
1150 { 0x07c0, "Code Mercenaries Hard- und Software GmbH" },
1151 { 0x07c1, "Keisokugiken" },
1152 { 0x07c4, "Datafab Systems, Inc." },
1153 { 0x07c5, "APG Cash Drawer" },
1154 { 0x07c6, "ShareWave, Inc." },
1155 { 0x07c7, "Powertech Industrial Co., Ltd" },
1156 { 0x07c8, "B.U.G., Inc." },
1157 { 0x07c9, "Allied Telesyn International" },
1158 { 0x07ca, "AVerMedia Technologies, Inc." },
1159 { 0x07cb, "Kingmax Technology, Inc." },
1160 { 0x07cc, "Carry Computer Eng., Co., Ltd" },
1161 { 0x07cd, "Elektor" },
1162 { 0x07cf, "Casio Computer Co., Ltd" },
1163 { 0x07d0, "Dazzle" },
1164 { 0x07d1, "D-Link System" },
1165 { 0x07d2, "Aptio Products, Inc." },
1166 { 0x07d3, "Cyberdata Corp." },
1167 { 0x07d7, "GCC Technologies, Inc." },
1168 { 0x07da, "Arasan Chip Systems" },
1169 { 0x07df, "David Electronics Co., Ltd" },
1170 { 0x07e1, "Ambient Technologies, Inc." },
1171 { 0x07e2, "Elmeg GmbH & Co., Ltd" },
1172 { 0x07e3, "Planex Communications, Inc." },
1173 { 0x07e4, "Movado Enterprise Co., Ltd" },
1174 { 0x07e5, "QPS, Inc." },
1175 { 0x07e6, "Allied Cable Corp." },
1176 { 0x07e7, "Mirvo Toys, Inc." },
1177 { 0x07e8, "Labsystems" },
1178 { 0x07ea, "Iwatsu Electric Co., Ltd" },
1179 { 0x07eb, "Double-H Technology Co., Ltd" },
1180 { 0x07ec, "Taiyo Electric Wire & Cable Co., Ltd" },
1181 { 0x07ef, "STSN" },
1182 { 0x07f6, "Circuit Assembly Corp." },
1183 { 0x07f7, "Century Corp." },
1184 { 0x07f9, "Dotop Technology, Inc." },
1185 { 0x07fa, "Draytek" },
1186 { 0x07fc, "Siemens Business Services" },
1187 { 0x07fd, "Mark of the Unicorn" },
1188 { 0x0801, "Mag-Tek" },
1189 { 0x0802, "Mako Technologies, LLC" },
1190 { 0x0803, "Zoom Telephonics, Inc." },
1191 { 0x0809, "Genicom Technology, Inc." },
1192 { 0x080a, "Evermuch Technology Co., Ltd" },
1193 { 0x080d, "Teco Image Systems Co., Ltd" },
1194 { 0x0810, "Personal Communication Systems, Inc." },
1195 { 0x0813, "Mattel, Inc." },
1196 { 0x081a, "MG Logic" },
1197 { 0x081b, "Indigita Corp." },
1198 { 0x081c, "Mipsys" },
1199 { 0x081e, "AlphaSmart, Inc." },
1200 { 0x0822, "Reudo Corp." },
1201 { 0x0825, "GC Protronics" },
1202 { 0x0826, "Data Transit" },
1203 { 0x0827, "BroadLogic, Inc." },
1204 { 0x0828, "Sato Corp." },
1205 { 0x0829, "DirecTV Broadband, Inc. (Telocity)" },
1206 { 0x082d, "Handspring" },
1207 { 0x0830, "Palm, Inc." },
1208 { 0x0832, "Kouwell Electronics Corp." },
1209 { 0x0833, "Sourcenext Corp." },
1210 { 0x0835, "Action Star Enterprise Co., Ltd" },
1211 { 0x0839, "Samsung Techwin Co., Ltd" },
1212 { 0x083a, "Accton Technology Corp." },
1213 { 0x083f, "Global Village" },
1214 { 0x0840, "Argosy Research, Inc." },
1215 { 0x0841, ", Inc." },
1216 { 0x0844, "Welland Industrial Co., Ltd" },
1217 { 0x0846, "NetGear, Inc." },
1218 { 0x084d, "Minton Optic Industry Co., Inc." },
1219 { 0x084e, "KB Gear" },
1220 { 0x084f, "Empeg" },
1221 { 0x0850, "Fast Point Technologies, Inc." },
1222 { 0x0851, "Macronix International Co., Ltd" },
1223 { 0x0852, "CSEM" },
1224 { 0x0854, "ActiveWire, Inc." },
1225 { 0x0858, "Hitachi Maxell, Ltd" },
1226 { 0x0859, "Minolta Systems Laboratory, Inc." },
1227 { 0x085a, "Xircom" },
1228 { 0x0862, "Teletrol Systems, Inc." },
1229 { 0x0863, "Filanet Corp." },
1230 { 0x0864, "NetGear, Inc." },
1231 { 0x086a, "Emagic Soft-und Hardware GmbH" },
1232 { 0x086c, "DeTeWe - Deutsche Telephonwerke AG & Co." },
1233 { 0x086e, "System TALKS, Inc." },
1234 { 0x086f, "MEC IMEX, Inc." },
1235 { 0x0870, "Metricom" },
1236 { 0x0871, "SanDisk, Inc." },
1237 { 0x0873, "Xpeed, Inc." },
1238 { 0x0874, "A-Tec Subsystem, Inc." },
1239 { 0x0879, "Comtrol Corp." },
1240 { 0x087c, "Adesso/Kbtek America, Inc." },
1241 { 0x087d, "Jaton Corp." },
1242 { 0x087e, "Fujitsu Computer Products of America" },
1243 { 0x087f, "Virtual IP Group, Inc." },
1244 { 0x0880, "APT Technologies, Inc." },
1245 { 0x0883, "Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)" },
1246 { 0x0885, "Boca Research, Inc." },
1247 { 0x0886, "XAC Automation Corp." },
1248 { 0x0887, "Hannstar Electronics Corp." },
1249 { 0x088b, "MassWorks, Inc." },
1250 { 0x0892, "DioGraphy, Inc." },
1251 { 0x089c, "United Technologies Research Cntr." },
1252 { 0x089d, "Icron Technologies Corp." },
1253 { 0x089e, "NST Co., Ltd" },
1254 { 0x089f, "Primex Aerospace Co." },
1255 { 0x08a5, "e9, Inc." },
1256 { 0x08a8, "Andrea Electronics" },
1257 { 0x08ae, "Macally (Mace Group, Inc.)" },
1258 { 0x08b4, "Sorenson Vision, Inc." },
1259 { 0x08b8, "J. Gordon Electronic Design, Inc." },
1260 { 0x08b9, "RadioShack Corp. (Tandy)" },
1261 { 0x08bb, "Texas Instruments Japan" },
1262 { 0x08bd, "Citizen Watch Co., Ltd" },
1263 { 0x08c3, "Precise Biometrics" },
1264 { 0x08c4, "Proxim, Inc." },
1265 { 0x08c7, "Key Nice Enterprise Co., Ltd" },
1266 { 0x08c8, "2Wire, Inc." },
1267 { 0x08c9, "Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp." },
1268 { 0x08ca, "Aiptek International, Inc." },
1269 { 0x08cd, "Jue Hsun Ind. Corp." },
1270 { 0x08ce, "Long Well Electronics Corp." },
1271 { 0x08cf, "Productivity Enhancement Products" },
1272 { 0x08d1, "smartBridges, Inc." },
1273 { 0x08d3, "Virtual Ink" },
1274 { 0x08d4, "Fujitsu Siemens Computers" },
1275 { 0x08d9, "Increment P Corp." },
1276 { 0x08dd, "Billionton Systems, Inc." },
1277 { 0x08de, "???" },
1278 { 0x08df, "Spyrus, Inc." },
1279 { 0x08e3, "Olitec, Inc." },
1280 { 0x08e4, "Pioneer Corp." },
1281 { 0x08e5, "Litronic" },
1282 { 0x08e6, "Gemplus" },
1283 { 0x08e7, "Pan-International Wire & Cable" },
1284 { 0x08e8, "Integrated Memory Logic" },
1285 { 0x08e9, "Extended Systems, Inc." },
1286 { 0x08ea, "Ericsson, Inc., Blue Ridge Labs" },
1287 { 0x08ec, "M-Systems Flash Disk Pioneers" },
1288 { 0x08ee, "CCSI/Hesso" },
1289 { 0x08f0, "Corex Technologies" },
1290 { 0x08f1, "CTI Electronics Corp." },
1291 { 0x08f5, "SysTec Co., Ltd" },
1292 { 0x08f6, "Logic 3 International, Ltd" },
1293 { 0x08f8, "Keen Top International Enterprise Co., Ltd" },
1294 { 0x08f9, "Wipro Technologies" },
1295 { 0x08fa, "Caere" },
1296 { 0x08fb, "Socket Communications" },
1297 { 0x08fc, "Sicon Cable Technology Co., Ltd" },
1298 { 0x08fd, "Digianswer A/S" },
1299 { 0x08ff, "AuthenTec, Inc." },
1300 { 0x0900, "Pinnacle Systems, Inc." },
1301 { 0x0901, "VST Technologies" },
1302 { 0x0906, "Faraday Technology Corp." },
1303 { 0x0909, "Audio-Technica Corp." },
1304 { 0x090a, "Trumpion Microelectronics, Inc." },
1305 { 0x090b, "Neurosmith" },
1306 { 0x090c, "Feiya Technology Corp." },
1307 { 0x090d, "Multiport Computer Vertriebs GmbH" },
1308 { 0x090e, "Shining Technology, Inc." },
1309 { 0x090f, "Fujitsu Devices, Inc." },
1310 { 0x0910, "Alation Systems, Inc." },
1311 { 0x0911, "Philips Speech Processing" },
1312 { 0x0912, "Voquette, Inc." },
1313 { 0x0913, "Asante' Technologies, Inc." },
1314 { 0x0915, "GlobeSpan, Inc." },
1315 { 0x0917, "SmartDisk Corp." },
1316 { 0x0919, "Tiger Electronics" },
1317 { 0x091e, "Garmin International" },
1318 { 0x0920, "Echelon Co." },
1319 { 0x0921, "GoHubs, Inc." },
1320 { 0x0922, "Dymo-CoStar Corp." },
1321 { 0x0923, "IC Media Corp." },
1322 { 0x0924, "Xerox" },
1323 { 0x0925, "Wisegroup, Ltd" },
1324 { 0x0927, "Summus, Ltd" },
1325 { 0x0928, "Oxford Semiconductor, Ltd" },
1326 { 0x0929, "American Biometric Co." },
1327 { 0x092a, "Toshiba Information & Industrial Sys. And Services" },
1328 { 0x092b, "Sena Technologies, Inc." },
1329 { 0x0930, "Toshiba Corp." },
1330 { 0x0931, "Harmonic Data Systems, Ltd" },
1331 { 0x0932, "Crescentec Corp." },
1332 { 0x0933, "Quantum Corp." },
1333 { 0x0934, "Netcom Systems" },
1334 { 0x0939, "Lumberg, Inc." },
1335 { 0x093a, "Pixart Imaging, Inc." },
1336 { 0x093b, "Plextor Corp." },
1337 { 0x093d, "InnoSync, Inc." },
1338 { 0x093e, "J.S.T. Mfg. Co., Ltd" },
1339 { 0x093f, "Olympia Telecom Vertriebs GmbH" },
1340 { 0x0940, "Japan Storage Battery Co., Ltd" },
1341 { 0x0941, "Photobit Corp." },
1342 { 0x0942, ", LLC" },
1343 { 0x0943, "HCL Technologies India Private, Ltd" },
1344 { 0x0944, "KORG, Inc." },
1345 { 0x0945, "Pasco Scientific" },
1346 { 0x0948, "Kronauer music in digital" },
1347 { 0x094b, "Linkup Systems Corp." },
1348 { 0x094d, "Cable Television Laboratories" },
1349 { 0x094f, "Yano" },
1350 { 0x0951, "Kingston Technology" },
1351 { 0x0954, "RPM Systems Corp." },
1352 { 0x0955, "NVidia Corp." },
1353 { 0x0956, "BSquare Corp." },
1354 { 0x0957, "Agilent Technologies, Inc." },
1355 { 0x0958, "CompuLink Research, Inc." },
1356 { 0x0959, "Cologne Chip AG" },
1357 { 0x095a, "Portsmith" },
1358 { 0x095b, "Medialogic Corp." },
1359 { 0x095c, "K-Tec Electronics" },
1360 { 0x095d, "Polycom, Inc." },
1361 { 0x0967, "Acer (?)" },
1362 { 0x0968, "Catalyst Enterprises, Inc." },
1363 { 0x0971, "Gretag-Macbeth AG" },
1364 { 0x0973, "Schlumberger" },
1365 { 0x0974, "Datagraphix, a business unit of Anacomp" },
1366 { 0x0975, "OL'E Communications, Inc." },
1367 { 0x0976, "Adirondack Wire & Cable" },
1368 { 0x0977, "Lightsurf Technologies" },
1369 { 0x0978, "Beckhoff GmbH" },
1370 { 0x0979, "Jeilin Technology Corp., Ltd" },
1371 { 0x097a, "Minds At Work LLC" },
1372 { 0x097b, "Knudsen Engineering, Ltd" },
1373 { 0x097c, "Marunix Co., Ltd" },
1374 { 0x097d, "Rosun Technologies, Inc." },
1375 { 0x097f, "Barun Electronics Co., Ltd" },
1376 { 0x0981, "Oak Technology, Ltd" },
1377 { 0x0984, "Apricorn" },
1378 { 0x0985, "cab Produkttechnik GmbH & Co KG" },
1379 { 0x098c, "Vitana Corp." },
1380 { 0x098d, "INDesign" },
1381 { 0x098e, "Integrated Intellectual Property, Inc." },
1382 { 0x098f, "Kenwood TMI Corp." },
1383 { 0x0993, "Gemstar eBook Group, Ltd" },
1384 { 0x0996, "Integrated Telecom Express, Inc." },
1385 { 0x09a3, "PairGain Technologies" },
1386 { 0x09a4, "Contech Research, Inc." },
1387 { 0x09a5, "VCON Telecommunications" },
1388 { 0x09a6, "Poinchips" },
1389 { 0x09a7, "Data Transmission Network Corp." },
1390 { 0x09a8, "Lin Shiung Enterprise Co., Ltd" },
1391 { 0x09a9, "Smart Card Technologies Co., Ltd" },
1392 { 0x09aa, "Intersil Corp." },
1393 { 0x09ae, "Tripp Lite" },
1394 { 0x09b2, "Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc." },
1395 { 0x09b3, "Altius Solutions, Inc." },
1396 { 0x09b4, "MDS Telephone Systems" },
1397 { 0x09b5, "Celltrix Technology Co., Ltd" },
1398 { 0x09bc, "Grundig" },
1399 { 0x09be, "MySmart.Com" },
1400 { 0x09bf, "Auerswald GmbH & Co. KG" },
1401 { 0x09c1, "Arris Interactive LLC" },
1402 { 0x09c2, "Nisca Corp." },
1403 { 0x09c3, "ActivCard, Inc." },
1404 { 0x09c4, "ACTiSYS Corp." },
1405 { 0x09c5, "Memory Corp." },
1406 { 0x09cc, "Workbit Corp." },
1407 { 0x09cd, "Psion Dacom Home Networks, Ltd" },
1408 { 0x09ce, "City Electronics, Ltd" },
1409 { 0x09cf, "Electronics Testing Center, Taiwan" },
1410 { 0x09d1, "NeoMagic, Inc." },
1411 { 0x09d2, "Vreelin Engineering, Inc." },
1412 { 0x09d3, "Com One" },
1413 { 0x09d9, "KRF Tech, Ltd" },
1414 { 0x09da, "A4 Tech Co., Ltd" },
1415 { 0x09db, "Measurement Computing Corp." },
1416 { 0x09dc, "Aimex Corp." },
1417 { 0x09dd, "Fellowes, Inc." },
1418 { 0x09df, "Addonics Technologies Corp." },
1419 { 0x09e1, "Intellon Corp." },
1420 { 0x09e5, "Jo-Dan International, Inc." },
1421 { 0x09e6, "Silutia, Inc." },
1422 { 0x09e7, "Real 3D, Inc." },
1423 { 0x09e8, "AKAI Professional M.I. Corp." },
1424 { 0x09e9, "Chen-Source, Inc." },
1425 { 0x09eb, "IM Networks, Inc." },
1426 { 0x09ef, "Xitel" },
1427 { 0x09f5, "AresCom" },
1428 { 0x09f6, "RocketChips, Inc." },
1429 { 0x09f7, "Edu-Science (H.K.), Ltd" },
1430 { 0x09f8, "SoftConnex Technologies, Inc." },
1431 { 0x09f9, "Bay Associates" },
1432 { 0x09fa, "Mtek Vision" },
1433 { 0x09fb, "Altera" },
1434 { 0x09ff, "Gain Technology Corp." },
1435 { 0x0a00, "Liquid Audio" },
1436 { 0x0a01, "ViA, Inc." },
1437 { 0x0a07, "Ontrak Control Systems Inc." },
1438 { 0x0a0b, "Cybex Computer Products Co." },
1439 { 0x0a11, "Xentec, Inc." },
1440 { 0x0a12, "Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd" },
1441 { 0x0a13, "Telebyte, Inc." },
1442 { 0x0a14, "Spacelabs Medical, Inc." },
1443 { 0x0a15, "Scalar Corp." },
1444 { 0x0a16, "Trek Technology (S) PTE, Ltd" },
1445 { 0x0a17, "Pentax Corp." },
1446 { 0x0a18, "Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG" },
1447 { 0x0a19, "Hua Geng Technologies, Inc." },
1448 { 0x0a21, "Medtronic Physio Control Corp." },
1449 { 0x0a22, "Century Semiconductor USA, Inc." },
1450 { 0x0a2c, "AK-Modul-Bus Computer GmbH" },
1451 { 0x0a39, "Gilat Satellite Networks, Ltd" },
1452 { 0x0a3a, "PentaMedia Co., Ltd" },
1453 { 0x0a3c, "NTT DoCoMo, Inc." },
1454 { 0x0a3d, "Varo Vision" },
1455 { 0x0a43, "Boca Systems, Inc." },
1456 { 0x0a46, "Davicom Semiconductor, Inc." },
1457 { 0x0a47, "Hirose Electric" },
1458 { 0x0a48, "I/O Interconnect" },
1459 { 0x0a4b, "Fujitsu Media Devices, Ltd" },
1460 { 0x0a4c, "Computex Co., Ltd" },
1461 { 0x0a4d, "Evolution Electronics, Ltd" },
1462 { 0x0a4e, "Steinberg Soft-und Hardware GmbH" },
1463 { 0x0a4f, "Litton Systems, Inc." },
1464 { 0x0a50, "Mimaki Engineering Co., Ltd" },
1465 { 0x0a51, "Sony Electronics, Inc." },
1466 { 0x0a52, "Jebsee Electronics Co., Ltd" },
1467 { 0x0a53, "Portable Peripheral Co., Ltd" },
1468 { 0x0a5a, "Electronics For Imaging, Inc." },
1469 { 0x0a5b, "EAsics NV" },
1470 { 0x0a5c, "Broadcom Corp." },
1471 { 0x0a5d, "Diatrend Corp." },
1472 { 0x0a5f, "Zebra" },
1473 { 0x0a62, "MPMan" },
1474 { 0x0a66, "ClearCube Technology" },
1475 { 0x0a67, "Medeli Electronics Co., Ltd" },
1476 { 0x0a68, "Comaide Corp." },
1477 { 0x0a69, "Chroma ate, Inc." },
1478 { 0x0a6b, "Green House Co., Ltd" },
1479 { 0x0a6c, "Integrated Circuit Systems, Inc." },
1480 { 0x0a6d, "UPS Manufacturing" },
1481 { 0x0a6e, "Benwin" },
1482 { 0x0a6f, "Core Technology, Inc." },
1483 { 0x0a70, "International Game Technology" },
1484 { 0x0a72, "Sanwa Denshi" },
1485 { 0x0a79, "Geocast Network Systems" },
1486 { 0x0a7d, "NSTL, Inc." },
1487 { 0x0a7e, "Octagon Systems Corp." },
1488 { 0x0a80, "Rexon Technology Corp., Ltd" },
1489 { 0x0a81, "Chesen Electronics Corp." },
1490 { 0x0a82, "Syscan" },
1491 { 0x0a83, "NextComm, Inc." },
1492 { 0x0a84, "Maui Innovative Peripherals" },
1493 { 0x0a85, "Idexx Labs" },
1494 { 0x0a86, "NITGen Co., Ltd" },
1495 { 0x0a8d, "Picturetel" },
1496 { 0x0a8e, "Japan Aviation Electronics Industry, Ltd" },
1497 { 0x0a90, "Candy Technology Co., Ltd" },
1498 { 0x0a91, "Globlink Technology, Inc." },
1499 { 0x0a92, "EGO SYStems, Inc." },
1500 { 0x0a93, "C Technologies AB" },
1501 { 0x0a94, "Intersense" },
1502 { 0x0aa3, "Lava Computer Mfg., Inc." },
1503 { 0x0aa4, "Develco Elektronik" },
1504 { 0x0aa5, "First International Digital" },
1505 { 0x0aa6, "Perception Digital, Ltd" },
1506 { 0x0aa7, "Wincor Nixdorf GmbH & Co KG" },
1507 { 0x0aa8, "TriGem Computer, Inc." },
1508 { 0x0aa9, "Baromtec Co." },
1509 { 0x0aaa, "Japan CBM Corp." },
1510 { 0x0aab, "Vision Shape Europe SA" },
1511 { 0x0aac, "iCompression, Inc." },
1512 { 0x0aad, "Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG" },
1513 { 0x0aae, "NEC infrontia Corp. (Nitsuko)" },
1514 { 0x0aaf, "Digitalway Co., Ltd" },
1515 { 0x0ab0, "Arrow Strong Electronics Co., Ltd" },
1516 { 0x0aba, "Ellisys" },
1517 { 0x0abe, "Stereo-Link" },
1518 { 0x0ac3, "Sanyo Semiconductor Company Micro" },
1519 { 0x0ac4, "Leco Corp." },
1520 { 0x0ac5, "I & C Corp." },
1521 { 0x0ac6, "Singing Electrons, Inc." },
1522 { 0x0ac7, "Panwest Corp." },
1523 { 0x0ac8, "Z-Star Microelectronics Corp." },
1524 { 0x0ac9, "Micro Solutions, Inc." },
1525 { 0x0acc, "Koga Electronics Co." },
1526 { 0x0acd, "ID Tech" },
1527 { 0x0acf, "Intoto, Inc." },
1528 { 0x0ad0, "Intellix Corp." },
1529 { 0x0ad1, "Remotec Technology, Ltd" },
1530 { 0x0ad2, "Service & Quality Technology Co., Ltd" },
1531 { 0x0ae3, "Allion Computer, Inc." },
1532 { 0x0ae4, "Taito Corp." },
1533 { 0x0ae7, "Neodym Systems, Inc." },
1534 { 0x0ae8, "System Support Co., Ltd" },
1535 { 0x0ae9, "North Shore Circuit Design L.L.P." },
1536 { 0x0aea, "SciEssence, LLC" },
1537 { 0x0aeb, "TTP Communications, Ltd" },
1538 { 0x0aec, "Neodio Technologies Corp." },
1539 { 0x0af0, "Option" },
1540 { 0x0af6, "Silver I Co., Ltd" },
1541 { 0x0af7, "B2C2, Inc." },
1542 { 0x0af9, "Hama, Inc." },
1543 { 0x0afc, "Zaptronix Ltd" },
1544 { 0x0afd, "Tateno Dennou, Inc." },
1545 { 0x0afe, "Cummins Engine Co." },
1546 { 0x0aff, "Jump Zone Network Products, Inc." },
1547 { 0x0b05, "ASUSTek Computer, Inc." },
1548 { 0x0b0c, "Todos Data System" },
1549 { 0x0b0e, "GN Netcom" },
1550 { 0x0b0f, "AVID Technology" },
1551 { 0x0b10, "Pcally" },
1552 { 0x0b11, "I Tech Solutions Co., Ltd" },
1553 { 0x0b1e, "Electronic Warfare Assoc., Inc. (EWA)" },
1554 { 0x0b1f, "Insyde Software Corp." },
1555 { 0x0b20, "TransDimension, Inc." },
1556 { 0x0b21, "Yokogawa Electric Corp." },
1557 { 0x0b22, "Japan System Development Co., Ltd" },
1558 { 0x0b23, "Pan-Asia Electronics Co., Ltd" },
1559 { 0x0b24, "Link Evolution Corp." },
1560 { 0x0b27, "Ritek Corp." },
1561 { 0x0b28, "Kenwood Corp." },
1562 { 0x0b2c, "Village Center, Inc." },
1563 { 0x0b30, "PNY Technologies, Inc." },
1564 { 0x0b33, "Contour Design, Inc." },
1565 { 0x0b37, "Hitachi ULSI Systems Co., Ltd" },
1566 { 0x0b39, "Omnidirectional Control Technology, Inc." },
1567 { 0x0b3a, "IPaxess" },
1568 { 0x0b3b, "Tekram Technology Co., Ltd" },
1569 { 0x0b3c, "Olivetti Techcenter" },
1570 { 0x0b3e, "Kikusui Electronics Corp." },
1571 { 0x0b41, "Hal Corp." },
1572 { 0x0b43, ", Inc." },
1573 { 0x0b47, ", Inc." },
1574 { 0x0b48, "TechnoTrend AG" },
1575 { 0x0b49, "ASCII Corp." },
1576 { 0x0b4b, "Pine Corp. Ltd." },
1577 { 0x0b4e, "Musical Electronics, Ltd" },
1578 { 0x0b50, "Dumpries Co., Ltd" },
1579 { 0x0b52, "Colorado MicroDisplay, Inc." },
1580 { 0x0b54, "Sinbon Electronics Co., Ltd" },
1581 { 0x0b56, "TYI Systems, Ltd" },
1582 { 0x0b57, "Beijing HanwangTechnology Co., Ltd" },
1583 { 0x0b59, "Lake Communications, Ltd" },
1584 { 0x0b5a, "Corel Corp." },
1585 { 0x0b5f, "Green Electronics Co., Ltd" },
1586 { 0x0b60, "Nsine, Ltd" },
1587 { 0x0b61, "NEC Viewtechnology, Ltd" },
1588 { 0x0b62, "Orange Micro, Inc." },
1589 { 0x0b63, "ADLink Technology, Inc." },
1590 { 0x0b64, "Wonderful Wire Cable Co., Ltd" },
1591 { 0x0b65, "Expert Magnetics Corp." },
1592 { 0x0b69, "CacheVision" },
1593 { 0x0b6a, "Maxim Integrated Products" },
1594 { 0x0b6f, "Nagano Japan Radio Co., Ltd" },
1595 { 0x0b70, "PortalPlayer, Inc." },
1596 { 0x0b71, "SHIN-EI Sangyo Co., Ltd" },
1597 { 0x0b72, "Embedded Wireless Technology Co., Ltd" },
1598 { 0x0b73, "Computone Corp." },
1599 { 0x0b75, "Roland DG Corp." },
1600 { 0x0b79, "Sunrise Telecom, Inc." },
1601 { 0x0b7a, "Zeevo, Inc." },
1602 { 0x0b7b, "Taiko Denki Co., Ltd" },
1603 { 0x0b7c, "ITRAN Communications, Ltd" },
1604 { 0x0b7d, "Astrodesign, Inc." },
1605 { 0x0b7e, "Kurusugawa Electronics, Inc." },
1606 { 0x0b84, "Rextron Technology, Inc." },
1607 { 0x0b85, "Elkat Electronics, Sdn., Bhd." },
1608 { 0x0b86, "Exputer Systems, Inc." },
1609 { 0x0b87, "Plus-One I & T, Inc." },
1610 { 0x0b88, "Sigma Koki Co., Ltd, Technology Center" },
1611 { 0x0b89, "Advanced Digital Broadcast, Ltd" },
1612 { 0x0b95, "ASIX Electronics Corp." },
1613 { 0x0b96, "Sewon Telecom" },
1614 { 0x0b97, "O2 Micro, Inc." },
1615 { 0x0b98, "Playmates Toys, Inc." },
1616 { 0x0b99, "Audio International, Inc." },
1617 { 0x0b9d, "Softprotec Co." },
1618 { 0x0b9f, "Chippo Technologies" },
1619 { 0x0baf, "U.S. Robotics" },
1620 { 0x0bb0, "Concord Camera Corp." },
1621 { 0x0bb1, "Infinilink Corp." },
1622 { 0x0bb2, "Ambit Microsystems Corp." },
1623 { 0x0bb3, "Ofuji Technology" },
1624 { 0x0bb4, "High Tech Computer Corp." },
1625 { 0x0bb5, "Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd" },
1626 { 0x0bb6, "Network Alchemy" },
1627 { 0x0bb7, "Joytech Computer Co., Ltd" },
1628 { 0x0bb8, "Hitachi Semiconductor and Devices Sales Co., Ltd" },
1629 { 0x0bb9, "Eiger M&C Co., Ltd" },
1630 { 0x0bba, "ZAccess Systems" },
1631 { 0x0bbb, "General Meters Corp." },
1632 { 0x0bbc, "Assistive Technology, Inc." },
1633 { 0x0bbd, "System Connection, Inc." },
1634 { 0x0bc0, "Knilink Technology, Inc." },
1635 { 0x0bc1, "Fuw Yng Electronics Co., Ltd" },
1636 { 0x0bc2, "Seagate RSS LLC" },
1637 { 0x0bc3, "IPWireless, Inc." },
1638 { 0x0bc4, "Microcube Corp." },
1639 { 0x0bc5, "JCN Co., Ltd" },
1640 { 0x0bc6, "ExWAY, Inc." },
1641 { 0x0bc7, "X10 Wireless Technology, Inc." },
1642 { 0x0bc8, "Telmax Communications" },
1643 { 0x0bc9, "ECI Telecom, Ltd" },
1644 { 0x0bca, "Startek Engineering, Inc." },
1645 { 0x0bcb, "Perfect Technic Enterprise Co., Ltd" },
1646 { 0x0bda, "Realtek Semiconductor Corp." },
1647 { 0x0bdb, "Ericsson Business Mobile Networks BV" },
1648 { 0x0bdc, "Y Media Corp." },
1649 { 0x0bdd, "Orange PCS" },
1650 { 0x0be2, "Kanda Tsushin Kogyo Co., Ltd" },
1651 { 0x0be3, "TOYO Corp." },
1652 { 0x0be4, "Elka International, Ltd" },
1653 { 0x0be5, "DOME imaging systems, Inc." },
1654 { 0x0be6, "Dong Guan Humen Wonderful Wire Cable Factory" },
1655 { 0x0bee, "LTK Industries, Ltd" },
1656 { 0x0bef, "Way2Call Communications" },
1657 { 0x0bf0, "Pace Micro Technology PLC" },
1658 { 0x0bf1, "Intracom S.A." },
1659 { 0x0bf2, "Konexx" },
1660 { 0x0bf6, "Addonics Technologies, Inc." },
1661 { 0x0bf7, "Sunny Giken, Inc." },
1662 { 0x0bf8, "Fujitsu Siemens Computers" },
1663 { 0x0c04, "MOTO Development Group, Inc." },
1664 { 0x0c05, "Appian Graphics" },
1665 { 0x0c06, "Hasbro Games, Inc." },
1666 { 0x0c07, "Infinite Data Storage, Ltd" },
1667 { 0x0c08, "Agate" },
1668 { 0x0c09, "Comjet Information System" },
1669 { 0x0c0a, "Highpoint Technologies, Inc." },
1670 { 0x0c0b, "Dura Micro, Inc. (Acomdata)" },
1671 { 0x0c12, "Zeroplus" },
1672 { 0x0c15, "Iris Graphics" },
1673 { 0x0c16, "Gyration, Inc." },
1674 { 0x0c17, "Cyberboard A/S" },
1675 { 0x0c18, "SynerTek Korea, Inc." },
1676 { 0x0c19, "cyberPIXIE, Inc." },
1677 { 0x0c1a, "Silicon Motion, Inc." },
1678 { 0x0c1b, "MIPS Technologies" },
1679 { 0x0c1c, "Hang Zhou Silan Electronics Co., Ltd" },
1680 { 0x0c22, "Tally Printer Corp." },
1681 { 0x0c23, "Lernout + Hauspie" },
1682 { 0x0c24, "Taiyo Yuden" },
1683 { 0x0c25, "Sampo Corp." },
1684 { 0x0c35, "Eagletron, Inc." },
1685 { 0x0c36, "E Ink Corp." },
1686 { 0x0c37, "e.Digital" },
1687 { 0x0c38, "Der An Electric Wire & Cable Co., Ltd" },
1688 { 0x0c39, "IFR" },
1689 { 0x0c3a, "Furui Precise Component (Kunshan) Co., Ltd" },
1690 { 0x0c3b, "Komatsu, Ltd" },
1691 { 0x0c3c, "Radius Co., Ltd" },
1692 { 0x0c3d, "Innocom, Inc." },
1693 { 0x0c3e, "Nextcell, Inc." },
1694 { 0x0c44, "Motorola iDEN" },
1695 { 0x0c45, "Microdia" },
1696 { 0x0c46, "WaveRider Communications, Inc." },
1697 { 0x0c52, "Sealevel Systems, Inc." },
1698 { 0x0c53, "ViewPLUS, Inc." },
1699 { 0x0c54, "Glory, Ltd" },
1700 { 0x0c55, "Spectrum Digital, Inc." },
1701 { 0x0c56, "Billion Bright, Ltd" },
1702 { 0x0c57, "Imaginative Design Operation Co., Ltd" },
1703 { 0x0c58, "Vidar Systems Corp." },
1704 { 0x0c59, "Dong Guan Shinko Wire Co., Ltd" },
1705 { 0x0c5a, "TRS International Mfg., Inc." },
1706 { 0x0c5e, "Xytronix Research & Design" },
1707 { 0x0c62, "Chant Sincere Co., Ltd" },
1708 { 0x0c63, "Toko, Inc." },
1709 { 0x0c64, "Signality System Engineering Co., Ltd" },
1710 { 0x0c65, "Eminence Enterprise Co., Ltd" },
1711 { 0x0c66, "Rexon Electronics Corp." },
1712 { 0x0c67, "Concept Telecom, Ltd" },
1713 { 0x0c70, "MCT Elektronikladen" },
1714 { 0x0c74, "Optronic Laboratories Inc." },
1715 { 0x0c76, "JMTek, LLC." },
1716 { 0x0c77, "Sipix Group, Ltd" },
1717 { 0x0c78, "Detto Corp." },
1718 { 0x0c79, "NuConnex Technologies Pte., Ltd" },
1719 { 0x0c7a, "Wing-Span Enterprise Co., Ltd" },
1720 { 0x0c86, "NDA Technologies, Inc." },
1721 { 0x0c88, "Kyocera Wireless Corp." },
1722 { 0x0c89, "Honda Tsushin Kogyo Co., Ltd" },
1723 { 0x0c8a, "Pathway Connectivity, Inc." },
1724 { 0x0c8b, "Wavefly Corp." },
1725 { 0x0c8c, "Coactive Networks" },
1726 { 0x0c8d, "Tempo" },
1727 { 0x0c8e, "Cesscom Co., Ltd" },
1728 { 0x0c8f, "Applied Microsystems" },
1729 { 0x0c99, "Innochips Co., Ltd" },
1730 { 0x0c9a, "Hanwool Robotics Corp." },
1731 { 0x0c9b, "Jobin Yvon, Inc." },
1732 { 0x0ca2, "Zyfer" },
1733 { 0x0ca3, "Sega Corp." },
1734 { 0x0ca4, "ST&T Instrument Corp." },
1735 { 0x0ca5, "BAE Systems Canada, Inc." },
1736 { 0x0ca6, "Castles Technology Co., Ltd" },
1737 { 0x0ca7, "Information Systems Laboratories" },
1738 { 0x0cad, "Motorola CGISS" },
1739 { 0x0cae, "Ascom Business Systems, Ltd" },
1740 { 0x0caf, "Buslink" },
1741 { 0x0cb0, "Flying Pig Systems" },
1742 { 0x0cb1, "Innovonics, Inc." },
1743 { 0x0cb6, "Celestix Networks, Pte., Ltd" },
1744 { 0x0cb7, "Singatron Enterprise Co., Ltd" },
1745 { 0x0cb8, "Opticis Co., Ltd" },
1746 { 0x0cba, "Trust Electronic (Shanghai) Co., Ltd" },
1747 { 0x0cbb, "Shanghai Darong Electronics Co., Ltd" },
1748 { 0x0cbc, "Palmax Technology Co., Ltd" },
1749 { 0x0cbd, "Pentel Co., Ltd (Electronics Equipment Div.)" },
1750 { 0x0cbe, "Keryx Technologies, Inc." },
1751 { 0x0cbf, "Union Genius Computer Co., Ltd" },
1752 { 0x0cc0, "Kuon Yi Industrial Corp." },
1753 { 0x0cc1, "Given Imaging, Ltd" },
1754 { 0x0cc2, "Timex Corp." },
1755 { 0x0cc3, "Rimage Corp." },
1756 { 0x0cc4, "emsys GmbH" },
1757 { 0x0cc5, "Sendo" },
1758 { 0x0cc6, "Intermagic Corp." },
1759 { 0x0cc7, "Kontron Medical AG" },
1760 { 0x0cc8, "Technotools Corp." },
1761 { 0x0cc9, "BroadMAX Technologies, Inc." },
1762 { 0x0cca, "Amphenol" },
1763 { 0x0ccb, "SKNet Co., Ltd" },
1764 { 0x0ccc, "Domex Technology Corp." },
1765 { 0x0ccd, "TerraTec Electronic GmbH" },
1766 { 0x0cd4, "Bang Olufsen" },
1767 { 0x0cd7, "NewChip S.r.l." },
1768 { 0x0cd8, "JS Digitech, Inc." },
1769 { 0x0cd9, "Hitachi Shin Din Cable, Ltd" },
1770 { 0x0cde, "Z-Com" },
1771 { 0x0cf1, "e-Conn Electronic Co., Ltd" },
1772 { 0x0cf2, "ENE Technology, Inc." },
1773 { 0x0cf3, "Atheros Communications, Inc." },
1774 { 0x0cf4, "Fomtex Corp." },
1775 { 0x0cf5, "Cellink Co., Ltd" },
1776 { 0x0cf6, "Compucable Corp." },
1777 { 0x0cf7, "ishoni Networks" },
1778 { 0x0cf8, "Clarisys, Inc." },
1779 { 0x0cf9, "Central System Research Co., Ltd" },
1780 { 0x0cfa, "Inviso, Inc." },
1781 { 0x0cfc, "Minolta-QMS, Inc." },
1782 { 0x0d06, "telos EDV Systementwicklung GmbH" },
1783 { 0x0d0b, "Contemporary Controls" },
1784 { 0x0d0c, "Astron Electronics Co., Ltd" },
1785 { 0x0d0d, "MKNet Corp." },
1786 { 0x0d0e, "Hybrid Networks, Inc." },
1787 { 0x0d0f, "Feng Shin Cable Co., Ltd" },
1788 { 0x0d10, "Elastic Networks" },
1789 { 0x0d11, "Maspro Denkoh Corp." },
1790 { 0x0d12, "Hansol Electronics, Inc." },
1791 { 0x0d13, "BMF Corp." },
1792 { 0x0d14, "Array Comm, Inc." },
1793 { 0x0d15, "OnStream b.v." },
1794 { 0x0d16, "Hi-Touch Imaging Technologies Co., Ltd" },
1795 { 0x0d17, "NALTEC, Inc." },
1796 { 0x0d18, "coaXmedia" },
1797 { 0x0d19, "Hank Connection Industrial Co., Ltd" },
1798 { 0x0d32, "Leo Hui Electric Wire & Cable Co., Ltd" },
1799 { 0x0d33, "AirSpeak, Inc." },
1800 { 0x0d34, "Rearden Steel Technologies" },
1801 { 0x0d35, "Dah Kun Co., Ltd" },
1802 { 0x0d3c, "Sri Cable Technology, Ltd" },
1803 { 0x0d3d, "Tangtop Technology Co., Ltd" },
1804 { 0x0d3e, "Fitcom, inc." },
1805 { 0x0d3f, "MTS Systems Corp." },
1806 { 0x0d40, "Ascor, Inc." },
1807 { 0x0d41, "Ta Yun Terminals Industrial Co., Ltd" },
1808 { 0x0d42, "Full Der Co., Ltd" },
1809 { 0x0d49, "Maxtor" },
1810 { 0x0d4a, "NF Corp." },
1811 { 0x0d4b, "Grape Systems, Inc." },
1812 { 0x0d4c, "Tedas AG" },
1813 { 0x0d4d, "Coherent, Inc." },
1814 { 0x0d4e, "Agere Systems Netherland BV" },
1815 { 0x0d4f, "EADS Airbus France" },
1816 { 0x0d50, "Cleware GmbH" },
1817 { 0x0d51, "Volex (Asia) Pte., Ltd" },
1818 { 0x0d53, "HMI Co., Ltd" },
1819 { 0x0d54, "Holon Corp." },
1820 { 0x0d55, "ASKA Technologies, Inc." },
1821 { 0x0d56, "AVLAB Technology, Inc." },
1822 { 0x0d57, "Solomon Microtech, Ltd" },
1823 { 0x0d5c, "Belkin" },
1824 { 0x0d5e, "Myacom, Ltd" },
1825 { 0x0d5f, "CSI, Inc." },
1826 { 0x0d60, "IVL Technologies, Ltd" },
1827 { 0x0d61, "Meilu Electronics (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd" },
1828 { 0x0d62, "Darfon Electronics Corp." },
1829 { 0x0d63, "Fritz Gegauf AG" },
1830 { 0x0d64, "DXG Technology Corp." },
1831 { 0x0d65, "KMJP Co., Ltd" },
1832 { 0x0d66, "TMT" },
1833 { 0x0d67, "Advanet, Inc." },
1834 { 0x0d68, "Super Link Electronics Co., Ltd" },
1835 { 0x0d69, "NSI" },
1836 { 0x0d6a, "Megapower International Corp." },
1837 { 0x0d6b, "And-Or Logic" },
1838 { 0x0d70, "Try Computer Co., Ltd" },
1839 { 0x0d71, "Hirakawa Hewtech Corp." },
1840 { 0x0d72, "Winmate Communication, Inc." },
1841 { 0x0d73, "Hit's Communications, Inc." },
1842 { 0x0d76, "MFP Korea, Inc." },
1843 { 0x0d77, "Power Sentry/Newpoint" },
1844 { 0x0d78, "Japan Distributor Corp." },
1845 { 0x0d7a, "MARX Datentechnik GmbH" },
1846 { 0x0d7b, "Wellco Technology Co., Ltd" },
1847 { 0x0d7c, "Taiwan Line Tek Electronic Co., Ltd" },
1848 { 0x0d7d, "Phison Electronics Corp." },
1849 { 0x0d7e, "American Computer & Digital Components" },
1850 { 0x0d7f, "Essential Reality LLC" },
1851 { 0x0d80, "H.R. Silvine Electronics, Inc." },
1852 { 0x0d81, "TechnoVision" },
1853 { 0x0d83, "Think Outside, Inc." },
1854 { 0x0d89, "Oz Software" },
1855 { 0x0d8a, "King Jim Co., Ltd" },
1856 { 0x0d8b, "Ascom Telecommunications, Ltd" },
1857 { 0x0d8c, "C-Media Electronics, Inc." },
1858 { 0x0d8d, "Promotion & Display Technology, Ltd" },
1859 { 0x0d8e, "Global Sun Technology, Inc." },
1860 { 0x0d8f, "Pitney Bowes" },
1861 { 0x0d90, "Sure-Fire Electrical Corp." },
1862 { 0x0d96, "Traveler" },
1863 { 0x0d97, "Santa Barbara Instrument Group" },
1864 { 0x0d98, "Mars Semiconductor Corp." },
1865 { 0x0d99, "Trazer Technologies, Inc." },
1866 { 0x0d9a, "RTX Telecom AS" },
1867 { 0x0d9b, "Tat Shing Electrical Co." },
1868 { 0x0d9c, "Chee Chen Hi-Technology Co., Ltd" },
1869 { 0x0d9d, "Sanwa Supply, Inc." },
1870 { 0x0d9e, "Avaya" },
1871 { 0x0d9f, "Powercom Co., Ltd" },
1872 { 0x0da0, "Danger Research" },
1873 { 0x0da1, "Suzhou Peter's Precise Industrial Co., Ltd" },
1874 { 0x0da2, "Land Instruments International, Ltd" },
1875 { 0x0da3, "Nippon Electro-Sensory Devices Corp." },
1876 { 0x0da4, "Polar Electro OY" },
1877 { 0x0da7, "IOGear, Inc." },
1878 { 0x0dad, "Westover Scientific" },
1879 { 0x0db0, "Micro Star International" },
1880 { 0x0db1, "Wen Te Electronics Co., Ltd" },
1881 { 0x0db2, "Shian Hwi Plug Parts, Plastic Factory" },
1882 { 0x0db3, "Tekram Technology Co., Ltd" },
1883 { 0x0db4, "Chung Fu Chen Yeh Enterprise Corp." },
1884 { 0x0dbe, "Jiuh Shiuh Precision Industry Co., Ltd" },
1885 { 0x0dbf, "Quik Tech Solutions" },
1886 { 0x0dc0, "Great Notions" },
1887 { 0x0dc1, "Tamagawa Seiki Co., Ltd" },
1888 { 0x0dc3, "Athena Smartcard Solutions, Inc." },
1889 { 0x0dc4, "Macpower Peripherals, Ltd" },
1890 { 0x0dc5, "SDK Co., Ltd" },
1891 { 0x0dc6, "Precision Squared Technology Corp." },
1892 { 0x0dc7, "First Cable Line, Inc." },
1893 { 0x0dcd, "NetworkFab Corp." },
1894 { 0x0dd1, "Contek Electronics Co., Ltd" },
1895 { 0x0dd2, "Power Quotient International Co., Ltd" },
1896 { 0x0dd3, "MediaQ" },
1897 { 0x0dd4, "Custom Engineering SPA" },
1898 { 0x0dd5, "California Micro Devices" },
1899 { 0x0dd7, "Kocom Co., Ltd" },
1900 { 0x0dd9, "HighSpeed Surfing" },
1901 { 0x0dda, "Integrated Circuit Solution, Inc." },
1902 { 0x0ddb, "Tamarack, Inc." },
1903 { 0x0ddc, "Takaotec" },
1904 { 0x0ddd, "Datelink Technology Co., Ltd" },
1905 { 0x0dde, "Ubicom, Inc." },
1906 { 0x0de0, "BD Consumer Healthcare" },
1907 { 0x0dea, "UTECH Electronic (D.G.) Co., Ltd." },
1908 { 0x0deb, "Lean Horn Co." },
1909 { 0x0dec, "Callserve Communications Ltd." },
1910 { 0x0ded, "Novasonics" },
1911 { 0x0dee, "Lifetime Memory Products" },
1912 { 0x0def, "Full Rise Electronic Co., Ltd" },
1913 { 0x0df5, "Yamatake Corp." },
1914 { 0x0df6, "Sitecom Europe B.V." },
1915 { 0x0df7, "Mobile Action Technology, Inc." },
1916 { 0x0df8, "Hoya Computer Co., Ltd." },
1917 { 0x0df9, "Nice Fountain Industrial Co., Ltd." },
1918 { 0x0dfa, "Toyo Communication Equipment Co., Ltd" },
1919 { 0x0dfc, "GeneralTouch Technology Co., Ltd" },
1920 { 0x0e01, "Sheng Xiang Investment Ltd." },
1921 { 0x0e02, "Doowon Co., LTD" },
1922 { 0x0e03, "Nippon Systemware Co., Ltd" },
1923 { 0x0e07, "Viewtek Co., Ltd" },
1924 { 0x0e08, "Winbest Technology Co., Ltd" },
1925 { 0x0e09, "Winskon Cabling Specialist Co., Ltd." },
1926 { 0x0e0c, "Gesytec" },
1927 { 0x0e12, "Danam Communications Inc." },
1928 { 0x0e13, "Lugh Networks, Inc." },
1929 { 0x0e15, "Tellert Elektronik GmbH" },
1930 { 0x0e16, "JMTek, LLC" },
1931 { 0x0e17, "Walex Electronic, Ltd" },
1932 { 0x0e18, "UNIWIDE Technologies" },
1933 { 0x0e1b, "Crewave" },
1934 { 0x0e1f, "Cabin Industrial Co., Ltd." },
1935 { 0x0e21, "Cowon Systems, Inc." },
1936 { 0x0e22, "Symbian Ltd." },
1937 { 0x0e23, "Liou Yuane Enterprise Co., Ltd" },
1938 { 0x0e24, "Samson Electric Wire Co., Ltd." },
1939 { 0x0e25, "VinChip Systems, Inc." },
1940 { 0x0e26, "J-Phone East Co., Ltd" },
1941 { 0x0e30, "HeartMath LLC" },
1942 { 0x0e34, "Micro Computer Control Corp." },
1943 { 0x0e35, "3Pea Technologies, Inc." },
1944 { 0x0e36, "TiePie engineering" },
1945 { 0x0e37, "Alpha Data Corp." },
1946 { 0x0e38, "Stratitec, Inc." },
1947 { 0x0e39, "Smart Modular Technologies, Inc." },
1948 { 0x0e3a, "Neostar Technology Co., Ltd" },
1949 { 0x0e3b, "Mansella, Ltd" },
1950 { 0x0e3c, "Raytec Electronic Co., Ltd." },
1951 { 0x0e48, "Julia Corp., Ltd" },
1952 { 0x0e4a, "Shenzhen Bao Hing Electric Wire & Cable Mfr. Co." },
1953 { 0x0e4c, "Radica Games, Ltd" },
1954 { 0x0e55, "Speed Dragon Multimedia, Ltd" },
1955 { 0x0e5a, "Active Co., Ltd" },
1956 { 0x0e5b, "Union Power Information Industrial Co., Ltd" },
1957 { 0x0e5c, "Bitland Information Technology Co., Ltd" },
1958 { 0x0e5d, "Neltron Industrial Co., Ltd" },
1959 { 0x0e66, "Hawking" },
1960 { 0x0e6a, "Megawin Technology Co., Ltd" },
1961 { 0x0e70, "Tokyo Electronic Industry Co., Ltd" },
1962 { 0x0e72, "Hsi-Chin Electronics Co., Ltd" },
1963 { 0x0e75, "TVS Electronics, Ltd" },
1964 { 0x0e7b, "On-Tech Industry Co., Ltd" },
1965 { 0x0e7e, "Gmate Inc." },
1966 { 0x0e82, "Ching Tai Electric Wire & Cable Co., Ltd" },
1967 { 0x0e8c, "Well Force Electronic Co., Ltd" },
1968 { 0x0e90, "WiebeTech, LLC" },
1969 { 0x0e91, "VTech Engineering Canada, Ltd" },
1970 { 0x0e92, "C's Glory Enterprise Co., Ltd" },
1971 { 0x0e93, "eM Technics Co., Ltd" },
1972 { 0x0e95, "Future Technology Co., Ltd" },
1973 { 0x0e96, "Aplux Communications, Ltd" },
1974 { 0x0e97, "Fingerworks, Inc." },
1975 { 0x0e98, "Advanced Analogic Technologies, Inc." },
1976 { 0x0e99, "Parallel Dice Co., Ltd" },
1977 { 0x0e9a, "TA HSING Industries, Ltd" },
1978 { 0x0e9b, "ADTEC Corp." },
1979 { 0x0e9f, "Tamura Corp." },
1980 { 0x0ea0, "Ours Technology, Inc." },
1981 { 0x0ea6, "Nihon Computer Co., Ltd" },
1982 { 0x0ea7, "MSL Enterprises Corp." },
1983 { 0x0ea8, "CenDyne, Inc." },
1984 { 0x0ead, "Humax Co., Ltd" },
1985 { 0x0eb1, "WIS Technologies, Inc." },
1986 { 0x0eb2, "Y-S Electronic Co., Ltd" },
1987 { 0x0eb3, "Saint Technology Corp." },
1988 { 0x0eb7, "Endor AG" },
1989 { 0x0ebe, "VWeb Corp." },
1990 { 0x0ebf, "Omega Technology of Taiwan, Inc." },
1991 { 0x0ec0, "LHI Technology (China) Co., Ltd" },
1992 { 0x0ec1, "Abit Computer Corp." },
1993 { 0x0ec2, "Sweetray Industrial, Ltd" },
1994 { 0x0ec3, "Axell Co., Ltd" },
1995 { 0x0ec4, "Ballracing Developments, Ltd" },
1996 { 0x0ec5, "GT Information System Co., Ltd" },
1997 { 0x0ec6, "InnoVISION Multimedia, Ltd" },
1998 { 0x0ec7, "Theta Link Corp." },
1999 { 0x0ecd, "Lite-On IT Corp." },
2000 { 0x0ece, "TaiSol Electronics Co., Ltd" },
2001 { 0x0ecf, "Phogenix Imaging, LLC" },
2002 { 0x0ed1, "WinMaxGroup" },
2003 { 0x0ed2, "Kyoto Micro Computer Co., Ltd" },
2004 { 0x0ed3, "Wing-Tech Enterprise Co., Ltd" },
2005 { 0x0eda, "Noriake Itron Corp." },
2006 { 0x0edf, "e-MDT Co., Ltd" },
2007 { 0x0ee0, "Shima Seiki Mfg., Ltd" },
2008 { 0x0ee1, "Sarotech Co., Ltd" },
2009 { 0x0ee2, "AMI Semiconductor, Inc." },
2010 { 0x0ee3, "ComTrue Technology Corp. " },
2011 { 0x0ee4, "Sunrich Technology, Ltd" },
2012 { 0x0eee, "Digital Stream Technology, Inc." },
2013 { 0x0eef, "D-WAV Scientific Co., Ltd" },
2014 { 0x0ef0, "Hitachi Cable, Ltd" },
2015 { 0x0ef1, "Aichi Micro Intelligent Corp." },
2016 { 0x0ef2, "I/O Magic Corp." },
2017 { 0x0ef3, "Lynn Products, Inc." },
2018 { 0x0ef4, "DSI Datotech" },
2019 { 0x0ef5, "PointChips" },
2020 { 0x0ef6, "Yield Microelectronics Corp." },
2021 { 0x0ef7, "SM Tech Co., Ltd (Tulip)" },
2022 { 0x0efd, "Oasis Semiconductor" },
2023 { 0x0efe, "Wem Technology, Inc." },
2024 { 0x0f06, "Visual Frontier Enterprise Co., Ltd" },
2025 { 0x0f08, "CSL Wire & Plug (Shen Zhen) Co." },
2026 { 0x0f0c, "CAS Corp." },
2027 { 0x0f0d, "Hori Co., Ltd" },
2028 { 0x0f0e, "Energy Full Corp." },
2029 { 0x0f12, "Mars Engineering Corp." },
2030 { 0x0f13, "Acetek Technology Co., Ltd" },
2031 { 0x0f19, "Oracom Co., Ltd" },
2032 { 0x0f1b, "Onset Computer Corp." },
2033 { 0x0f1c, "Funai Electric Co., Ltd" },
2034 { 0x0f1d, "Iwill Corp." },
2035 { 0x0f21, "IOI Technology Corp." },
2036 { 0x0f22, "Senior Industries, Inc." },
2037 { 0x0f23, "Leader Tech Manufacturer Co., Ltd" },
2038 { 0x0f24, "Flex-P Industries, Snd., Bhd. " },
2039 { 0x0f2d, "ViPower, Inc." },
2040 { 0x0f2e, "Geniality Maple Technology Co., Ltd" },
2041 { 0x0f2f, "Priva Design Services" },
2042 { 0x0f30, "Jess Technology Co., Ltd" },
2043 { 0x0f31, "Chrysalis Development" },
2044 { 0x0f32, "YFC-BonEagle Electric Co., Ltd" },
2045 { 0x0f37, "Kokuyo Co., Ltd" },
2046 { 0x0f38, "Nien-Yi Industrial Corp." },
2047 { 0x0f41, "RDC Semiconductor Co., Ltd" },
2048 { 0x0f42, "Nital Consulting Services, Inc." },
2049 { 0x0f4b, "St. John Technology Co., Ltd" },
2050 { 0x0f4c, "WorldWide Cable Opto Corp." },
2051 { 0x0f4d, "Microtune, Inc." },
2052 { 0x0f4e, "Freedom Scientific" },
2053 { 0x0f52, "Wing Key Electrical Co., Ltd" },
2054 { 0x0f53, "Dongguan White Horse Cable Factory, Ltd" },
2055 { 0x0f54, "Kawai Musical Instruments Mfg. Co., Ltd" },
2056 { 0x0f55, "AmbiCom, Inc." },
2057 { 0x0f5c, "Prairiecomm, Inc." },
2058 { 0x0f5d, "NewAge International, LLC" },
2059 { 0x0f5f, "Key Technology Corp." },
2060 { 0x0f60, "NTK, Ltd" },
2061 { 0x0f61, "Varian, Inc." },
2062 { 0x0f62, "Acrox Technologies Co., Ltd" },
2063 { 0x0f68, "Kobe Steel, Ltd" },
2064 { 0x0f69, "Dionex Corp." },
2065 { 0x0f6a, "Vibren Technologies, Inc." },
2066 { 0x0f73, "DFI" },
2067 { 0x0f7c, "DQ Technology, Inc." },
2068 { 0x0f7d, "NetBotz, Inc." },
2069 { 0x0f7e, "Fluke Corp." },
2070 { 0x0f88, "VTech Holdings, Ltd" },
2071 { 0x0f8b, "Yazaki Corp." },
2072 { 0x0f8c, "Young Generation International Corp." },
2073 { 0x0f8d, "Uniwill Computer Corp." },
2074 { 0x0f8e, "Kingnet Technology Co., Ltd" },
2075 { 0x0f8f, "Soma Networks" },
2076 { 0x0f97, "CviLux Corp." },
2077 { 0x0f98, "CyberBank Corp." },
2078 { 0x0f9e, "Lucent Technologies" },
2079 { 0x0fa3, "Starconn Electronic Co., Ltd" },
2080 { 0x0fa4, "ATL Technology" },
2081 { 0x0fa5, "Sotec Co., Ltd" },
2082 { 0x0fa7, "Epox Computer Co., Ltd" },
2083 { 0x0fa8, "Logic Controls, Inc." },
2084 { 0x0faf, "Winpoint Electronic Corp." },
2085 { 0x0fb0, "Haurtian Wire & Cable Co., Ltd" },
2086 { 0x0fb1, "Inclose Design, Inc." },
2087 { 0x0fb2, "Juan-Chern Industrial Co., Ltd" },
2088 { 0x0fb8, "Wistron Corp." },
2089 { 0x0fb9, "AACom Corp." },
2090 { 0x0fba, "San Shing Electronics Co., Ltd" },
2091 { 0x0fbb, "Bitwise Systems, Inc." },
2092 { 0x0fc1, "Mitac Internatinal Corp." },
2093 { 0x0fc2, "Plug and Jack Industrial, Inc." },
2094 { 0x0fc5, "Delcom Engineering" },
2095 { 0x0fc6, "Dataplus Supplies, Inc." },
2096 { 0x0fce, "Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB" },
2097 { 0x0fcf, "Dynastream Innovations, Inc." },
2098 { 0x0fd0, "Tulip Computers B.V." },
2099 { 0x0fd4, "Tenovis GmbH & Co., KG" },
2100 { 0x0fd5, "Direct Access Technology, Inc." },
2101 { 0x0fdc, "Micro Plus" },
2102 { 0x0fe4, "IN-Tech Electronics, Ltd" },
2103 { 0x0fe5, "Greenconn (U.S.A.), Inc." },
2104 { 0x0fea, "United Computer Accessories" },
2105 { 0x0feb, "CRS Electronic Co., Ltd" },
2106 { 0x0fec, "UMC Electronics Co., Ltd" },
2107 { 0x0fed, "Access Co., Ltd" },
2108 { 0x0fee, "Xsido Corp." },
2109 { 0x0fef, "MJ Research, Inc." },
2110 { 0x0ff6, "Core Valley Co., Ltd" },
2111 { 0x0ff7, "CHI SHING Computer Accessories Co., Ltd" },
2112 { 0x0fff, "Aopen, Inc." },
2113 { 0x1000, "Speed Tech Corp." },
2114 { 0x1001, "Ritronics Components (S) Pte., Ltd" },
2115 { 0x1003, "Sigma Corp." },
2116 { 0x1004, "LG Electronics, Inc." },
2117 { 0x1005, "Apacer Technology, Inc." },
2118 { 0x1009, "Emuzed, Inc." },
2119 { 0x100a, "AV Chaseway, Ltd" },
2120 { 0x100b, "Chou Chin Industrial Co., Ltd" },
2121 { 0x100d, "Netopia, Inc." },
2122 { 0x1010, "Fukuda Denshi Co., Ltd" },
2123 { 0x1011, "Mobile Media Tech." },
2124 { 0x1012, "SDKM Fibres, Wires & Cables Berhad" },
2125 { 0x1013, "TST-Touchless Sensor Technology AG" },
2126 { 0x1014, "Densitron Technologies PLC" },
2127 { 0x1015, "Softronics Pty., Ltd" },
2128 { 0x1016, "Xiamen Hung's Enterprise Co., Ltd" },
2129 { 0x1017, "Speedy Industrial Supplies, Pte., Ltd" },
2130 { 0x1022, "Shinko Shoji Co., Ltd" },
2131 { 0x1025, "Hyper-Paltek" },
2132 { 0x1026, "Newly Corp." },
2133 { 0x1027, "Time Domain" },
2134 { 0x1028, "Inovys Corp." },
2135 { 0x1029, "Atlantic Coast Telesys" },
2136 { 0x102a, "Ramos Technology Co., Ltd" },
2137 { 0x102b, "Infotronic America, Inc." },
2138 { 0x102c, "Etoms Electronics Corp." },
2139 { 0x102d, "Winic Corp." },
2140 { 0x1031, "Comax Technology, Inc." },
2141 { 0x1032, "C-One Technology Corp." },
2142 { 0x1033, "Nucam Corp." },
2143 { 0x1043, "iCreate Technologies Corp." },
2144 { 0x1044, "Chu Yuen Enterprise Co., Ltd" },
2145 { 0x1046, "Winbond Electronics Corp." },
2146 { 0x104c, "AMCO TEC International, Inc." },
2147 { 0x1053, "Immanuel Electronics Co., Ltd" },
2148 { 0x1054, "BMS International Beheer N.V." },
2149 { 0x1055, "Complex Micro Interconnection Co., Ltd" },
2150 { 0x1056, "Hsin Chen Ent Co., Ltd" },
2151 { 0x1057, "ON Semiconductor" },
2152 { 0x1058, "Western Digital Technologies, Inc." },
2153 { 0x1059, "Giesecke & Devrient GmbH" },
2154 { 0x105c, "Hong Ji Electric Wire & Cable (Dongguan) Co., Ltd" },
2155 { 0x105d, "Delkin Devices, Inc." },
2156 { 0x105e, "Valence Semiconductor Design, Ltd" },
2157 { 0x105f, "Chin Shong Enterprise Co., Ltd" },
2158 { 0x1060, "Easthome Industrial Co., Ltd" },
2159 { 0x1063, "Motorola Electronics Taiwan, Ltd" },
2160 { 0x1065, "CCYU Technology" },
2161 { 0x106a, "Loyal Legend, Ltd" },
2162 { 0x106c, "Curitel Communications, Inc." },
2163 { 0x106d, "San Chieh Manufacturing, Ltd" },
2164 { 0x106e, "ConectL" },
2165 { 0x106f, "Money Controls" },
2166 { 0x1076, "GCT Semiconductor, Inc." },
2167 { 0x107d, "Arlec Australia, Ltd" },
2168 { 0x107e, "Midoriya Electric Co., Ltd" },
2169 { 0x107f, "KidzMouse, Inc." },
2170 { 0x1082, "Shin-Etsukaken Co., Ltd" },
2171 { 0x1083, "Canon Electronics, Inc." },
2172 { 0x1084, "Pantech Co., Ltd" },
2173 { 0x108a, "Chloride Power Protection" },
2174 { 0x108b, "Grand-tek Technology Co., Ltd" },
2175 { 0x108c, "Robert Bosch GmbH" },
2176 { 0x1099, "Surface Optics Corp." },
2177 { 0x109a, "DATASOFT Systems GmbH" },
2178 { 0x109f, "eSOL Co., Ltd" },
2179 { 0x10a0, "Hirotech, Inc." },
2180 { 0x10a3, "Mitsubishi Materials Corp." },
2181 { 0x10a9, "SK Teletech Co., Ltd" },
2182 { 0x10aa, "Cables To Go" },
2183 { 0x10ab, "USI Co., Ltd" },
2184 { 0x10ac, "Honeywell, Inc." },
2185 { 0x10ae, "Princeton Technology Corp." },
2186 { 0x10b5, "Comodo (PLX?)" },
2187 { 0x10bb, "TM Technology, Inc." },
2188 { 0x10bc, "Dinging Technology Co., Ltd" },
2189 { 0x10bd, "TMT Technology, Inc." },
2190 { 0x10c4, "Cygnal Integrated Products, Inc." },
2191 { 0x10c5, "Sanei Electric, Inc." },
2192 { 0x10c6, "Intec, Inc." },
2193 { 0x10cb, "Eratech" },
2194 { 0x10cc, "GBM Connector Co., Ltd" },
2195 { 0x10cd, "Kycon, Inc." },
2196 { 0x10d1, "Hottinger Baldwin Measurement" },
2197 { 0x10d4, "Man Boon Manufactory, Ltd" },
2198 { 0x10d5, "Uni Class Technology Co., Ltd" },
2199 { 0x10d6, "Actions Semiconductor Co., Ltd" },
2200 { 0x10de, "Authenex, Inc." },
2201 { 0x10df, "In-Win Development, Inc." },
2202 { 0x10e0, "Post-Op Video, Inc." },
2203 { 0x10e1, "CablePlus, Ltd" },
2204 { 0x10e2, "Nada Electronics, Ltd" },
2205 { 0x10ec, "Vast Technologies, Inc." },
2206 { 0x10fb, "Pictos Technologies, Inc." },
2207 { 0x10fd, "Anubis Electronics, Ltd" },
2208 { 0x1100, "VirTouch, Ltd" },
2209 { 0x1101, "EasyPass Industrial Co., Ltd" },
2210 { 0x1108, "Brightcom Technologies, Ltd" },
2211 { 0x1110, "Analog Devices Canada, Ltd (Allied Telesyn)" },
2212 { 0x1112, "YM ELECTRIC CO., Ltd" },
2213 { 0x1113, "Medion AG" },
2214 { 0x111e, "VSO Electric Co., Ltd" },
2215 { 0x112e, "Master Hill Electric Wire and Cable Co., Ltd" },
2216 { 0x112f, "Cellon International, Inc." },
2217 { 0x1130, "Tenx Technology, Inc." },
2218 { 0x1131, "Integrated System Solution Corp." },
2219 { 0x1132, "Toshiba Corp., Digital Media Equipment" },
2220 { 0x113c, "Arin Tech Co., Ltd" },
2221 { 0x113d, "Mapower Electronics Co., Ltd" },
2222 { 0x1141, "V One Multimedia, Pte., Ltd" },
2223 { 0x1142, "CyberScan Technologies, Inc." },
2224 { 0x1147, "Ever Great Electric Wire and Cable Co., Ltd" },
2225 { 0x114c, "Tinius Olsen Testing Machine Co., Inc." },
2226 { 0x114d, "Alpha Imaging Technology Corp." },
2227 { 0x1162, "Secugen Corp." },
2228 { 0x1163, "DeLorme Publishing, Inc." },
2229 { 0x1164, "YUAN High-Tech Development Co., Ltd" },
2230 { 0x1165, "Telson Electronics Co., Ltd" },
2231 { 0x1166, "Bantam Interactive Technologies" },
2232 { 0x1167, "Salient Systems Corp." },
2233 { 0x1168, "BizConn International Corp." },
2234 { 0x116e, "Gigastorage Corp." },
2235 { 0x116f, "Silicon 10 Technology Corp." },
2236 { 0x1175, "Shengyih Steel Mold Co., Ltd" },
2237 { 0x117d, "Santa Electronic, Inc." },
2238 { 0x117e, "JNC, Inc." },
2239 { 0x1182, "Venture Corp., Ltd" },
2240 { 0x1183, "Compaq Computer Corp. (Digital Dream?)" },
2241 { 0x1184, "Kyocera Elco Corp." },
2242 { 0x118f, "You Yang Technology Co., Ltd" },
2243 { 0x1190, "Tripace" },
2244 { 0x1191, "Loyalty Founder Enterprise Co., Ltd" },
2245 { 0x1197, "Technoimagia Co., Ltd" },
2246 { 0x1198, "StarShine Technology Corp." },
2247 { 0x1199, "Sierra Wireless, Inc." },
2248 { 0x119a, "ZHAN QI Technology Co., Ltd" },
2249 { 0x11a3, "Technovas Co., Ltd" },
2250 { 0x11aa, "GlobalMedia Group, LLC" },
2251 { 0x11ab, "Exito Electronics Co., Ltd" },
2252 { 0x11db, "Topfield Co., Ltd." },
2253 { 0x1209, "InterBiometrics" },
2254 { 0x120e, "Hudson Soft Co., Ltd" },
2255 { 0x121e, "Jungsoft Co., Ltd" },
2256 { 0x1241, "Belkin (?)" },
2257 { 0x126e, "Strobe Data, Inc." },
2258 { 0x1275, "Xaxero Marine Software Engineering, Ltd." },
2259 { 0x1292, "Innomedia" },
2260 { 0x1293, "Belkin Components" },
2261 { 0x1312, "ICS Electronics" },
2262 { 0x1342, "Mobility" },
2263 { 0x13d2, "Shark Multimedia" },
2264 { 0x147a, "Formosa Industrial Computing, Inc." },
2265 { 0x1484, "Elsa AG" },
2266 { 0x14c2, "Gemlight Computer, Ltd" },
2267 { 0x1520, "Bitwire Corp." },
2268 { 0x1527, "Silicon Portals" },
2269 { 0x1554, "Prolink Microsystems Corp." },
2270 { 0x1568, "Sunf Pu Technology Co., Ltd" },
2271 { 0x15e8, "SohoWare" },
2272 { 0x15e9, "Pacific Digital Corp." },
2273 { 0x1604, "Tascam" },
2274 { 0x1606, "Umax" },
2275 { 0x1608, "Inside Out Networks" },
2276 { 0x1645, "Entrega" },
2277 { 0x1668, "Actiontec Electronics, Inc." },
2278 { 0x1690, "Askey Computer Corp." },
2279 { 0x1696, "Hitachi Video and Information System, Inc." },
2280 { 0x1697, "VTec Test, Inc." },
2281 { 0x1894, "Topseed" },
2282 { 0x1ebb, "NuCORE Technology, Inc." },
2283 { 0x1f3a, "Allwinner Technology"},
2284 { 0x2001, "D-Link Corp." },
2285 { 0x2162, "Creative (?)" },
2286 { 0x2222, "MacAlly" },
2287 { 0x22b8, "Motorola PCS" },
2288 { 0x22b9, "eTurboTouch Technology, Inc." },
2289 { 0x22ba, "Technology Innovation Holdings, Ltd" },
2290 { 0x2304, "Pinnacle Systems, Inc." },
2291 { 0x2318, "Shining Technologies, Inc." },
2292 { 0x2375, "Digit@lway, Inc." },
2293 { 0x2632, "TwinMOS" },
2294 { 0x2650, "Electronics For Imaging, Inc." },
2295 { 0x2770, "NHJ, Ltd" },
2296 { 0x2899, "Toptronic Industrial Co., Ltd" },
2297 { 0x3125, "Eagletron" },
2298 { 0x3176, "Whanam Electronics Co., Ltd" },
2299 { 0x3504, "Micro Star" },
2300 { 0x3538, "Power Quotient International Co., Ltd" },
2301 { 0x3579, "DIVA" },
2302 { 0x3636, "InVibro" },
2303 { 0x3838, "WEM" },
2304 { 0x3923, "National Instruments Corp." },
2305 { 0x413c, "Dell Computer Corp." },
2306 { 0x4242, "USB Design by Example" },
2307 { 0x544d, "Transmeta Corp." },
2308 { 0x5543, "UC-Logic Technology Corp." },
2309 { 0x55aa, "OnSpec Electronic, Inc." },
2310 { 0x6189, "Sitecom" },
2311 { 0x636c, "CoreLogic, Inc." },
2312 { 0x6666, "Prototype product Vendor ID" },
2313 { 0x6a75, "Shanghai Jujo Electronics Co., Ltd" },
2314 { 0x8086, "Intel Corp." },
2315 { 0xc251, "Keil Software, Inc." },
2316 { 0x0000, NULL }
2318 /* \\\ */