3 created by Christian Hattemer
4 chris@mail.riednet.wh.tu-darmstadt.de
6 Compile a catalog description file to a catalog translation
9 $VER FlexCatCatalog.srx 1.2 (26.01.99)
12 /* Don't forget the point '.' at the end \/ */
13 PARSE ARG '"' Filename '"' '"' Projectname '"' .
15 Projname = SUBSTR(Projectname,LASTPOS('/',Projectname)+1)
16 Projname = LEFT(Projname,LASTPOS('.ΒΆ',Projname)-1)
17 Lang = LEFT(Filename,LASTPOS('/',Filename)-1)
18 Dir = LEFT(Lang,LASTPOS('/',Lang)-1)
20 CdFile = Dir||"/"||Projname||".cd"
21 Catalog = Lang||"/"||Projname||".catalog"
23 /* set object file of catalog file */
24 OBJECTS Filename Catalog Filename
25 DEPENDENCIES Filename CdFile
28 ADDRESS COMMAND "FlexCat "||CdFile||" "||Filename||" NEWCTFILE "||Filename
29 ADDRESS COMMAND "FlexCat "||CdFile||" "||Filename||" CATALOG "||Catalog||" FLUSH"