1 .section entrycodes,"aw",@progbits
3 // For the following structur have a look at the POSE source
4 // code SrcShared/Palm/Platform/Core/System/IncsPrv/MemoryPrv.h
8 .dc.l 0xfffc // initial value for SSP
9 .dc.l hardware_reset_init_1 // where the startup code is at.
11 .globl hardware_reset_init_1
14 hardware_reset_init_1:
15 jmp hardware_reset_init_2.w(%pc) // needs to be exactly this
16 .dc.b 'b','o','o','t',0x27,0x10,0xff // way, so xcopilot likes the
19 .globl hardware_reset_init_2
21 hardware_reset_init_2: