Test initialisation of MUIA_List_AdjustWidth and MUIA_List_AdjustHeight, and
[AROS.git] / arch / all-mingw32 / hidd / wingdi / gdi_hostlib.h
1 #ifndef GDI_HOSTLIB_H
2 #define GDI_HOSTLIB_H
4 struct gdi_func
6 APTR __stdcall (*CreateDC)(STRPTR lpszDriver, STRPTR lpszDevice, STRPTR lpszOutput, APTR lpInitData);
7 APTR __stdcall (*CreateCompatibleDC)(APTR hdc);
8 LONG __stdcall (*DeleteDC)(APTR hdc);
9 LONG __stdcall (*GetDeviceCaps)(APTR hdc, LONG nIndex);
10 APTR __stdcall (*CreateBitmapIndirect)(CONST BITMAP *lpbm);
11 APTR __stdcall (*CreateCompatibleBitmap)(APTR hdc, ULONG nWidth, ULONG nHeight);
12 APTR __stdcall (*CreateSolidBrush)(ULONG crColor);
13 LONG __stdcall (*DeleteObject)(APTR hObject);
14 APTR __stdcall (*SelectObject)(APTR hdc, APTR hgdiobj);
15 ULONG __stdcall (*SetBkColor)(APTR hdc, ULONG crColor);
16 ULONG __stdcall (*SetTextColor)(APTR hdc, ULONG crColor);
17 ULONG __stdcall (*SetROP2)(APTR hdc, ULONG fnDrawMode);
18 LONG __stdcall (*BitBlt)(APTR hdcDest, LONG nXDest, LONG nYDest, LONG nWidth, LONG nHeight, APTR hdcSrc,
19 LONG nXSrc, LONG nYSrc, ULONG dwRop);
20 LONG __stdcall (*PatBlt)(APTR hdc, LONG nXLeft, LONG nYLeft, LONG nWidth, LONG nHeight, ULONG dwRop);
21 ULONG __stdcall (*GetPixel)(APTR hdc, LONG nXPos, LONG nYPos);
22 ULONG __stdcall (*SetPixel)(APTR hdc, LONG X, LONG Y, ULONG crColor);
23 LONG __stdcall (*GetDIBits)(APTR hdc, APTR hbmp, ULONG uStartScan, ULONG cScanLines,
24 void *lpvBits, BITMAPINFO *lpbi, ULONG uUsage);
25 LONG __stdcall (*StretchDIBits)(APTR hdc, LONG XDest, LONG YDest, LONG nDestWidth, LONG nDestHeight,
26 LONG XSrc, LONG YSrc, LONG nSrcWidth, LONG nSrcHeight,
27 const void *lpBits, const BITMAPINFO *lpBitsInfo, ULONG iUsage, ULONG dwRop);
30 struct user_func
32 APTR __stdcall (*CreateIconIndirect)(ICONINFO *piconinfo);
33 ULONG __stdcall (*DestroyIcon)(APTR hIcon);
34 APTR __stdcall (*SetCursor)(APTR hCursor);
35 ULONG __stdcall (*SetWindowPos)(APTR hWnd, APTR hWndInsertAfter, LONG X, LONG Y, LONG cx, LONG cy, ULONG uFlags);
36 ULONG __stdcall (*RedrawWindow)(APTR hWnd, CONST RECT* lpRect, APTR hrgnUpdate, ULONG flags);
39 struct native_func
41 struct GDI_Control *(*GDI_Init)(void);
42 void (*GDI_Shutdown)(struct GDI_Control *ctl);
43 ULONG (*GDI_PutMsg)(void *win, ULONG msg, IPTR wp, IPTR lp);
44 void (*GDI_KbdAck)(void);
45 void (*GDI_MouseAck)(void);
48 extern void *gdi_handle;
49 extern struct gdi_func *gdi_func;
51 extern void *user_handle;
52 extern struct user_func *user_func;
54 extern void *native_handle;
55 extern struct native_func *native_func;
57 #define GDI_SOFILE "Gdi32.dll"
58 #define USER_SOFILE "User32.dll"
59 #define NATIVE_SOFILE "Libs\\Host\\wingdi.dll"
61 #define GDICALL(func,...) (gdi_func->func(__VA_ARGS__))
62 #define USERCALL(func,...) (user_func->func(__VA_ARGS__))
63 #define NATIVECALL(func,...) (native_func->func(__VA_ARGS__))
65 #endif