Test initialisation of MUIA_List_AdjustWidth and MUIA_List_AdjustHeight, and
[AROS.git] / rom / intuition / mmakefile.src
1 # $Id$
3 include $(SRCDIR)/config/aros.cfg
5 FILES := boolgadgets boopsigadgets buttongclass frameiclass frbuttonclass \
6          gadgetclass gadgets imageclass inputhandler propgadgets propgclass \
7          requesters strgadgets strgclass  pointerclass windowclasses \
8          intuition_misc inputhandler_support inputhandler_actions \
9          menus barlabelclass fillrectclass groupgclass wbtasktalk \
10          rootclass icclass modelclass itexticlass misc sysiclass menutask \
11          windecorclass scrdecorclass menudecorclass monitorclass screennotifytask \
12          screenclass decoration sysrequest_intern shutdownscreen
14 FUNCS := \
15         activategadget \
16         activatewindow \
17         addclass \
18         addgadget \
19         addglist \
20         allocintuimessage \
21         allocremember \
22         allocscreenbuffer \
23         alohaworkbench \
24         autorequest \
25         beginrefresh \
26         buildeasyrequestargs \
27         buildsysrequest \
28         changedecorationa \
29         changescreenbuffer \
30         changewindowbox \
31         changewindowshape \
32         cleardmrequest \
33         clearmenustrip \
34         clearpointer \
35         closescreen \
36         closewindow \
37         closeworkbench \
38         currenttime \
39         displayalert \
40         displaybeep \
41         disposeobject \
42         dogadgetmethoda \
43         donotify \
44         doubleclick \
45         drawborder \
46         drawimage \
47         drawimagestate \
48         easyrequestargs \
49         endrefresh \
50         endrequest \
51         endscreennotify \
52         eraseimage \
53         findclass \
54         findmonitor \
55         freeclass \
56         freeicdata \
57         freeintuimessage \
58         freemonitorlist \
59         freeremember \
60         freescreenbuffer \
61         freescreendrawinfo \
62         freesysrequest \
63         gadgetmouse \
64         getattr \
65         getdefaultpubscreen \
66         getdefprefs \
67         getdrawinfoattr \
68         getmonitorlist \
69         getprefs \
70         getscreendata \
71         getscreendrawinfo \
72         helpcontrol \
73         hidewindow \
74         initrequester \
75         intuitextlength \
76         iswindowvisible \
77         itemaddress \
78         lendmenus \
79         lockibase \
80         lockpubscreen \
81         lockpubscreenlist \
82         makeclass \
83         makescreen \
84         modifyidcmp \
85         modifyprop \
86         movescreen \
87         movewindow \
88         movewindowinfrontof \
89         newmodifyprop \
90         newobjecta \
91         nextobject \
92         nextpubscreen \
93         obtaingirport \
94         offgadget \
95         offmenu \
96         ongadget \
97         onmenu \
98         openscreen \
99         openscreentaglist \
100         openwindow \
101         openwindowtaglist \
102         openworkbench \
103         pointinimage \
104         printitext \
105         pubscreenstatus \
106         queryoverscan \
107         refreshgadgets \
108         refreshglist \
109         refreshwindowframe \
110         releasegirport \
111         remakedisplay \
112         removeclass \
113         removegadget \
114         removeglist \
115         reportmouse \
116         request \
117         resetmenustrip \
118         rethinkdisplay \
119         screendepth \
120         screenposition \
121         screentoback \
122         screentofront \
123         scrollwindowraster \
124         sendintuimessage \
125         setattrsa \
126         setdefaultpubscreen \
127         setdefaultscreenfont \
128         setdmrequest \
129         setedithook \
130         setgadgetattrsa \
131         setiprefs \
132         setmenustrip \
133         setmousequeue \
134         setpointer \
135         setpointerbounds \
136         setprefs \
137         setpubscreenmodes \
138         setwindowpointera \
139         setwindowtitles \
140         showtitle \
141         showwindow \
142         sizewindow \
143         startscreennotifytaglist \
144         sysreqhandler \
145         timeddisplayalert \
146         unlockibase \
147         unlockpubscreen \
148         unlockpubscreenlist \
149         viewaddress \
150         viewportaddress \
151         wbenchtoback \
152         wbenchtofront \
153         windowaction \
154         windowlimits \
155         windowtoback \
156         windowtofront \
157         zipwindow
161 USER_LDFLAGS := -static
163                  -D__INTUITION_NOLIBBASE__ \
164                  -D__LAYERS_NOLIBBASE__ \
165                  -D__UTILITY_NOLIBBASE__ \
166                  -D__INPUT_NOLIBBASE__ \
167                  -D__TIMER_NOLIBBASE__ \
168                  -D__OOP_NOLIBBASE__ \
169                  -D__OOP_NOMETHODBASES__ \
170                  -D__OOP_NOATTRBASES__ \
171                  -D__GRAPHICS_NOLIBBASE__ \
172                  -D__KEYMAP_NOLIBBASE__
174 #MM kernel-intuition : kernel-intuition-$(ARCH)-$(CPU)
175 #MM kernel-intuition-linklib : kernel-intuition-$(ARCH)-$(CPU)
177 #MM kernel-intuition-includes : \
178 #MM     kernel-exec-includes \
179 #MM     kernel-utility-includes \
180 #MM     kernel-graphics-includes \
181 #MM     workbench-libs-cgfx-includes \
182 #MM     kernel-timer-includes \
183 #MM     kernel-layers-includes \
184 #MM     kernel-keymap-includes \
185 #MM     kernel-input-includes \
186 #MM     includes-copy
187 #MM- core-linklibs: linklibs-intuition
189 %build_module mmake=kernel-intuition \
190   modname=intuition modtype=library \
191   files="intuition_init $(FUNCS) $(FILES)"
193 $(GENDIR)/$(CURDIR)/shutdownscreen.d : $(GENDIR)/$(CURDIR)/shutdown_image.h
195 $(GENDIR)/$(CURDIR)/shutdown_image.h : shutdown.ilbm
196         @$(ECHO) "Creating   $@..."
197         @$(ILBMTOC) $< >$@