5 Support TLS handshake without SNI, and does not require SNI extension and HTTP Host header to contain the same domain
10 It does not support TLS handshake without SNI
12 You must specific correct SNI in `config.json`
19 $ `nali-dig @ -p 5353 -t CNAME www.wsj.com +short`
22 dlp0y1mxy0v3u.cloudfront.net. [AWS CloudFront]
25 Or run (If MS Windows)
27 \> `nali-nslookup -q=cname -port=5353 www.wsj.com`
30 Server: [美国 加利福尼亚州旧金山 市 OpenDNS 有限公司公众 DNS 服务器]
31 Address: [美国 加利福尼亚州旧金山 市 OpenDNS 有限公司公众 DNS 服务器]#5353
33 Non-authoritative answer:
34 www.wsj.com canonical name = dlp0y1mxy0v3u.cloudfront.net. [AWS CloudFront]
36 Authoritative answers can be found from:
39 Add below in `config.json`'s `alert_hostname` field
42 "www.wsj.com": "dlp0y1mxy0v3u.cloudfront.net"
47 Support TLS handshake without SNI, and does not require SNI extension and HTTP Host header to contain the same domain
49 Note: this IP `` has been blocked using QoS filtering
51 Other IPs in the range `` is not
55 By default(most sites), it does not support TLS handshake without SNI, and will check if SNI extension and HTTP Host header contains the same domain
57 Domain Fronting is not possible
61 Support TLS handshake without SNI, and does not require SNI extension and HTTP Host header to contain the same domain
63 I suggest that you use `ddos-guard.net` as the set SNI, other values will [return](https://github.com/URenko/Accesser/pull/93) strange self-signed TLS certificates
67 Support TLS handshake without SNI, and does not require SNI extension and HTTP Host header to contain the same domain
71 SNI is required, but it doesn't require SNI and Host to contain same domain.
75 `curl -v https://about.google --connect-to :: -H "Host: www.google.com.hk"`
81 Support TLS handshake without SNI, and does not require SNI extension and HTTP Host header to contain the same domain
85 Support TLS handshake without SNI, and does not require SNI extension and HTTP Host header to contain the same domain
87 Note: this IP `` has been blocked using QoS filtering
89 Other IPs in the range `` is not