1 ## Contribute to Frellwit's Filter Lists
2 If you want to contribute to any of the lists you can do so with a pull request.
4 ### Before contributing
6 * Do NOT open pull request if you want to allowlist or remove anything. Open an issue instead.
7 * Make sure to test your filters.
8 * Write [lean filters](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Filter-performance) with correct [uBlock Origin syntax](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Static-filter-syntax).
9 * Avoid generic filters unless the naming of the element/path is obvious and easily identifiable.
10 * Make sure to put your filters under the correct sections/sub-sections if the list have those. (Some lists have "Generic", "Specific annoyances", "News sites", "Unsorted", etc sections.)
11 * Only edit the files in the [lists](https://github.com/lassekongo83/Frellwits-filter-lists/tree/master/lists) folder. No other actions required.