1 # Maintainer: Balló György <ballogyor+arch at gmail dot com>
3 pkgname=gnome-passwordsafe
6 pkgdesc="Password manager for GNOME which makes use of the KeePass v.4 format"
8 url="https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/PasswordSafe"
10 depends=(gtk4 libadwaita libpwquality python-gobject python-pykeepass python-pyotp python-cairo python-validators python-zxcvbn)
11 makedepends=(git gobject-introspection meson)
12 _commit=85d2ad2b0f472feca2ec4263709e0e1494ce9d80
13 source=("git+https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/PasswordSafe.git/#commit=$_commit")
18 git describe --tags | sed 's/-/+/g'
22 arch-meson PasswordSafe build
31 meson install -C build --destdir "$pkgdir"