archrelease: copy trunk to community-any
[ArchLinux/community.git] / fira-code / repos / community-any / PKGBUILD
1 # Maintainer: Jiachen YANG <>
2 # Contributor: Henrik Hodne <>
3 # Contributor: Ariel AxionL <>
4 # AUR Maintainer: Stefan Husmann <>
6 pkgbase=fira-code
7 pkgname=('ttf-fira-code' 'woff-fira-code' 'woff2-fira-code')
8 pkgver=6.2
9 pkgrel=2
10 pkgdesc="Monospaced font with programming ligatures"
11 arch=('any')
12 url=''
13 license=('custom:OFL')
14 depends=()
15 source=("$pkgbase-$${pkgver}/Fira_Code_v${pkgver}.zip"
16         "LICENSE::${pkgver}/LICENSE")
17 sha512sums=('7f71b34cce960bb5b90165505214d9effa7aa0b9e3ae3a7da37b900db54adbb30d1ff4b44f77c88fe0c7ddef45fc17ac6f05f08745fd26e1a298eeb61e6fddd3'
18             'bee6615aa2c8771ea9685a6de630eceb554c22920fd56379be460f461b27081de2d12e04298e4aecc76b733465730f3f3b602867abbc2df53105eb8ccf5475d2')
20 function _package {
21     local ext="${1%%-*}"
22     cd "$ext"
23     local fonts=(FiraCode*."$ext")
24     local installdir="${ext^^}"
26     # Prepare destination directory
27     install -dm755 "$pkgdir/usr/share/fonts/$installdir"
29     # Install fonts
30     local font
31     for font in "${fonts[@]}"; do
32         install -m644 "$font" "$pkgdir/usr/share/fonts/$installdir"
33     done
35     # Install LICENSE
36     install -Dm644 "$srcdir/LICENSE" "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE"
39 for _pkgname in ${pkgname[@]}; do
40     eval "function package_$_pkgname() { _package $_pkgname; }"
41 done
43 # vim:set ts=8 sw=4 et: