archrelease: copy trunk to community-any
[ArchLinux/community.git] / python-dask / repos / community-any / PKGBUILD
1 # Maintainer: Bruno Pagani <>
3 _pkg=dask
4 pkgname=python-${_pkg}
5 pkgver=2023.4.0
6 pkgrel=1
7 pkgdesc="Parallel computing with task scheduling"
8 arch=(any)
9 url=""
10 license=(BSD)
11 depends=(
12     mpdecimal
13     python
14     python-click
15     python-cloudpickle
16     python-fsspec
17     python-importlib-metadata
18     python-packaging
19     python-partd
20     python-pyyaml
21     python-toolz
23 makedepends=(
24     python-build
25     python-installer
26     python-setuptools
27     python-versioneer
28     python-wheel
30 optdepends=(
31 #    'python-bokeh: visualizing dask diagnostics'
32 #    'python-cityhash: faster hashing of arrays'
33     'python-distributed: distributed computing'
34 #    'python-fastparquet: storing and reading data from parquet files'
35 #    'python-gcsfs: file-system interface to Google Cloud Storage'
36 #    'python-jinja: diagnostics'
37 #    'python-murmurhash: faster hashing of arrays'
38     'python-numpy: arrays and dataframes support'
39     'python-pandas: dataframes support'
40     'python-psutil: more accurate CPU count'
41     'python-pyarrow: Apache Arrow, for parquet support'
42 #    'python-s3fs: Amazon S3 support'
43     'python-sqlalchemy: writing and reading from SQL databases'
44     'python-xxhash: faster hashing of arrays'
46 checkdepends=(
47     ipython
48     python-pytest
49     python-pytest-rerunfailures
50     python-aiohttp
51 #    python-bokeh
52     python-boto3
53     python-botocore
54     python-cytoolz
55 #    python-cityhash
56     python-distributed
57 #    python-fastparquet
58 #    python-gcsfs
59     python-graphviz
60     python-h5py
61     python-httpretty
62     python-jinja
63     python-jsonschema
64     python-lz4
65     python-matplotlib
66     python-moto
67 #    python-murmurhash
68 #    python-numba
69     python-numexpr
70     python-numpy
71     python-pandas
72     python-psutil
73     python-pyarrow
74     python-pytables
75     python-requests
76 #    python-s3fs
77     python-scikit-learn
78     python-scipy
79     python-snappy
80 #    python-sparse
81     python-sqlalchemy
82     python-xarray
83     python-xxhash
85 #source=(${_pkg::1}/${_pkg}/${_pkg}-${pkgver}.tar.gz)
86 source=(${pkgver}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.gz)
87 sha256sums=('f3d4d4ab004f617f7f8f0dddac55a87c6ebae19fccdf2b68a400870bdbfbd4d3')
89 build() {
90   cd ${_pkg}-${pkgver}
91   python -m build --wheel --no-isolation
94 check() {
95   local site_packages=$(python -c "import site; print(site.getsitepackages()[0])")
96   local pytest_options=(
97     -vv
98     --ignore test_dir/$site_packages/$_pkg/tests/
99   )
101   cd ${_pkg}-${pkgver}
102   python -m installer --destdir=test_dir dist/*.whl
103   export PYTHONPATH="$PWD/test_dir/$site_packages:$PYTHONPATH"
104   pytest "${pytest_options[@]}" "$PWD/test_dir/$site_packages/$_pkg/"
107 package() {
108   cd ${_pkg}-${pkgver}
109   python -m installer --destdir="$pkgdir" dist/*.whl
110   install -Dm644 LICENSE.txt -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/