archrelease: copy trunk to community-any
[ArchLinux/community.git] / python-matplotlib / repos / community-x86_64 / PKGBUILD
1 # Maintainer: Felix Yan <>
2 # Maintainer: Bruno Pagani <>
3 # Contributor: Stéphane Gaudreault <>
4 # Contributor: Stefan Husmann <>
5 # Contributor: Angel 'angvp' Velasquez <angvp[at]>
6 # Contributor: Douglas Soares de Andrade <>
8 pkgname=python-matplotlib
9 pkgver=3.7.1
10 pkgrel=4
11 pkgdesc="A python plotting library, making publication quality plots"
12 arch=(x86_64)
13 url=""
14 license=(custom)
15 depends=(freetype2 python-contourpy python-cycler python-dateutil python-fonttools python-kiwisolver python-numpy
16          python-packaging python-pillow python-pyparsing qhull)
17 optdepends=('tk: Tk{Agg,Cairo} backends'
18             'pyside2: alternative for Qt5{Agg,Cairo} backends'
19             'pyside6: alternative for Qt6{Agg,Cairo} backends'
20             'python-pyqt5: Qt5{Agg,Cairo} backends'
21             'python-pyqt6: Qt6{Agg,Cairo} backends'
22             'python-gobject: for GTK{3,4}{Agg,Cairo} backend'
23             'python-wxpython: WX{Agg,Cairo} backend'
24             'python-cairo: {GTK{3,4},Qt{5,6},Tk,WX}Cairo backends'
25             'python-cairocffi: alternative for Cairo backends'
26             'python-tornado: WebAgg backend'
27             'ffmpeg: for saving movies'
28             'imagemagick: for saving animated gifs'
29             'ghostscript: usetex dependencies'
30             'texlive-bin: usetex dependencies'
31             'texlive-latexextra: usetex usage with pdflatex'
32             'python-certifi: https support')
33 makedepends=(git python-build python-installer python-certifi python-setuptools-scm pybind11 python-wheel)
34 checkdepends=(python-pytest python-pytest-xdist python-pytest-runner python-pytest-rerunfailures xorg-server-xvfb
35               texlive-bin texlive-core texlive-latexextra texlive-pictures
36               ghostscript inkscape ffmpeg imagemagick gtk4
37               python-cairo python-cairocffi python-gobject python-pyqt5 pyside2
38               python-pyqt6 pyside6 python-tornado python-wxpython tk
39               jupyter-nbconvert jupyter-nbformat python-ipykernel
40               python-pandas python-pikepdf python-pytz python-xarray
41               noto-fonts-cjk wqy-zenhei)
42 _tag=8dcbd965f3008b6dc324f4a45b65ff580e55090e # git rev-parse v${pkgver}
43 _ftver=2.12.1
44 source=(git+${_tag}?signed
46         freetype.patch
47         matplotlib-fix-pgf-tests.patch::
48 b2sums=('SKIP'
49         'bcbf789be86c399e7bf08b8647622c4b97e905da7e58a41f5fce9cfdf3941aadf3cf5cb9bb8a417c5640c7e2d5409abffa63fe5a6e68a4b543caf0855acf25e9'
50         'b821f938cace434932a43b15b42b93d0f8eaffea4e28fbf1d5a7263ec947c26252bafccaea60c1a1cb2fad4c71280ca2cf62527994f270af2467a242287470bb'
51         'fcbc1a8a73f37549fd0f9d62b6312f51d3c00ce64f325498b997977db2ce1f57d2edd7b94fca78849c0a0677bc14fa424bbb5e0ef1556e8a0626d8756191f7ad')
52 validpgpkeys=(23CAB59E3332F94D26BEF0378D86E7FAE5EB0C10) # Elliott Sales de Andrade <>
54 prepare() {
55   cd matplotlib
56   # Fix SCM detected version
57   rm -r .git
58   # Don't require oldest-supported-numpy
59   sed -e 's|oldest-supported-numpy|numpy|' -i pyproject.toml
60   # Use system freetype and qhull
61   sed -e 's|#system_freetype = False|system_freetype = True|' -e 's|#system_qhull = False|system_qhull = True|' mplsetup.cfg.template > mplsetup.cfg
62   patch -p1 < ../freetype.patch # From Fedora/upstream
63   sed -e 's|2_000_000|2_500_000|' -i lib/matplotlib/tests/
64   # Install tests for check()
65   sed -i 's|#tests = False|tests = True|' mplsetup.cfg
66   # Use appropriate baseline images for tests
67   for _module in matplotlib mpl_toolkits
68   do
69     cp -r ../mpl-images-${pkgver}-with-freetype-${_ftver}/lib/${_module}/* lib/${_module}
70   done
71   git apply ../matplotlib-fix-pgf-tests.patch
74 build() {
75   cd matplotlib
77   python -m build --wheel --no-isolation
80 check() {
81   cd matplotlib
83   python -m venv --system-site-packages test-env
84   test-env/bin/python -m installer dist/*.whl
85   # test_ipynb: fixed but `ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'matplotlib'`
86   # test_compressed1:
87   XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp/runtime-build \
88   xvfb-run -a -s "-screen 0 640x480x24" \
89     test-env/bin/python -m pytest -ra -n auto -v --color=yes --pyargs matplotlib mpl_toolkits.{axes_grid1,axisartist,mplot3d} \
90       -k 'not test_ipynb and not test_compressed1 and not test_multi_font_type3 and not test_multi_font_type42 and not test_figure_legend_outside' || true
93 package() {
94   cd matplotlib
96   python -m installer --destdir="${pkgdir}" dist/*.whl
97   install -Dm644 doc/users/project/license.rst -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/
98   # Remove tests
99   rm -r "${pkgdir}"$(python -c "import site; print(site.getsitepackages()[0])")/{matplotlib,mpl_toolkits/*}/tests/