archrelease: copy trunk to community-any
[ArchLinux/community.git] / python-pytorch / repos / community-x86_64 / PKGBUILD
1 # Maintainer: Sven-Hendrik Haase <>
2 # Maintainer: Torsten Keßler <>
3 # Contributor: Stephen Zhang <zsrkmyn at gmail dot com>
5 _pkgname=pytorch
6 pkgbase="python-${_pkgname}"
7 pkgname=("${pkgbase}" "${pkgbase}-opt" "${pkgbase}-cuda" "${pkgbase}-opt-cuda" "${pkgbase}-rocm" "${pkgbase}-opt-rocm")
8 pkgver=2.0.1
9 _pkgver=2.0.1
10 pkgrel=1
11 _pkgdesc='Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration'
12 pkgdesc="${_pkgdesc}"
13 arch=('x86_64')
14 url=""
15 license=('BSD')
16 depends=('google-glog' 'gflags' 'opencv' 'openmp' 'nccl' 'pybind11' 'python' 'python-yaml' 'libuv'
17          'python-numpy' 'python-sympy' 'protobuf' 'ffmpeg4.4' 'python-future' 'qt6-base'
18          'intel-oneapi-mkl' 'python-typing_extensions' 'numactl')
19 # Exclude the magma package here and add the corresponding {cuda, rocm/hip} version
20 # to makedepends of the split packages.
21 # The magma package does not allow to build the cuda and rocm/hip code at the same time,
22 # so we need to work with the split packages magma-{cuda,hip}.
23 makedepends=('python' 'python-setuptools' 'python-yaml' 'python-numpy' 'cmake' 'cuda'
24              'cudnn' 'git' 'rocm-hip-sdk' 'roctracer' 'miopen'
25              'ninja' 'pkgconfig' 'doxygen' 'vulkan-headers' 'shaderc')
26 source=("${_pkgname}-${pkgver}::git+$_pkgver"
27         # generated using parse-submodules
28         "${pkgname}-ARM_NEON_2_x86_SSE::git+"
29         "${pkgname}-FP16::git+"
30         "${pkgname}-FXdiv::git+"
31         "${pkgname}-NNPACK::git+"
32         "${pkgname}-PeachPy::git+"
33         "${pkgname}-QNNPACK::git+"
34         "${pkgname}-VulkanMemoryAllocator::git+"
35         "${pkgname}-XNNPACK::git+"
36         "${pkgname}-benchmark::git+"
37         "${pkgname}-cpuinfo::git+"
38         "${pkgname}-cub::git+"
39         "${pkgname}-cudnn-frontend::git+"
40         "${pkgname}-cutlass::git+"
41         "${pkgname}-eigen::git+"
42         "${pkgname}-enum34::git+"
43         "${pkgname}-fbgemm::git+"
44         "${pkgname}-fbjni::git+"
45         "${pkgname}-flatbuffers::git+"
46         "${pkgname}-fmt::git+"
47         "${pkgname}-foxi::git+"
48         "${pkgname}-gemmlowp::git+"
49         "${pkgname}-gloo::git+"
50         "${pkgname}-googletest::git+"
51         "${pkgname}-ideep::git+"
52         "${pkgname}-ios-cmake::git+"
53         "${pkgname}-ittapi::git+"
54         "${pkgname}-json::git+"
55         "${pkgname}-kineto::git+"
56         "${pkgname}-nccl::git+"
57         "${pkgname}-onnx-tensorrt::git+"
58         "${pkgname}-onnx::git+"
59         "${pkgname}-pocketfft::git+"
60         "${pkgname}-protobuf::git+"
61         "${pkgname}-psimd::git+"
62         "${pkgname}-pthreadpool::git+"
63         "${pkgname}-pybind11::git+"
64         "${pkgname}-six::git+"
65         "${pkgname}-sleef::git+"
66         "${pkgname}-tbb::git+"
67         "${pkgname}-tensorpipe::git+"
68         "${pkgname}-zstd::git+"
69         fix_include_system.patch
70         use-system-libuv.patch
71         fix-building-for-torchvision.patch
72         87773.patch
73         disable-werror1.patch
74         disable-werror2.patch
75         disable-werror3.patch
76         disable-werror4.patch
77         ffmpeg4.4.patch
78         rocblas-batched.patch)
79 b2sums=('SKIP'
80         'SKIP'
81         'SKIP'
82         'SKIP'
83         'SKIP'
84         'SKIP'
85         'SKIP'
86         'SKIP'
87         'SKIP'
88         'SKIP'
89         'SKIP'
90         'SKIP'
91         'SKIP'
92         'SKIP'
93         'SKIP'
94         'SKIP'
95         'SKIP'
96         'SKIP'
97         'SKIP'
98         'SKIP'
99         'SKIP'
100         'SKIP'
101         'SKIP'
102         'SKIP'
103         'SKIP'
104         'SKIP'
105         'SKIP'
106         'SKIP'
107         'SKIP'
108         'SKIP'
109         'SKIP'
110         'SKIP'
111         'SKIP'
112         'SKIP'
113         'SKIP'
114         'SKIP'
115         'SKIP'
116         'SKIP'
117         'SKIP'
118         'SKIP'
119         'SKIP'
120         'SKIP'
121         '77f85808e480bd37dfb5f072d565466ae30a8f827f49ef97591fc2fc03bea54944eb1adeaa4a1e3466518a5640f575eda88d15b4c4d549a6f41f0bf4f2cfb086'
122         '1f7ce593fa9fc62535ca1c3d85c996a73006cc614c7b7258160c3fc53cd52a1cfddcb18baf897f2e1223ecdfee52ca1471b91c9f845368ed6ac51b66f6e0e676'
123         'fdea0b815d7750a4233c1d4668593020da017aea43cf4cb63b4c00d0852c7d34f0333e618fcf98b8df2185313a2089b8c2e9fe8ec3cfb0bf693598f9c61461a8'
124         '0a8fc110a306e81beeb9ddfb3a1ddfd26aeda5e3f7adfb0f7c9bc3fd999c2dde62e0b407d3eca573097a53fd97329214e30e8767fb38d770197c7ec2b53daf18'
125         '844d0b7b39777492a6d456fa845d5399f673b4bb37b62473393449c9ad0c29dca3c33276dc3980f2e766680100335c0acfb69d51781b79575f4da112d9c4018c'
126         '985e331b2025e1ca5a4fba5188af0900f1f38bd0fd32c9173deb8bed7358af01e387d4654c7e0389e5f98b6f7cbed053226934d180b8b3b1270bdbbb36fc89b2'
127         '96de2729b29c7ce3e4fdd8008f575d24c2c3ef9f85d6217e607902d7b870ac71b9290fde71e87a68d75bb75ef28eacbf5ce04e071146809ccf1e76a03f97b479'
128         'eea86bbed0a37e1661035913536456f90e0cd1e687c7e4103011f0688bc8347b6fc2ff82019909c41e7c89ddbc3b80dde641e88abf406f4faebc71b0bb693d25'
129         '6286b05d5b5143f117363e3ce3c7d693910f53845aeb6f501b3eea64aa71778cb2d7dcd4ac945d5321ef23b4da02446e86dedc6a9b6a998df4a7f3b1ce50550a'
130         '232d2aca7cae8da511d1451890f8696d47da72276929ac5731a1a1a481d2a515fa7288bf33730d8ea2c892616551a74ca2439b53de6b1dfee156c30919120741')
131 options=('!lto' '!debug')
133 get_pyver () {
134   python -c 'import sys; print(str(sys.version_info[0]) + "." + str(sys.version_info[1]))'
137 prepare() {
138   cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-${pkgver}"
140   # generated using parse-submodules
141   git submodule init
143   git config submodule."android/libs/fbjni".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-fbjni
144   git config submodule."third_party/NNPACK".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-NNPACK
145   git config submodule."third_party/NNPACK_deps/FP16".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-FP16
146   git config submodule."third_party/NNPACK_deps/FXdiv".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-FXdiv
147   git config submodule."third_party/NNPACK_deps/psimd".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-psimd
148   git config submodule."third_party/NNPACK_deps/pthreadpool".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-pthreadpool
149   git config submodule."third_party/QNNPACK".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-QNNPACK
150   git config submodule."third_party/VulkanMemoryAllocator".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-VulkanMemoryAllocator
151   git config submodule."third_party/XNNPACK".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-XNNPACK
152   git config submodule."third_party/benchmark".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-benchmark
153   git config submodule."third_party/cpuinfo".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-cpuinfo
154   git config submodule."third_party/cub".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-cub
155   git config submodule."third_party/cudnn_frontend".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-cudnn-frontend
156   git config submodule."third_party/cutlass".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-cutlass
157   git config submodule."third_party/eigen".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-eigen
158   git config submodule."third_party/fbgemm".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-fbgemm
159   git config submodule."third_party/flatbuffers".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-flatbuffers
160   git config submodule."third_party/fmt".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-fmt
161   git config submodule."third_party/foxi".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-foxi
162   git config submodule."third_party/gemmlowp/gemmlowp".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-gemmlowp
163   git config submodule."third_party/gloo".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-gloo
164   git config submodule."third_party/googletest".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-googletest
165   git config submodule."third_party/ideep".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-ideep
166   git config submodule."third_party/ios-cmake".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-ios-cmake
167   git config submodule."third_party/ittapi".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-ittapi
168   git config submodule."third_party/kineto".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-kineto
169   git config submodule."third_party/nccl/nccl".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-nccl
170   git config submodule."third_party/neon2sse".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-ARM_NEON_2_x86_SSE
171   git config submodule."third_party/nlohmann".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-json
172   git config submodule."third_party/onnx".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-onnx
173   git config submodule."third_party/onnx-tensorrt".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-onnx-tensorrt
174   git config submodule."third_party/pocketfft".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-pocketfft
175   git config submodule."third_party/protobuf".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-protobuf
176   git config submodule."third_party/pybind11".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-pybind11
177   git config submodule."third_party/python-enum".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-enum34
178   git config submodule."third_party/python-peachpy".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-PeachPy
179   git config submodule."third_party/python-six".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-six
180   git config submodule."third_party/sleef".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-sleef
181   git config submodule."third_party/tbb".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-tbb
182   git config submodule."third_party/tensorpipe".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-tensorpipe
183   git config submodule."third_party/zstd".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-zstd
185   git -c protocol.file.allow=always submodule update --init --recursive
187   # Fix include with GCC 12
188   sed "1i#include <mutex>" -i third_party/kineto/libkineto/src/RoctracerActivityApi.h
190   #
191   patch -N torch/utils/ "${srcdir}"/fix_include_system.patch
193   # Use system libuv
194   patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}"/use-system-libuv.patch
196   # fix
197   patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/fix-building-for-torchvision.patch"
199   # Fix building against glog 0.6
200   patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/87773.patch"
202   # Disable -Werror
203   patch -Np1 -d third_party/fbgemm -i "${srcdir}/disable-werror1.patch"
204   patch -Np1 -d third_party/benchmark -i "${srcdir}/disable-werror2.patch"
205   patch -Np1 -d third_party/ideep/mkl-dnn -i "${srcdir}/disable-werror3.patch"
206   patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/disable-werror4.patch"
208   # build against ffmpeg4.4
209   patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/ffmpeg4.4.patch"
211   # fix
212   patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/rocblas-batched.patch"
214   cd "${srcdir}"
216   cp -r "${_pkgname}-${pkgver}" "${_pkgname}-${pkgver}-opt"
217   cp -r "${_pkgname}-${pkgver}" "${_pkgname}-${pkgver}-cuda"
218   cp -r "${_pkgname}-${pkgver}" "${_pkgname}-${pkgver}-opt-cuda"
219   cp -r "${_pkgname}-${pkgver}" "${_pkgname}-${pkgver}-rocm"
220   cp -r "${_pkgname}-${pkgver}" "${_pkgname}-${pkgver}-opt-rocm"
223 # Common build configuration, called in all package() functions.
224 _prepare() {
225   export VERBOSE=1
226   export PYTORCH_BUILD_VERSION="${pkgver}"
229   # Check tools/setup_helpers/, and CMakeLists.txt for a list of flags that can be set via env vars.
230   export ATEN_NO_TEST=ON  # do not build ATen tests
231   export USE_MKLDNN=ON
233   export BUILD_CAFFE2=ON
234   export BUILD_CAFFE2_OPS=ON
235   # export BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF
236   export USE_FFMPEG=ON
237   export USE_GFLAGS=ON
238   export USE_GLOG=ON
239   export USE_VULKAN=ON
240   export BUILD_BINARY=ON
241   export USE_OBSERVERS=ON
242   export USE_OPENCV=ON
243   # export USE_SYSTEM_LIBS=ON  # experimental, not all libs present in repos
244   export USE_SYSTEM_NCCL=ON
245   export NCCL_VERSION=$(pkg-config nccl --modversion)
246   export NCCL_VER_CODE=$(sed -n 's/^#define NCCL_VERSION_CODE\s*\(.*\).*/\1/p' /usr/include/nccl.h)
247   # export BUILD_SPLIT_CUDA=ON  # modern preferred build, but splits libs and symbols, ABI break
248   # export USE_FAST_NVCC=ON  # parallel build with nvcc, spawns too many processes
249   export USE_CUPTI_SO=ON  # make sure is used as shared lib
250   export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-12
251   export CXX=/usr/bin/g++-12
252   export CUDAHOSTCXX=/opt/cuda/bin/g++
254   export CUDA_HOME=/opt/cuda
255   # hide build-time CUDA devices
256   export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=""
257   export CUDNN_LIB_DIR=/usr/lib
258   export CUDNN_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include
259   export TORCH_NVCC_FLAGS="-Xfatbin -compress-all"
260   # CUDA arch 8.7 is not supported (needed by Jetson boards, etc.)
261   export TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST="5.2;5.3;6.0;6.1;6.2;7.0;7.2;7.5;8.0;8.6;8.9;9.0;9.0+PTX"  #include latest PTX for future compat
263   export PYTORCH_ROCM_ARCH="gfx803;gfx900;gfx906;gfx908;gfx90a;gfx1030"
265   # Hack to make sure that the generated dnnl_config.h from onednn can be inlcuded.
266   export CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS} -I third_party/ideep/mkl-dnn/third_party/oneDNN/include/"
270 # Important note on the missing build() function
272 # We build the pytorch packages for the different backends directly in
273 # corresponding package() functions. This change became necessary when
274 # merging the two different GPU backends (CUDA and ROCm) into one package.
275 # Both share a dependency on the magma package but compiled against
276 # different GPU backends. This leads to two incompatible magma-{cuda,hip}
277 # packages that cannot be installed side-by-side.
278 # Therefore, we need to separately add magma-{cuda,hip} as (make-) dependencies
279 # of pytorch-{cuda,rocm}.
281 _package() {
282   # Prevent from re-running CMake and rebuilding
283   sed -e 's/RUN_BUILD_DEPS = True/RUN_BUILD_DEPS = False/g' -i
285   python install --root="${pkgdir}"/ --optimize=1 --skip-build
287   install -Dm644 LICENSE "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE"
289   pytorchpath="usr/lib/python$(get_pyver)/site-packages/torch"
290   install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/lib"
292   # put CMake files in correct place
293   mv "${pkgdir}/${pytorchpath}/share/cmake" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/cmake"
295   # put C++ API in correct place
296   mv "${pkgdir}/${pytorchpath}/include" "${pkgdir}/usr/include"
297   find "${pkgdir}/${pytorchpath}"/lib/ -type f,l \( -iname '*.so' -or -iname '*.so*' \) -print0 | while read -rd $'\0' _lib; do
298     mv "${_lib}" "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/
299   done
301   # clean up duplicates
302   rm -r "${pkgdir}/usr/include/pybind11"
303   rm "${pkgdir}"/usr/include/*.h
305   # Python module is hardcoded so look there at runtime
306   ln -s /usr/include "${pkgdir}/${pytorchpath}/include"
307   find "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib -maxdepth 1 -type f,l \( -iname '*.so' -or -iname '*.so*' \) -print0 | while read -rd $'\0' _lib; do
308     ln -s ${_lib#"$pkgdir"} "${pkgdir}/${pytorchpath}/lib/"
309   done
312 package_python-pytorch() {
313   pkgdesc="${_pkgdesc}"
315   cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-${pkgver}"
316   echo "Building without cuda or rocm and without non-x86-64 optimizations"
317   _prepare
318   export USE_CUDA=0
319   export USE_CUDNN=0
320   export USE_ROCM=0
321   echo "add_definitions(-march=x86-64)" >> cmake/MiscCheck.cmake
322   # this horrible hack is necessary because the current release
323   # ships inconsistent CMake which tries to build objects before
324   # thier dependencies, build twice when dependencies are available
325   python build || python build
327   _package
330 package_python-pytorch-opt() {
331   pkgdesc="${_pkgdesc} (with AVX2 CPU optimizations)"
332   conflicts=(python-pytorch)
333   provides=(python-pytorch)
335   cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-${pkgver}-opt"
336   echo "Building without cuda or rocm and with non-x86-64 optimizations"
337   _prepare
338   export USE_CUDA=0
339   export USE_CUDNN=0
340   export USE_ROCM=0
341   echo "add_definitions(-march=haswell)" >> cmake/MiscCheck.cmake
342   # same horrible hack as above
343   python build || python build
345   _package
348 package_python-pytorch-cuda() {
349   pkgdesc="${_pkgdesc} (with CUDA)"
350   depends+=(cuda cudnn magma-cuda)
351   conflicts=(python-pytorch)
352   provides=(python-pytorch)
354   cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-${pkgver}-cuda"
355   echo "Building with cuda and without non-x86-64 optimizations"
356   _prepare
357   export USE_CUDA=1
358   export USE_CUDNN=1
359   export USE_ROCM=0
360   cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-${pkgver}-cuda"
361   echo "add_definitions(-march=x86-64)" >> cmake/MiscCheck.cmake
362   # same horrible hack as above
363   python build || python build
365   _package
366   # oneDNN from the repos conflicts with the version in the ideep submodule,
367   # so we have to add the dependency after building the package.
368   depends+=(onednn)
371 package_python-pytorch-opt-cuda() {
372   pkgdesc="${_pkgdesc} (with CUDA and AVX2 CPU optimizations)"
373   depends+=(cuda cudnn magma-cuda)
374   conflicts=(python-pytorch)
375   provides=(python-pytorch python-pytorch-cuda)
377   cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-${pkgver}-opt-cuda"
378   echo "Building with cuda and with non-x86-64 optimizations"
379   export USE_CUDA=1
380   export USE_CUDNN=1
381   export USE_ROCM=0
382   _prepare
383   echo "add_definitions(-march=haswell)" >> cmake/MiscCheck.cmake
384   # same horrible hack as above
385   python build || python build
387   _package
388   # see above
389   depends+=(onednn)
392 package_python-pytorch-rocm() {
393   pkgdesc="${_pkgdesc} (with ROCm)"
394   depends+=(rocm-hip-sdk roctracer miopen magma-hip)
395   conflicts=(python-pytorch)
396   provides=(python-pytorch)
398   cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-${pkgver}-rocm"
399   echo "Building with rocm and without non-x86-64 optimizations"
400   _prepare
401   export USE_CUDA=0
402   export USE_CUDNN=0
403   export USE_ROCM=1
404   echo "add_definitions(-march=x86-64)" >> cmake/MiscCheck.cmake
405   # Conversion of CUDA to ROCm source files
406   python tools/amd_build/
407   # same horrible hack as above
408   python build || python build
410   _package
411   # see above
412   depends+=(onednn)
415 package_python-pytorch-opt-rocm() {
416   pkgdesc="${_pkgdesc} (with ROCm and AVX2 CPU optimizations)"
417   depends+=(rocm-hip-sdk roctracer miopen magma-hip)
418   conflicts=(python-pytorch)
419   provides=(python-pytorch python-pytorch-rocm)
421   cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-${pkgver}-opt-rocm"
422   echo "Building with rocm and with non-x86-64 optimizations"
423   _prepare
424   export USE_CUDA=0
425   export USE_CUDNN=0
426   export USE_ROCM=1
427   echo "add_definitions(-march=haswell)" >> cmake/MiscCheck.cmake
428   # Conversion of CUDA to ROCm source files
429   python tools/amd_build/
430   # same horrible hack as above
431   python build || python build
433   _package
434   # see above
435   depends+=(onednn)
438 # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: