archrelease: copy trunk to community-any
[ArchLinux/community.git] / ruby-climate_control / repos / community-any / PKGBUILD
1 # Maintainer: Felix Yan <>
3 pkgname=ruby-climate_control
4 pkgver=1.2.0
5 pkgrel=1
6 pkgdesc='Modify your ENV easily with ClimateControl'
7 arch=(any)
8 url=''
9 license=(MIT)
10 depends=(ruby)
11 makedepends=(ruby-rspec ruby-rake ruby-simplecov)
12 options=(!emptydirs)
13 source=($pkgver/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz)
14 sha256sums=('85aaf7880cb796884697bde4696e26d211ad45bab069c121205e0d12a7fa5b66')
16 prepare() {
17   cd climate_control-$pkgver
18   sed -e '/standard/d' -e 's|git ls-files|find -type f|' -i climate_control.gemspec
21 build() {
22   local _gemdir="$(gem env gemdir)"
23   cd climate_control-$pkgver
24   gem build climate_control.gemspec
25   gem install \
26     --local \
27     --verbose \
28     --ignore-dependencies \
29     --no-user-install \
30     --install-dir "tmp_install/$_gemdir" \
31     --bindir "tmp_install/usr/bin" \
32     climate_control-$pkgver.gem
33   find "tmp_install/$_gemdir/gems/" \
34     -type f \
35     \( \
36         -iname "*.o" -o \
37         -iname "*.c" -o \
38         -iname "*.so" -o \
39         -iname "*.time" -o \
40         -iname "gem.build_complete" -o \
41         -iname "Makefile" \
42     \) \
43     -delete
44   rm -r tmp_install/$_gemdir/cache
47 check() {
48   local _gemdir="$(gem env gemdir)"
49   cd climate_control-$pkgver
50   GEM_HOME="tmp_install/$_gemdir" rake
53 package() {
54   cd climate_control-$pkgver
55   cp -a tmp_install/* "$pkgdir"/
56   install -Dm644 LICENSE -t "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/