1 # Maintainer: Florian "Bluewind" Pritz <flo@xssn.at>
6 pkgdesc="Client for paste.xinu.at"
8 url="https://github.com/Bluewind/fb"
10 depends=('python' 'python-pycurl' 'python-xdg')
12 'xclip: automatically copy the URL into the clipboard on X11'
13 'wl-clipboard: automatically copy the URL into the clipboard on wayland'
15 source=(https://paste.xinu.at/data/client/fb-$pkgver.tar.gz{,.sig})
16 sha256sums=('1164eca06eeacb4210d462c4baf1c4004272a6197d873d61166e7793539d1983'
18 validpgpkeys=("CFA6AF15E5C74149FC1D8C086D1655C14CE1C13E")
21 cd "$srcdir/fb-$pkgver"
27 cd "$srcdir/fb-$pkgver"
29 make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
32 # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: