archrelease: copy trunk to extra-x86_64
[ArchLinux/packages.git] / compiler-rt14 / trunk / PKGBUILD
1 # Maintainer: Evangelos Foutras <>
2 # Contributor: Jan "heftig" Steffens <>
4 pkgname=compiler-rt14
5 pkgver=14.0.6
6 pkgrel=3
7 pkgdesc="Compiler runtime libraries for clang 14"
8 arch=('x86_64')
9 url=""
10 license=('custom:Apache 2.0 with LLVM Exception')
11 depends=('gcc-libs')
12 makedepends=('llvm14' 'cmake' 'ninja' 'python')
13 # Build 32-bit compiler-rt libraries on x86_64 (FS#41911)
14 makedepends_x86_64=('lib32-gcc-libs')
15 options=('staticlibs')
16 _source_base=$pkgver
17 source=($_source_base/compiler-rt-$pkgver.src.tar.xz{,.sig}
18         remove-include-linux-fs.h.patch)
19 sha256sums=('88df303840ca8fbff944e15e61c141226fe79f5d2b8e89fb024264d77841a02e'
20             'SKIP'
21             '34ed866e313e4580130a50118a4410d36fa0159123982521b6ef049439fc32ad')
22 validpgpkeys=('474E22316ABF4785A88C6E8EA2C794A986419D8A') # Tom Stellard <>
24 prepare() {
25   cd compiler-rt-$pkgver.src
26   mkdir build
28   #
29   patch -Np2 -i ../remove-include-linux-fs.h.patch
32 build() {
33   cd compiler-rt-$pkgver.src/build
35   local cmake_args=(
36     -G Ninja
37     -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
38     -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/lib/llvm14
40     -DCOMPILER_RT_INSTALL_PATH=/usr/lib/llvm14/lib/clang/$pkgver
41   )
42   cmake .. "${cmake_args[@]}"
43   ninja
46 package() {
47   cd compiler-rt-$pkgver.src/build
49   DESTDIR="$pkgdir" ninja install
50   install -Dm644 ../LICENSE.TXT "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE"
53 # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: