2 - a Bob object can now generate it's own location xpath. Both in A) relative and B) absolute terms.
3 A) credit[ @id='' and @amount='11.50' and @entryid='' and @accountid='3' and @account='' ]
4 B) /bookkeeping[ @id='' ]/accounts[ @id='a1' ]/account[ @id='3' and @name='bank' and @type='asset' and @counterWeight='debit' ]/credit[ @id='' and @amount='11.50' and @entryid='' and @accountid='3' and @account='' ]
11 ./child::node()[ @asdf='' and @name='tim' ]
13 /GPS/memory[text()="64MB"]
15 full & abbreviated axis steps ( 'descendant-or-self' 'myXmlTagname' )
16 context / step ( '.' '..' )
17 abbrev root ( '/' '//' )
18 axis delimiters ( '::' )
19 occurence indicators ( '*' '+' '?' )
20 reserved function names, incl. l/r parentheses ( 'empty-sequence()' )
21 predicates, incl. i) l/r brackets ii) single/double quotes ( '[ @asdf='' and @name='tim' ]' )