Use BSSC-BSIC as the unique cell identifier instead of the non-unique cellid.
[CellLocator.git] / gsmpos /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 """
3 GSM Positioning
5 (C) 2008 Gergely Imreh <>
6 --- using code from:
7 cell_locator: Baruch Even <>
9 GPLv3 or later
10 """
11 """
13 Uses input file: cellinfo.dat
14 Contain : Locations of known cells
15 Format : comma-separated values
16 Fields : mmc,mnc,cell_id,lattitude,longitude
18 """
21 import sys, os, serial, time, dbus, csv
22 from time import strftime
23 from math import *
24 from Numeric import *
25 ### GPS import functions from stripped down version of
26 from cell_locator_bare import Terminal
27 from cell_locator_bare import GPS
28 import traceback
30 __version__ = '0.2'
33 ###############
35 # Debugging output
36 debug = False
38 # Number of digits after decimal point when printing location
39 posdigits = 6
41 ################
43 def triangulate(pos,idist):
45 def middlep(pos1,idist1,pos2,idist2):
46 """ Middle point of triangle side """
47 return (pos1*idist1 + pos2*idist2)/(idist1+idist2)
49 def perpvec(pos1,pos2):
50 """ Vector perpendicular to the line connecting pos1 & pos2 """
51 dir = pos2-pos1
52 dir = array((-1*dir[1],dir[0]))
53 return dir
55 def inters(p1,p2,p3,p4):
56 """ Calculating intersection point """
57 try :
58 ua = ((p4[0]-p3[0])*(p1[1]-p3[1])-(p4[1]-p3[1])*(p1[0]-p3[0]))/((p4[1]-p3[1])*(p2[0]-p1[0]) - (p4[0]-p3[0])*(p2[1]-p1[1]))
59 except:
60 ua = 0
61 return p1+ua*(p2-p1)
63 def getconsensus(inters):
64 """ Calculate where to place most likely location,
65 currently mean of the three intersections """
66 x = 0
67 y = 0
68 for k in range(0,3):
69 x += inters[k][0]/3.
70 y += inters[k][1]/3.
71 return x,y
73 ## Get triangle side middle points
74 mp00 = middlep(pos[:,0],idist[0,0],pos[:,1],idist[0,1])
75 mp10 = middlep(pos[:,0],idist[0,0],pos[:,2],idist[0,2])
76 mp20 = middlep(pos[:,1],idist[0,1],pos[:,2],idist[0,2])
77 ## Get another point on the line perpendicular to the sides
78 mp01 = mp00+perpvec(pos[:,0],pos[:,1])
79 mp11 = mp10+perpvec(pos[:,0],pos[:,2])
80 mp21 = mp20+perpvec(pos[:,1],pos[:,2])
81 ## Get intersections
82 i1 = inters(mp00,mp01,mp10,mp11)
83 i2 = inters(mp00,mp01,mp20,mp21)
84 i3 = inters(mp10,mp11,mp20,mp21)
85 i = array(((i1),(i2),(i3)))
86 ## Calculate centre
87 [x,y] = getconsensus(i)
88 return x,y
91 def getpos(cells,cellpresent,mcc,mnc):
92 """ Calculating position based on GSM cell data """
93 """
94 Signal converted to relative distances with assumptions:
95 - Equal tower power output
96 - Free space propagation: signal strength scales with d^(-1/2)
97 : These are of course not true - but there is a priori knowledge of proper signal strengh/distance scaling
98 """
100 lon = 0
101 lat = 0
102 have = 0
103 haveconnected = False
104 pos = zeros([2,len(cellpresent)], Float)
105 idist = zeros([1,len(cellpresent)], Float)
106 sumweight = 0
108 for k in range(len(cellpresent)):
109 # Signal strength in dB -> linear scale
110 sig = 10**(int(cellpresent[k]['rxlev'])/10.0)
111 # Linear scale -> distance scale (1/2 means assuming free space propagation)
112 dist = sig**(-1/2.)
113 if debug: print "DEBUG:",cellpresent[k]['cell_id'],":signal:",cellpresent[k]['rxlev'],"Sig-linear:",sig,"Distance scale:",dist
114 for i in range(len(cells)):
115 if (mcc == cells[i]['mcc']) and (mnc == cells[i]['mnc']) and (cellpresent[k]['cell_id'] == cells[i]['cell_id']):
116 if k == 0 : haveconnected = True
117 pos[:,have] = [float(cells[i]['lat']),float(cells[i]['lon'])]
118 idist[0,have] = 1./dist
119 have += 1
120 if debug: print "DEBUG:",cellpresent[k]['cell_id'],":CellFound: ",cells[i]['lat'], cells[i]['lon']
121 break
123 if have == 0:
124 """ No guess if no tower """
125 lat = None
126 lon = None
127 elif have == 1:
128 """ Wild guess if one tower """
129 lat = pos[0,0]
130 lon = pos[1,0]
131 elif have == 2:
132 """ On a line if two towers """
133 lat = (pos[0,0]/idist[0,0] + pos[0,1]/idist[0,1])/(1/idist[0,0]+1/idist[0,1])
134 lon = (pos[1,0]/idist[0,0] + pos[1,1]/idist[0,1])/(1/idist[0,0]+1/idist[0,1])
135 elif have == 3:
136 """ Triangulate if three towers """
137 [lat,lon] = triangulate(pos[:,0:3],idist[:,0:3])
138 elif have > 3:
139 """ If more than three : use cleverness! (hopefully) """
140 lat = 0
141 lon = 0
142 if not haveconnected:
143 """ If the connected tower is not on the known list, move forward the tower
144 with the highest signal level to be first in the list """
145 signals = sort(idist)
146 for k in range(have):
147 if float(idist[0,k]) == float(signals[0][-1]):
148 maxsignal = k
149 break
150 templat = pos[0,0]
151 templon = pos[1,0]
152 tempidist = idist[0,0]
153 pos[0,0] = pos[0,k]
154 pos[1,0] = pos[1,k]
155 idist[0,0] = idist[0,k]
156 pos[0,k] = templat
157 pos[1,k] = templon
158 idist[0,k] = tempidist
160 """ Triangulate possible triads (but keep the connected tower (or the highest signal one)
161 for all of them), and select for those that are closest to the known tower position,
162 finally average position """
163 subpos = zeros([2,3], Float)
164 subidist = zeros([1,3], Float)
165 subpos[:,0] = pos[:,0]
166 subidist[0,0] = idist[0,0]
167 numcalc = ((have-1)*(have-2)) / 2
168 icalc = 0
169 cpos = zeros([2,numcalc], Float)
170 cdist = []
171 for k in range(1,have):
172 for m in range(k+1,have):
173 subpos[:,1] = pos[:,k]
174 subpos[:,2] = pos[:,m]
175 subidist[0,1] = idist[0,k]
176 subidist[0,2] = idist[0,m]
177 [sublat,sublon] = triangulate(subpos,subidist)
178 cpos[0,icalc] = sublat
179 cpos[1,icalc] = sublon
180 [dist, hdist, vdist] = calcdist(pos[1,0],pos[0,0],sublon,sublat)
181 cdist.append(dist)
182 icalc += 1
183 numuse = math.ceil(numcalc/2)
184 scdist = cdist[:]
185 scdist.sort()
186 uplimit = scdist[int(numuse)-1]
187 for k in range(numcalc):
188 if float(cdist[k]) <= (uplimit):
189 lat += float(cpos[0,k])
190 lon += float(cpos[1,k])
191 lat = lat / numuse
192 lon = lon / numuse
194 else:
195 lat = None
196 lon = None
197 if debug: print "DEBUG:","Cells-found:",have
198 if debug: print "DEBUG:","getpos:return:",lat,lon,have,len(cellpresent)
199 return lat,lon,have,len(cellpresent)
203 def calcdist(lon1,lat1,lon2,lat2):
204 """ Calculate (approximate) distance of two coordinates on Earth """
205 """
206 Returns distance, and North/South difference, Average East/West difference
207 --- if lat2 / lon2 are more North / East : positive, if more South / East : negative
209 # Earth mean radius (m)
210 r = 6372795
211 # From Wikipedia :)
212 # Distance on sphere
213 dist = r*acos( cos(lat1/180*pi)*cos(lat2/180*pi)*cos(lon1/180*pi - lon2/180*pi) + sin(lat1/180*pi)*sin(lat2/180*pi))
214 # North/South difference
215 ns = r*acos( cos(lat1/180*pi)*cos(lat2/180*pi) + sin(lat1/180*pi)*sin(lat2/180*pi))
216 if (lat1 > lat2):
217 ns = -1*ns
218 # Usually don't need to, only at big distances: East/West difference, at both lattitudes, take the average
219 ew1 = r*acos( cos(lat1/180*pi)*cos(lat1/180*pi)*cos(lon1/180*pi - lon2/180*pi) + sin(lat1/180*pi)*sin(lat1/180*pi))
220 ew2 = r*acos( cos(lat2/180*pi)*cos(lat2/180*pi)*cos(lon1/180*pi - lon2/180*pi) + sin(lat2/180*pi)*sin(lat2/180*pi))
221 avew = (ew1+ew2)/2.0
222 if (lon1 > lon2):
223 avew = -1*avew
224 return dist,ns,avew
227 class GSMpos():
228 """ Class to store GSM positioning information """
229 def __init__( self):
230 = None
231 self.lon = None
232 self.numtower = 0
233 self.tottower = 0
235 def getgsmpos(gsmpos,gsmterm,cells):
236 """ Positioning loop, based on """
237 neigh = gsmterm.get_neighbour_cell_info()
238 loc = gsmterm.get_location_and_paging_info()
239 cell = gsmterm.get_service_cell_info()
241 mcc = loc['mcc']
242 mnc = loc['mnc']
243 cellpresent = []
244 if cell['cell_id'] > 0:
245 d = {}
246 d['cell_id'] = cell['cell_id']
247 d['rxlev'] = cell['rxlev']
248 cellpresent.append(d)
250 for k in range(len(neigh)):
251 if neigh[k]['cell_id'] != 0:
252 d = {}
253 d['cell_id'] = neigh[k]['cell_id']
254 d['rxlev'] = neigh[k]['rxlev']
255 cellpresent.append(d)
256,gsmpos.lon,gsmpos.numtower,gsmpos.tottower = getpos(cells,cellpresent,mcc,mnc)
259 def looping(gsmterm,gsm,cells,gps=None):
260 """ Displaying results """
261 try:
262 getgsmpos(gsm,gsmterm,cells)
263 if ( != None) and (gsm.lon != None):
264 print "GSM: Pos:",round(,posdigits),",",round(gsm.lon,posdigits),"T:",gsm.numtower,"/",gsm.tottower
265 else: print "GSM: No fix"
266 if gps != None:
267 if ( != None) and (gps.lon != None):
268 print "GPS: Pos:",round(,posdigits),",",round(gps.lon,posdigits),"HDOP:",gps.hdop
269 else: print "GPS: No fix"
270 if ( != None) and (gps.lon != None) and ( != None) and (gsm.lon != None):
271 dist,ns,ew = calcdist(gps.lon,,gsm.lon,
272 print "GSM-GPS Diff: ",round(dist),"m"
273 print "N/S : ",round(ns),"m | E/W: ",round(ew),"m"
274 gps.clear()
275 print ''
276 sys.stdout.flush()
277 return True
278 except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
279 print "Keyboard Quit - please press Ctrl-C once more"
280 return False
281 except:
282 etype = sys.exc_info()[0]
283 evalue = sys.exc_info()[1]
284 etb = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])
285 print "Exception in main loop: ", str(etype), " : ", str(evalue) , ' : ', etb
286 print "Looping stopped - press Ctrl-c to quit"
287 self_exit = 1
288 return False
293 def loadcellinfo(celldatafile):
294 """ Load cell information """
295 cells = []
296 try:
297 f = open(celldatafile,'r')
298 for line in f:
299 params = ('mcc','mnc','cell_id','lat','lon')
300 data = line.split(',')
302 d = {}
303 d[params[0]] = int(data[0])
304 d[params[1]] = int(data[1])
305 d[params[2]] = int(data[2])
306 d[params[3]] = float(data[3])
307 d[params[4]] = float(data[4])
308 cells.append(d)
309 except:
310 etype = sys.exc_info()[0]
311 evalue = sys.exc_info()[1]
312 etb = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])
313 print "Error while loading GSM tower database: ", str(etype), " : ", str(evalue) , ' : ', str(etb)
314 finally:
315 return cells
318 if __name__ == "__main__":
320 cells = loadcellinfo('cellinfo.dat')
322 from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
323 DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True)
325 import gobject
326 loop = gobject.MainLoop()
327 context = loop.get_context()
329 # Start GPS
330 gps = GPS()
331 gps.init()
333 t = Terminal()
336 # Init GSM position storage
337 gsm = GSMpos()
339 # Do positioning ever 3s
340 self_exit = 0
341 gobject.timeout_add(3000, looping, t, gsm, cells, gps)
342 try:
344 except KeyboardInterrupt:
345 print "Keyboard Quit"
346 pass
347 except:
348 pass
350 # Closing down
351 print "Closing GSM"
352 t.close()
353 print "Closing GPS - wait for it!!"
354 gps.uninit()