Updated the README file.
[ClearClipboard.git] / z_mkdocs.cmd
1 @echo off
2 setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
4 if not exist "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe" (
5 echo Java could not be found, please make sure JAVA_HOME is set correctly!
6 pause && goto:eof
9 for %%i in ("%~dp0\*.md") do (
10 echo PANDOC: %%~nxi
11 "%~dp0\..\Prerequisites\Pandoc\pandoc.exe" --from markdown_github+pandoc_title_block+header_attributes+implicit_figures --to html5 --toc -N --standalone -H "%~dp0\..\Prerequisites\Pandoc\css\github-pandoc.inc" "%%~i" | "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe" -jar "%~dp0\..\Prerequisites\HTMLCompressor\bin\htmlcompressor-1.5.3.jar" --compress-css -o "%%~dpni.html"
12 if not "!ERRORLEVEL!"=="0" (
13 "%~dp0\..\Prerequisites\CEcho\cecho.exe" red "\nSomething went wrong^^!\n"
14 pause && exit
18 echo.
19 pause