2 "name": "TwilioSyncClient",
3 "cocoapods_version": ">= 1.10.0",
5 "summary": "Twilio Sync Client",
6 "description": "The Twilio Sync Client provides real-time state synchronization for your mobile and web applications.",
7 "homepage": "http://www.twilio.com/sync",
13 "text": "Copyright (c) Twilio, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this software is subject to the terms and conditions of the Twilio Terms of Service located at http://www.twilio.com/legal/tos"
16 "Twilio": "help@twilio.com"
19 "http": "https://media.twiliocdn.com/sdk/ios/sync/releases/1.2.0/twilio-sync-ios-1.2.0.zip"
22 "vendored_frameworks": "TwilioSyncClient.xcframework",
23 "documentation_url": "https://media.twiliocdn.com/sdk/ios/sync/releases/1.2.0/docs",