2 "name": "RxReactiveObjC",
4 "summary": "Bridge between RxSwift and ReactiveObjC",
5 "description": "This is a small library that I really had to make. It provides two-way bridging \nbetween RxSwift and ReactiveObjC. The reason it's in a separate repo is because\nI really wanted to run tests on it.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/igor-makarov/RxReactiveObjC",
9 "Igor Makarov": "igormaka@gmail.com"
12 "git": "https://github.com/igor-makarov/RxReactiveObjC.git",
41 "RxReactiveObjC/Core": [
45 "source_files": "Tests/**/*.swift"
51 "source_files": "Sources/Core/**/*.swift"
58 "source_files": "Sources/MapKit/**/*.swift",
60 "RxReactiveObjC/Core": [
73 "source_files": "Sources/DataSource/**/*.swift",
75 "RxReactiveObjC/Core": [
84 "swift_version": "5.1"