2 "name": "PhotoLibraryManager",
4 "summary": "A manager for asking permission and execute several actions in iOS Photo Library.",
5 "description": "With PhotoLibraryManager you can ask for user permission to access photo library. If you gain access you get some great features including checking if an album already exists, making a new album with your custom name, save a photo to your album, check if a photo exists, get a photo with specific identifier, delete a photo etc. If the user denied access, an alert window can lead him to app settings in order to change permission if he wants to.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/tdermaris/PhotoLibraryManager",
12 "tdermaris": "tdermaris@gmail.com"
15 "git": "https://github.com/tdermaris/PhotoLibraryManager.git",
18 "swift_version": "4.1",
22 "source_files": "PhotoLibraryManager/Classes/**/*",