2 "name": "IHParallaxNavigationController",
4 "summary": "IHParallaxNavigationController is a UINavigationController subclass that uses a parallax effect when pushing and popping view controllers",
5 "homepage": "https://github.com/IdleHandsApps/IHParallaxNavigationController/",
6 "description": " IHParallaxNavigationController is a drop in solution to give you a cool parallax effect when pushing and popping view controllers. Its compatible with Storyboards and requires very little code.\n\nIn your storyboard, just change the UINavigationController class to IHParallaxNavigationController and your UIViewControllers to IHParallaxViewController, then in code set the parallax background image and you are done\n\nAll animations, transitions and gestures automatically performed by UINavigationControllers are supported by IHParallaxNavigationController as its a subclass\n",
9 "Fraser Scott-Morrison": "fraserscottmorrison@me.com"
12 "git": "https://github.com/IdleHandsApps/IHParallaxNavigationController.git",
18 "source_files": "Classes/*.{h,m}",
19 "public_header_files": "Classes/*.h",