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[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 0 / a / c / MMSmartStreaming / 3.7.1 / MMSmartStreaming.podspec.json
2   "name": "MMSmartStreaming",
3   "version": "3.7.1",
4   "summary": "The MediaMelon Player SDK Provides SmartSight Analytics and QBR SmartStreaming.",
5   "description": "The MediaMelon Player SDK adds SmartSight Analytics and QBR SmartStreaming capability to any media player and is available for all ABR media players.",
6   "homepage": "https://bitbucket.org/mediameloninc/mmsmartstreaming-ios-cocoapods/",
7   "license": {
8     "type": "MIT",
9     "file": "LICENSE"
10   },
11   "authors": {
12     "vetri": "vetri@mediamelon.com"
13   },
14   "source": {
15     "git": "https://bitbucket.org/mediameloninc/mmsmartstreaming-ios-cocoapods",
16     "tag": "3.7.1"
17   },
18   "swift_versions": "4.0",
19   "platforms": {
20     "ios": "9.0",
21     "tvos": "9.0"
22   },
23   "default_subspecs": "AVPlayer",
24   "subspecs": [
25     {
26       "name": "AVPlayer",
27       "source_files": "MMSmartStreaming/Classes/Common/*.{h,swift}",
28       "ios": {
29         "source_files": "MMSmartStreaming/Classes/Wrapper/AVPlayer/iOS/*.swift",
30         "frameworks": "CoreTelephony",
31         "vendored_libraries": "MMSmartStreaming/Classes/StaticLibrary/iOS/libmmsmartstreamer.a"
32       },
33       "tvos": {
34         "source_files": "MMSmartStreaming/Classes/Wrapper/AVPlayer/tvOS/*.swift",
35         "vendored_libraries": "MMSmartStreaming/Classes/StaticLibrary/tvOS/libmmsmartstreaming-tvos.a"
36       },
37       "frameworks": [
38         "UIKit",
39         "AVFoundation"
40       ],
41       "libraries": "stdc++",
42       "public_header_files": "MMSmartStreaming/Classes/Common/*.h"
43     },
44     {
45       "name": "AVPlayerWithFreewheel",
46       "source_files": "MMSmartStreaming/Classes/Common/*.{h,swift}",
47       "ios": {
48         "source_files": "MMSmartStreaming/Classes/Wrapper/AVPlayerWithFreewheel/iOS/*.swift",
49         "frameworks": "CoreTelephony",
50         "vendored_libraries": "MMSmartStreaming/Classes/StaticLibrary/iOS/libmmsmartstreamer.a"
51       },
52       "tvos": {
53         "source_files": "MMSmartStreaming/Classes/Wrapper/AVPlayerWithFreewheel/tvOS/*.swift",
54         "vendored_libraries": "MMSmartStreaming/Classes/StaticLibrary/tvOS/libmmsmartstreaming-tvos.a"
55       },
56       "frameworks": [
57         "UIKit",
58         "AVFoundation",
59         "AdSupport",
60         "SystemConfiguration"
61       ],
62       "libraries": "stdc++",
63       "public_header_files": "MMSmartStreaming/Classes/Common/*.h",
64       "pod_target_xcconfig": {
65         "VALID_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]": "",
66         "VALID_ARCHS[sdk=appletvsimulator*]": ""
67       },
68       "vendored_frameworks": "MMSmartStreaming/Frameworks/AdManager.framework"
69     }
70   ],
71   "swift_version": "4.0"